My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2436 Phoenix Phoenix

Chapter 2436 Phoenix Phoenix

On the painting boat, a cutie dressed in a man's attire is hugging left and right, pouring wine for the young lady in her arms.From time to time, he lifted the chin of the [-]th beauty with his fingers and raised a wicked smile, with a chic posture of a wealthy and romantic son playing in the world.

This little cutie's behavior of teasing a beauty's heart even more than a man's, made the [-]th beauty stare at the handsome 'brother son' in front of her with dazed almond eyes, and her eyes are rippling, wishing to marry her immediately.

And Liu Lianniang, who was dressed as a book boy, was holding the jug and pouring wine for Sister Yue'er with a smile, without feeling any grievance in her role as a servant.

This time, the brothers and sisters returned to Jinling with their father. For the convenience of travel, they were all dressed up as men in scholarly robes, which also provided the most favorable status for the little cutie to hang out in brothels.

The little cutie is sitting in a group of beautiful and uncomfortable people. On the other hand, Liu Yiyi, Liu Feifei, Liu Chengzhi, Liu Yaoyao... the brothers and sisters sat helplessly on the other side of the boat, drinking their drinks absently, and glanced around inside and outside the boat from time to time. He stared, as if he had done something wrong.

Brothers Liu Chengzhi and Liu Chengqian went to the brothel quite a few times, and they were considered half-experienced in love. The only reason why they felt uncomfortable was because their sisters and sisters were sitting next to them.

If the elder sister, the second elder sister, and the younger sisters below see how they can handle with ease among the beauties, wouldn't the glorious image of the two of them be wiped out?

Although they have heard of the glorious deeds of their frequent visits to Tianxiang Tower, they may be able to justify themselves if they haven't seen it.

If you have witnessed your own romantic path with your own eyes, then you really can't argue with it.

Therefore, the two brothers could only accompany their sisters and sisters as Xiaomengxin in the land of fireworks, scanning the surrounding environment nervously.

Life is like this, the more you are afraid of something, the more it will happen.

Everyone is afraid of being embarrassed after meeting an acquaintance, so they meet the most familiar acquaintance.

The thunderous and familiar curse made the brothers and sisters shudder uncontrollably, and subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound by the river.

The little cutie also trembled, tilted the wine glass in her hand, and the wine splashed directly on the neck of the twenty-eight beauty in the little cutie's arms, and then the wine gradually slid down the beauty's creamy skin.

Erba Jiaren let out a soft cry, and stared at the little cutie with a coy look.

"Young master, you are good or bad, but I like it very much."

The little cutie ignored the shy look of the beauty in her arms, turned around and looked towards the river.

Seeing the figure of the father sprinting towards the boat waving the soft willow branches, the little cutie stared blankly. Didn't the father visit Aunt Yun and Aunt Ya's grandpa's house?How could it appear here by the Qinhuai River?
The little cutie came back to her senses, and bounced off the chair with a howl.

"Boater, where's the boatman? Hurry up, row the boat!"

Among the brothers, sisters and others present, the only one who didn't know the situation she and others were in now was Liu Lianiang. She only knew that it was fun to follow her brothers and sisters on this boat, but she didn't know what it meant.

Like her brothers and sisters, Liu Lianiang heard her father's howling, put down the flagon in her hand, raised her little hands excitedly and waved them towards the Qinhuai River.

"Daddy, are you here to play too? This place is really interesting, come up quickly! Pity... um..."

Xiaocuti covered Liu Lianiang's small cherry mouth with one hand, and kept waving to the boatmen on both sides of the painting boat with the other hand.

"Row the boat, row the boat quickly, I will reward you with five taels of silver alone."

The eyes of the four boatmen on both sides of the boat lit up when they heard the words, and they immediately moved the oars with all their strength.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

When Young Master Liu ran to the edge of the river, the boat was already speeding towards the center of the Qinhuai River.

Young Master Liu stared helplessly as the boat sailed into the distance, subconsciously used the wind and snow to catch up, and immediately gave up the idea.

If this fucking thing becomes a big deal and spreads out, this old face of myself will be completely unnecessary.

Young Master Liu gritted his teeth, carried the wicker and chased the boat along the river in the direction of the boat.

The three beauties of Qi Yun looked at each other in dismay, they didn't expect things to turn out to be so ridiculous.

"Sister Yao'er, go back to the city and tell your sisters about the matter. My sister and sister Yun Shu will go after your husband first, and we will try to suppress your husband's anger first, so as to save this matter from causing a lot of trouble."

"Okay, you must persuade your husband, don't make things big."

"I know, I know."

Seeing Huyan Yunyao's worried expression, the two women waved their hands and chased after Young Master Liu.

At the ferry that was dozens of steps away from the Yanyu Pavilion, the painting boat stopped steadily, and the brothers and sisters couldn't wait to pull up the ignorant and fearless Liu Lianniang, jumped off the painting boat and ran towards the city gate.

The little cutie looked back at the approaching figure of her father, took out a stack of 50 taels of silver bills from her purse, waved it at a group of Yingying Yanyan who had bright eyes after seeing the silver bills, and directly Stuffing it into the hands of Erba Jiaren who was tired of being in her arms before, she stretched out her hand and pointed at Young Master Liu.

"My dear sisters, as long as you help my young master stop that person, you can share the banknotes equally."

A group of beauties were stunned for a moment, and they couldn't wait to rush towards Young Master Liu who was chasing him.

The [-]th beauty holding the bank note stared reluctantly at the back of the little cutie who had run away and whispered softly: "My lord, will you come back?

He'er is waiting for your return anytime. "

The little cutie staggered and almost fell to the ground. She turned her head and glanced at the beauties who were watching her off. She scratched her head in embarrassment. She didn't dare to answer anything and just buried her head towards Liu Chengzhi and the others to chase after them.

Beside He'er, a slightly older and charming woman looked at He'er's dejected and delicate face that had not received a reply, raised her hand to cover her red lips and let out a chuckle.

"Sister He'er, my sister's silly sister, you are so stupid!
The master who spent a lot of money just now, how can he be a young master who is worthy of your sister's entrustment for life?Obviously, like our sisters, they are daughters with white and tender breasts! "

He'er's delicate face looked at the good sister beside her in astonishment: "Huh? Daughter... daughter's house?"

"Of course it's my daughter's house. It's your first time receiving guests and you have no experience. The first time you see the handsome appearance of 'Brother Young Master', you're heartbroken. You can't wait to make love right away. How can you carefully distinguish between men and women.

You were only staring at the appearance of the 'Brother Young Master' just now, how could you have the time to observe other things!
But my sister can be observed, the clear pierced ears, the jasper bracelet, and the chest of Cardamom Nianhua all indicate that the one who almost snatched your good sister away is a daughter. "

"My... her... daughter's house?"

"That's right, although people in our line of work have a low status, they also have to keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions, otherwise if one day they offend a big shot traveling in micro-service, they won't even know what happened to them.

If we offend some important figures of no small status, even Xu's mother can't keep us.

It's like the young masters and ladies sitting next to that 'Brother Young Master' just now and drinking too much wine.

Among them, the two real princes are the big shots, but since these ladies can be with them, their identities are either rich or noble. "

He'er looked at her good sister in surprise: "Ah? did you see it?"

(End of this chapter)

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