Chapter 2438

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the side of the painting boat, peeked at him and his wife with great interest, and whispered about a group of beauties, flung his sleeves and groaned, and walked quickly towards the city gate.

Fortunately, Yue'er and the other stinky girls wore men's clothes of scholars and Confucianism robes for the convenience of traveling, otherwise, once today's incident was spread, I would lose my old face.

Young Master Liu racked his brains and couldn't figure it out, why are you, a daughter of Liu Luoyue, so keen on visiting brothels?
Your elder brother Liu Chengzhi and his brothers have grown into young men in their prime. It is understandable for them to want to go to the brothel to learn more, and I can understand it.

After all, I also came from that age, so I know what the young man is thinking.

But what can you do with a girl's house?You have some brothel girls, and you also have them. Is there any difference if they are all girls?

Why do you insist on dressing up as a man to tease a daughter of the same gender as you?Is there any special sense of accomplishment?

Qi Yun and Wenren Yunshu naturally didn't know about her husband's complicated and incomprehensible mood. Looking at his back, who was somewhat dispirited, they looked at each other, laughed twice, and followed them lightly with lotus steps.

They finally understood that as long as the girl Shang Yue'er was involved in everything, the husband's mood would definitely not get better.

This girl seemed to be a troublemaker by nature, and she came here to torture her husband.

Maybe my husband did something to offend Yue'er in his previous life, and she waited until this life to be reincarnated as his little padded jacket to collect debts from him.

Headed by He Er, a group of beautiful women from Yanyulou watched the couple's backs gradually disappear, and immediately gathered beside He Er with excited expressions, staring at the stack of bank notes in He Er's hand.

"Sister He'er, it must be 500 taels, right? That young lady who is disguised as a man is really generous."

"Sister Qin, you have a good eye. You definitely won't lose 500 taels. I don't know what that young lady thinks? As the daughter of a family, she pretends to be a man and learns from a man to visit the brothel.

She also has what we have. If you want to see what a woman's body looks like, you can just look down when you take a bath. Why spend so much money to find our sisters to accompany you? "

"Okay, fine, don't care what she thinks! The banknotes are ours, sister He'er, quickly count how many banknotes you have, and we can exchange them for silver ingots when we go back so we can share them equally."


He'er looked at the sisters who talked to you and me, and lowered her head with a pretty face and counted the bank notes in her hand. It turned out that she was the only one who didn't realize that the "brother son" who made her feel so happy turned out to be a girl. daughter's home.

I thought that I had met a wishful man who could be entrusted to me for life, and I would be willing to be a concubine even after entering the door, but I never thought that my favorite 'brother son' would be a female rabbit like myself, how stupid I was.

Young Master Liu, Xiao Kei and the others naturally don't know anything about what happened on He'er's side. At this moment, they are playing a game of competition.

After Liu Mingzhi and his wife returned to the Qi Mansion, the main hall of the Qi Mansion was already filled with two tables, and the little cute brothers and sisters were among them.

Hearing the footsteps outside the hall, Qi Qi looked out of the hall, and Qi Run stood up silently.

"Zhi'er, girl, Yunshu girl, you are back."

"I'm back, my father-in-law, please sit down."

"Okay, okay, sit down too, let's have a few drinks today."

The little cutie stood up with a smile, her exquisite eyes turned into crescent moons, stood up and greeted her father, with a nonchalant look on her face, as if the incident of the Yanyulou painting boat outside the city had never happened.

"Daddy, you sit here on Yue'er, it's a good place to have a drink with grandpa."

First Young Master Liu glared at the smiling cutie, and quietly scanned the surrounding children.

The brothers and sisters met the terrifying gaze of the old man, except for Xiao Kei and Liu Lianiang, all the brothers and sisters swallowed their saliva in unison, and lowered their heads erratically.

The little cutie looked at her father's 'angry eyes wide', stood on tiptoe and leaned towards his ear with a smile, and whispered softly like a mosquito.

"Daddy, don't be angry! When you go back to your hometown to visit relatives, you get angry and beat your children at their grandparents' house. Grandparents don't look good, don't they?

and also--"

Young Master Liu frowned, and looked at the cute little girl with cunning in her beautiful eyes: "Huh?"

"Dad, have you forgotten what you told Yue'er when you were in the capital? That time you said that it was not Yue'er's fault that Yue'er went to brothels, but our family's roots were broken.

Grandpa goes, you go too, Daddy, elder brother, second brother, and third son, they also go, Yue'er has the same blood as you, there is no reason not to go?
If you want to blame you, you can only blame grandpa. It is because his upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, it has nothing to do with Yue'er.

This is what you said yourself that the roots of our family are broken, so don't blame Yue'er.

The emperor of the Ninety-Five Years of the One Country is no joke, you can't take your word for it! "

Young Master Liu's face froze, looking at the smiling cutie with trembling lips, he didn't know how to refute.

Back then, when I ran into the old man and the others in Tianxiang Tower with my cutie, I did say such a thing after going out.

"Daddy, don't be angry! Yue'er went to the place of fireworks to drink and listen to music, and she didn't do any other bad things.

Yue'er and those girls are daughters, so they can't lose anything by being close, right?

Even if you want to do bad things, you can't do it either!

You don't have to worry about the issue of reputation, who would leave his real name like a fool when he goes to a place like a brothel?

Daddy, your lord has a lot, don't worry about it like a little girl like Yue'er, okay? "

Young Master Liu looked at the little cutie's pitiful appearance, and heaved a sigh of relief. For a moment, he actually felt that what this stinky girl said was so reasonable.

It makes sense, it makes sense, the key is that you, a little girl, go to the brothel every family, isn't that a waste of money?

The little cutie watched her father's tense face relax, and quietly patted her small hill that had just taken shape, exhaled and said loudly.

"Daddy, let's come back after a long time. Grandpa has been waiting for you to drink for a long time. Eat first, eat first. Daddy, sit down."

Young Master Liu was sitting on the chair she was sitting on before, being pushed by the cutie.

"Grandpa, Dad, Yue'er will pour wine for you. We will meet again after a long time. You two must drink to your heart's content and get drunk before resting."

Liu Mingzhi came to his senses, looked at the wine glass that had already been filled, smiled helplessly, picked it up and stretched it towards Qi Run.

"Father-in-law, my son-in-law would like to offer you a toast."

"Hey! Drink together, drink together."

Weng and his son-in-law drank the wine in their glasses, motioned to each other and began to pour the wine by themselves. Liu Mingzhi was about to toast and drink two more glasses with Qi Run, when the housekeeper of Qi Mansion rushed in.

"Master, master, there is a son outside who claims to be my uncle's friend, begging to see him outside the gate of the mansion."

Qi Run was stunned, and looked at Liu Mingzhi: "Zhier, do you have any other friends who didn't come back with you?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head in bewilderment, and looked at the butler of the Qi Mansion: "Uncle Qi, are you sure he said he is my friend?"

"Go back to my aunt, I'm sure, the son said straight away that you are back to visit your relatives, and you should be in the Qi mansion now."


Liu Mingzhi took a breath of cool air, and turned his head to look at all the beauties in Qi Yun.

"Yun'er, do you know what's going on?"

All the beauties also shook their heads blankly.

"I don't know about concubines and sisters."

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment: "Uncle Seven, please invite him in. Since you know my identity and whereabouts, maybe it's really some old friend of my young master."

"Yes, uncle, wait a moment."

After the housekeeper of the Qi Mansion left, Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and shook his head.

"It's weird!"

Qi Run raised his glass as a signal: "Maybe it's really someone you haven't seen for a long time, don't think too much about it, you'll know who it is when we meet later.

Come and drink. "

"That's right, my son-in-law toasts his father-in-law."

Weng and son-in-law drank five or six cups, and the butler of Qi Mansion led a thin but handsome young man into the main hall.

"Master, Uncle, this young master is asking to see you outside the mansion."

Liu Mingzhi put down his wine glass, and looked behind him curiously. Everyone in the hall also stopped eating, and looked at the timid young man standing in the hall door.

"why you?"

"Sister Ren?"

"Aunt Qingrui?"

Different words of surprise sounded one after another in the hall, and the reason was Ren Qingrui who suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Qi Run and Mrs. Qi looked at each other in surprise, and the surprised reaction of Liu Mingzhi's family showed that the girl in front of them was really their good friend.

As for what kind of friend it is, it's hard to say.

Ren Qingrui felt the weird gazes from everyone, glanced at Liu Mingzhi and hurriedly lowered his head.

"I have no relatives in the capital, and I feel a little bored staying at home alone, so I came to see you... No, no, no... I came to see you."

Seeing Ren Qingrui's shy appearance, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but sighed silently.

"Since you're here, find a place to sit."

When Qi Yun heard her husband's words, a trace of resentment flashed in her beautiful eyes, she stood up with a smile and walked towards Ren Qingrui.

"Sister Qingrui, come and sit by my sister's side."

"Thank you...thank you, sister Yun."

"Why are you polite, come and sit here."


Ren Qingrui secretly glanced at Liu Mingzhi, hummed softly, followed Qi Yun and walked towards the table case.

Qi Yun glanced at Ren Qingrui's eyes secretly looking at her husband, and sighed silently.As a woman, she naturally knew what Ren Qingrui's eyes meant when she looked at her husband.

You can really see it in your eyes when you love someone.

Liu Mingzhi pretended not to notice Ren Qingrui's gaze, and raised his wine glass with a faint smile.

The breeze blows on me mercilessly, and the bright moon deliberately does not shine on me!

"Father-in-law, let's continue drinking."


(End of this chapter)

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