My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2434 You really think of me

Chapter 2434 You really think of me
Dalong Academy of Sciences, the most confusing building complex in the capital.

For the people in the capital, they don't know what the Dalong Academy of Sciences is for. They only know that it was built by the Ministry of Industry specially by His Majesty the Emperor.

However, since the completion of the Academy of Sciences, it has been deserted, and few officials have entered or left it.

Over time, the initial curiosity of the people has gradually faded away, and they have become accustomed to the existence of this government office where only dozens of ordinary people come in and out every day.

As for the purpose of the existence of the Dalong Academy of Sciences, it is completely unimportant to the common people.

Where did the students of such a puzzling academy of sciences come from?Naturally, he was a son selected from some dignitaries in the capital.

However, these sons are all the second or third sons who could not inherit the family business, or failed the imperial examinations.

Although some old foxes with a keen sense of smell in the DPRK are not quite clear about the specific purpose of Liu Mingzhi in building the Dalong Academy of Sciences, since Liu Mingzhi can award Wanyan Feixiong, the third rank of the Academy of Sciences, and the official position of Minister of the Ministry of War, it shows that Liu Mingzhi It must attach great importance to this so-called Dalong Academy of Sciences.

Since His Majesty attaches so much importance to the Academy of Sciences, there must be a deep meaning.

So those old foxes with a keen sense of smell didn't know the specific role of the Dalong Academy of Sciences, but they just stuffed the second or third sons, or eldest grandsons, who had no other way out in the family, into the Dalong Academy of Sciences.

After all, apart from the eldest son being able to inherit the family business, the blood of the second son and below entering the Dalong Academy of Sciences, which is valued by His Majesty, may not be a way out.

For those old foxes, if the fame and wealth of their children and grandchildren can shine in the imperial examinations, they don't want to send them to this academy of sciences that they don't even know the reason for their existence to seek a way out.

Such a choice is also a last resort.Although the future is unknown for the time being, it is better than accepting fate and becoming a rich man in the future.

Liu Mingzhi and Wanyan Feixiong would never refuse those old foxes who sent people to the Academy of Sciences.

One reason is that young students don’t know the role of the Academy of Sciences at all, and they rarely come to the Academy of Sciences to study on their own initiative, and the other reason is that they sell a thin face to those officials to satisfy their vanity.

In addition, the fathers or grandfathers of the children of these aristocratic families are in the second class in the court, so they have fears in their hearts, which is also convenient for Wanyan Feixiong to manage.

There is no reason for Liu Mingzhi to refuse something that kills multiple birds with one stone.

The two brothers left the Liu Mansion, and rushed to the Dalong Academy of Sciences one by one.

After Liu Mingzhi got off his horse, before he had time to ask anything, Wanyan Feixiong couldn't wait to pull him into the Academy of Sciences.

"Brother, come with me quickly."

"We have seen Wanyan Yuanzheng."

"Excuse me, excuse me, this hospital is busy with business, you just do your work."

"Yes, I respectfully send you to the hospital."

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at those young students of the Academy of Sciences, smiled lightly and nodded, followed Wanyan Feixiong and walked towards a palace on the east side.

"Brother, hurry up."

"Let's go, no matter how anxious you are, don't rush this moment!"

"Gewudian! This name is too common..."

"Oh, big brother, don't worry about the name of this temple, let's talk about it first."

"Okay, okay, this young master really convinced you. If you put this effort into marrying a wife, your son will probably run around all over the place by now, and you won't be a big one by now."

"Hehe, women will only affect my Wanyan Feixiong's thirst for knowledge in science."

"Ah! You are hopeless, science is important to you, and carrying on the family line is equally important to continue the incense of your Wanyan family!"

"Let's talk! Let's talk! Brother, how about the equipment I asked the skilled craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry to make?"

Young Master Liu looked in the direction of Wanyan Feixiong's finger, and suddenly stopped shaking the folding fan. He stared dumbfounded at a complex machine on the ground and exclaimed, "Damn it, internal combustion engine?"

Wanyan Feixiong looked at the shocked Young Master Liu in astonishment: "What... what chicken?"

Young Master Liu snapped the folding fan together, pinned it on his waist gently, and walked towards the complex machine half a person tall in front of him.

"You ask me what you made? You don't even know, how could this young master know?"

Wanyan Feixiong scratched his head in bewilderment: "No, I haven't decided what name I want to give it yet! I heard what you said about the chicken, and I thought you were going to name it!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer Wanyan Feixiong's question, and turned around the machine in front of him.

Although Liu Mingzhi could not agree with the current appearance of this internal combustion engine, Liu Mingzhi is sure that this is probably the prototype of an internal combustion engine.

As for whether it has the same effect as the internal combustion engine he knows, Liu Mingzhi doesn't know, he is a complete layman in this regard.

After beating around the internal combustion engine for a while, First Young Master Liu turned his head to look at Wanyan Feixiong who was following behind him.

"Feixiong, how did you come up with the idea to make... this thing?"

"Of course you taught me, big brother!"

Young Master Liu's expression froze, and he rubbed his ears resentfully: "You really think highly of me, you can only make this stuff, brother, I don't know anything about it."

"Ah? I don't know anything. Didn't the contents of those books be written by you personally?"

"Yes, the books I gave you were indeed written by the eldest brother himself, but there are only ideas on them, how about... hey...forget it, I can't explain it clearly to you.

Why don't you tell me about the problem you encountered first. "

Wanyan Feixiong's expression immediately became serious, and he raised his hand to pat the machine beside him.

"Brother, I have tried many times, and the power generated by the refined black water cannot move the huge and long carriage of the dragon car at all.

It's not as powerful as the power generated by burning coal in the past.

Didn't you tell me that black water is more powerful than coal?Why can't I try many times? "


Liu Mingzhi looked at Wanyan Feixiong's eyes full of curiosity, and frowned for a moment.

"Fei Xiong, have you ever thought that since the power of Heishui can't move the fire dragon car, you can separate this mechanism, for example, it can only be used on the front of the fire dragon car.

In other words, you can make some carriages that are similar to the front of the dragon car, but not the front of the dragon car.

Let this compartment be individualized, such as reducing the number of wheels and reducing the weight, four wheels are enough. "

Wanyan Feixiong frowned and pondered for a long time, then slapped him hard.

"How about a carriage the size of a carriage?"

"Yes, yes, that's what it looks like."

"But what exactly should it be done?"

"Bring a pen, and I will draw for you a rough outline that I have thought about, and you can slowly try to make the most suitable carriage."

"Okay, brother, wait a minute."

After an incense stick of time, a car that seemed outlandish to Wanyan Feixiong was gently outlined by Young Master Liu on the rice paper.

"Fei Xiong, that's probably what it looks like. As for what you make in the end, it depends on your own craftsmanship and ideas."

"If I study this, what about improving the dragon car?"

"It's not easy to do one thing well. Where do you think you are more inspired now, start more in those areas first.

The eldest brother will not interfere with you, and will give you enough rights to do whatever you want, as long as you have new ideas, the skilled craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War will be at your disposal. "

Wanyan Feixiong picked up the rice paper and examined it: "Okay, I'll think about it and see which one is more suitable to start with."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Wanyan Feixiong who was quickly immersed in the rice paper, stared at Wanyan Feixiong's chin with a folding fan, and began to meditate.

Isn't it a pity that Fei Xiong is the only one with such a good gene?
How about confining him at home and letting him produce more genetically powerful and good breeds?At that time, it will also contribute to Dalong's future scientific career.

"Big brother?"



"Ah? What's wrong?"

"What are you stunned for? Why do you have a cheap smile on your face?"

" there? Did you read it wrong? Is there something?"

"You can go, I feel that I should have a new idea now."

"No... no, it's not as fast as you to kill a donkey?"

"Let's go, don't disturb my study of science."

"Ah! Well, come to me again if you have any confusion. After I return from Jinling, I will compile a new book and give it to you, and tell you all my thoughts."

"I know, I know, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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