My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2435 Jiangnan Smoke Cloud

Chapter 2435 Jiangnan Smoke Cloud
After Liu Mingzhi returned home from the Academy of Sciences, Qi Yun and the others had already set off on their way.

Changing into a light and loose robe casually at home, Liu Mingzhi rode out of the city gate and chased after many beauties on the official road leading to Jinling.

On August 28, the fourth year of Dalong Taiping, Liu Mingzhi and his party finally returned to their hometown, Jinling City.

Among the group of people who returned to their hometown, only Liu Mingzhi, Yinger, Xue Bizhu, Huang Lingyi, and Ling Weier were considered natives of Jinling.

Qi Yun and Qi Ya's sisters only settled in Jinling after their father Qi Run was transferred to Jinling as the governor, and they can barely be regarded as half Jinling people.

The general reason why the sisters miss Jinling all the time is that their father settled in Jinling after returning home, and they have the deepest impression of Jinling after they grow up.

Not to mention the rest.

Empress Wanyan said bluntly that the sisters Yun Qingshi and Yun Qingshi were from the former Jin Kingdom and now from the Beifu, while Huyan Yunyao was from the former Turkic Grassland and now from the Xinfu.

Gumo Rongrong is even further away. She used to be the king of the Gumo Kingdom in the Western Regions. She settled in Dalong Capital after marrying her sweetheart Liu Mingzhi. The number of times she has come to Jinling can be counted on her fingers. come over.

Wenren Yunshu came to Jiangnan Dangyang Academy with his grandfather Wen Renzheng after he was a teenager. He can also be regarded as half of Jinling.

Qinglian, Murongshan, Yun Xiaoxi, and the third princess Li Yan also have different household registrations.

The reason why I hurried back to Jinling with great interest was mainly because I wanted to be with my husband for a long time, and secondly because I had been bored in the capital for these years, and I wanted to change to a place to relax.

And the world-famous Yanyu Jiangnan is naturally one of the best places to relax.

It is the best thing for all beauties to be able to accompany her husband day and night, and to relax and play to relieve boredom.

At the north gate of Jinling City, Liu Mingzhi and others looked up at the tall city wall with mixed emotions.

Gently closing the folding fan and slapping the palm of his hand, Liu Mingzhi let out a long sigh.

At that time, I thought that I would live a life of drunkenness and dreams in Jinling until the end of my life. I never thought that since the 26th year of Xuande, I have left my hometown, and the number of times I have come back for more than ten years can be said to be very few.

The capital is the capital where the envoy returned to the Kingdom of Jin, the capital that returned to Qingzhou for disaster relief, the capital that returned from the Jiangnan suppression of bandits, the capital that returned from the Western Expedition, and the capital that returned to the North.

The capital seems to have become his second hometown.

At the beginning, I didn't want to set foot in the court, but just wanted to spend my life in Jiangnan with peace of mind. However, due to the impermanence of nature and God's will, I didn't want to set foot in the temple, but now I became the current emperor of the new dynasty of Dalong.

I have to say that God made a big joke on himself, and also made a big joke on everyone
After being away for so long, I finally returned to my hometown again.

Looking at the world, if you say that you are returning to your hometown, no one can compare to yourself!

After recovering, Liu Mingzhi controlled his melancholy mood and pointed to the city gate: "Go, let's enter the city."

"Husband first please."

Liu Yiyi, Liu Yaoyao, Liu Feifei, Liu Chengzhi and the others heard their father's words, and they took Xiao Keai, Liu Lianiang and others to trot towards the city gate, and their excited voices echoed in the city gate.

"Daddy, we remember where Grandpa's house is. Let's go around the street first, and we'll meet you at Grandpa's house after we buy the presents."

Looking at the happy backs of a group of children, Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, and followed the group of beauties towards the Qi Mansion following his indelible memory.

The son-in-law suddenly took his daughter and grandchildren back to the hometown to visit relatives without saying a word. For Mrs. Qi Runqi and the old couple, it was tantamount to joy from heaven.

With a happy face, Liu Mingzhi and a group of beauties who greeted his elders were welcomed into the mansion, and the old couple excitedly arranged for the servants to clean up the group.

As for the grandson and granddaughter, they did not go to the house in time for the reunion, but went to wander around the city. Although the old couple was a little disappointed, they still waited eagerly for a group of children to rush back home after playing.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Mrs. Qi Runqi and Mrs. Qi running in and out of the hall, put down his teacup and greeted them with a wry smile.

"My lord father-in-law, my lord mother-in-law, you two elders, don't be so busy, just tell your servants to prepare some home-cooked meals, there is no need to be so grand.

When we come back, you are so busy, how embarrassing is it for my son-in-law!

Yun'er, Sister Ya, you two don't sit still, hurry up and help your father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law, if you have anything else to prepare, just tell Yun'er, Sister Ya and the others can do it for you, just sit down and rest for a while. "

Mrs. Qi saw that the Qi Ya sisters were about to get up to help, and hurriedly waved her hands to stop them.

"Eldest girl, second girl, please sit down quickly, it's fine for you to sit down, mother can take care of you."

Qi Run also nodded in agreement: "That's right, you all came back after a long time, how could you deal with it hastily?
You just sit and chat. If you are hungry, eat some pastries to fill your stomach. The old man must prepare a few tables for you to welcome the wind and wash away the dust. "

Liu Mingzhi looked up at the sky, then leaned into Qi Ya's ear and whispered.

Around the time of cupping tea, while the old couple was busy greeting the group, Liu Mingzhi apologized, and first took three beauties, Qi Yun, Wenren Yunshu, and Huyan Yunyao, to the street to buy ingot candles and some The sacrifices were rushed outside the city.

Qi Run's old couple heard their daughter mention the regretful things that happened between Liu Mingzhi and Ruyi more than once, so naturally they would not feel dissatisfied. Instead, they spoke a few words of comfort before Liu Mingzhi and the others went out.

After the couple left Jinling City, they went straight to Ruyi's grave in the suburbs.

Liu Mingzhi paid homage to the wishful spirit in heaven in a soft voice, and after leaving a lot of paper money and sacrifices, he rushed to Dangyang Academy with the three Wenren Yunshu sisters full of melancholy.

The reason why Liu Mingzhi brought Qi Yun, Wenren Yunshu, and Huyan Yunyao out to pay homage to Ruyi was to make a detour on the way to Dangyang Academy to meet the old man Wen Renzheng.

After all, my husband and wife were all students who came out of Dangyang Academy back then, and it is not suitable for anyone without the mountain climbing gate this time.

The four of Liu Mingzhi and his wife had already prepared for the worst before climbing the mountain, that is, the old man Wen Renzheng might not be in the academy now and live in seclusion among the mountains and rivers as before.

But when the four of them climbed up to the mountain gate and saw the empty Wen Renshe, they couldn't help but feel a deep sense of disappointment in their hearts. Wen Renzheng was indeed not in Dangyang Academy.

The most disappointed one was Wenren Yunshu, his granddaughter.

She was disappointed not to see her grandpa, but also worried about his health.

Ever since the old man left the capital, he has heard nothing but where he went.

Wenren Yunshu is always worried about whether his grandfather is still alive.

After the four paid a visit to Master Liu, they chatted for less than half an hour before leaving Dangyang Academy under Master Liu's regretful gaze.

On the banks of the Qinhuai River in August and September, countless boats were still floating on the Jinling River, and scholars in the south of the Yangtze River were still living a sluggish life of luxury and luxury.

"Husband...husband, you look over there?"

Young Master Liu looked in the direction of Huyan Yunyao's finger with a puzzled expression, and his originally gloomy face suddenly turned crimson.

Young Master Liu lowered his head and glanced around the riverside with disordered breathing, bent down to pick up a soft willow branch on the ground, Young Master Liu lifted up his clothes and howled towards a painting boat on the river full of beautiful women. The direction flew away.

"Liu Luoyue, you bastards, I have to break your legs today."

(End of this chapter)

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