Chapter 2437
The older beauty, Shui Mo, knew that her good sister had never been exposed to the intrigues of the world, her heart was still pure, and she didn't know how to read words and expressions, so naturally she couldn't see through the identities of those young masters and young ladies.

Seeing the curiosity in He'er's eyes, the older beauty looked around, leaned into He'er's ear and whispered: "Just now when my sister was pouring wine for them, she accidentally saw their badges, that's from the palace. A badge of honor for talented people.

They can wear the waist cards of the palace, do you think their identities will be simple people? "

He'er subconsciously glanced at the backs of the little cuties and their brothers and sisters who hadn't disappeared, and exclaimed involuntarily: "What? The badge from the palace?"

"That's right! A badge from the palace."

"But Sister Mo, you have been staying in the Yanyu Tower like my younger sister and have never traveled far. How could you know the waist badge in the palace? Did you read it wrong? Or did you just guess it yourself?"

"It's impossible for my sister to read it wrong, and it's not a random guess. My good sister, have you forgotten the relationship between our mother Xu and that master Qi in Jinling City?"

"Who doesn't know this in our Misty Rain Tower, of course the two of them are good friends... huh... are mutual confidants, mutual confidants."

"You just need to know that Mrs. Qi had her birthday last year, and now the empress... the nobleman in the capital sent someone to celebrate the birthday of my mother, Mrs. Qi. A palace official celebrating Mrs. Qi's birthday.

At that time, you were still learning piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and you didn't have the opportunity to pick up guests for the time being. Naturally, you didn't know about it, but my sister was fortunate to accompany those noble people.

When my sister was sitting next to them drinking, she had seen the badges on them before, and they were exactly the same as those of the two real sons, so my sister would never be wrong.

After all, when meeting real big shots, my sister must keep them in mind with the items that represent their status, so as to prevent them from encountering big shots of the same status in the future, and bumping into the nobles without knowing Taishan.

After you receive more guests, you will gradually understand this point, so it is absolutely impossible for me to admit their wrong sister.

As for their identities, my sister doesn't know, I only know that they must have a great relationship with the palace.

However, my sister thinks that in all likelihood, it is the son of some high-ranking official, who is in the palace to lead the position of the imperial guard or the general of the imperial army, and he is gilding it!

After all, at their age, they can wear the badges in the palace, and their identities must be extraordinary. "

He'er looked at Sister Mo's sighing expression and asked curiously, "Why...why can't I be a prince?"

Sister Mo looked at He'er's cute questioning expression, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Silly sister, what is the identity of the prince, how could he come to a place like ours?"

"How is it impossible? Who in the south of the Yangtze River does not know that Master Qi Runqi in Jinling City is the father of the empress of the current dynasty, and the father-in-law of His Majesty the Emperor.

That's the head of the country, the prince is going back to Jinling Province to relative his grandparents, so why not come to our Yanyu Building to appreciate the charm of the beauties in the south of the Yangtze River?
And my sister also heard that when our emperor was in his prime, he often lingered around when we were in Jinling... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…"

Sister Mo's delicate face stared anxiously at He'er who was humming: "Don't talk nonsense, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth.

If your words get out, even if our mother Xu is Master Qi's concubine...confidant in private, it won't be able to save your and my sister's lives.

Do you understand? "

He'er looked at her good sister's warning eyes, and nodded in panic.

"No no no!"

Sister Mo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and raised her hand to pat her trembling, towering mountain.

"Silly sister, you can just understand some things in your heart, and don't talk nonsense if you can."

"Yeah, He'er got it, thank you Sister Mo."

Sister Mo flicked He'er's forehead with her fingers: "It's fine if you understand, you, don't keep thinking about that 'brother son' who is like us.

With your identities, you two can't grind tofu together in the future, right? "

He Er, who was born in a brothel, naturally understood the deep meaning of the good sister's words, and cast a coquettish glance at Sister Mo: "You know how to bully..."

"Get out of the way, everyone out of the way, if you little goblins stop me again, this young master will turn his back on you."

"Sir, I'm so afraid of you getting angry, but I like men getting angry.

You go to the Misty Rain Building with the Nu family to sit and sit, how you want to vent your anger on the Nu family, the Nu family is up to you. "

"The slave family is also afraid, but the slave family likes the masculine appearance of the husband."

"Sir, why don't you go to Yanyu Building with your sisters? The slave sisters will definitely serve you well."

"Yes, yes, the sisters will have a lot of moves, as long as the husband can think of it, the sisters can do it.

Sir, you will give the slave sisters a chance to show off their strengths, okay?The sisters of the slave family will definitely give you an unforgettable spring night, sir. "

Young Master Liu was among a group of beauties in their eighteenth and nineteenth years, feeling the warm and fragrant jade body all over her body, with an expression of enjoyment and helplessness.

This is not an enemy, he beat him hard enough to fight his way out and he couldn't do anything, so let's not fight, and being surrounded by this group of foxes and unable to get away, for him it can be said to be a world of ice and fire, and it's a shame.

"Girls, sir, I'm a decent person, so please forgive me and get out of the way, okay? I beg you, sir, if you keep messing around like this, sir, I will lose my face."

First Young Master Liu looked at a group of beautiful women smiling and charming, and they squeezed out with black hair. What the hell are these tiger and wolf words?

It's not that this young master doesn't understand that the world is changing so fast. I remember that the girls on the banks of the Qinhuai River were not so open-minded more than ten years ago!
"A group of foxes, let go of my husband now."

"Bengong... Madam Ben told you to disperse, if you dare to pester you any longer, Madam Ben will not spare you."

A group of charming beauties heard the two scolding voices around them, stopped pulling Young Master Liu and looked over subconsciously, only to see the elegant Qi Yun and Wenren Yun Shu staring at their sisters and others with a smile on their pretty faces.

"Why are you stunned? Let go of my husband!"

"Lady, please save your husband."

A group of beauties were stunned for a moment when they heard Qi Yun's coquettish reprimand, and then heard Young Master Liu's shout, and immediately understood that the relationship between the three was a real husband and wife.

All the beauties glanced at each other, then glanced towards the city gate, and found that the little cute brothers and sisters were no longer in sight, and immediately scattered away with a coquettish cry, and gathered towards Heer's position.

"Husband, are you okay? Where are Chengzhi and the others?"

First Young Master Liu looked down at his messy clothes, pointed at the group of pretty ladies standing beside the painting boat, and shook his head wanting to cry.

"This group of goblins blocked Wei Fu's way for no reason, and Wei Fu could only watch helplessly as they ran back to the city.

Needless to say, Yue'er, a rebellious woman, must have done the trick, otherwise, these young girls who have never met Wei Fu, how could they swarm over and pester Wei Fu. "

Qi Yun and the two girls looked at each other, seeing her husband being tortured at the hands of a group of foxes, they were both jealous and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Looking at the past and present, there is no such thing as the majestic king of a country being tossed into such a state by his sons and daughters.

"Husband, what should we do next?"

"Huh! Go back to the Qi Mansion, the monks can't run away from the temple, these little bastards really need to clean up."

(End of this chapter)

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