Chapter 2439 Redemption
Ren Qingrui's uninvited visit caused some insignificant disturbances in the Qi Mansion, but it was not a big deal.

Although Qi Run and Mrs. Qi's old couple vaguely guessed something, they didn't say much.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and the affairs of the younger generations should be handled by the younger generations.

Qi Yun and her sisters continued to entertain Ren Qingrui as warmly as they did in the Liu Mansion in the capital, and they did not feel any dissatisfaction because of Ren Qingrui's sudden arrival.

Since the husband let this girl stay in his home for a long time, the sisters and others have already prepared the worst plan in their hearts.

The worst result would be one more younger good sister. Anyway, there are so many sisters nowadays, there is no more than one Ren Qingrui, and there is no less than one less Ren Qingrui. The left and right are just a small matter of adding a pair of chopsticks.

Compared with Qi Yun and the others, Liu Mingzhi was neither indifferent nor overly enthusiastic about Ren Qingrui's arrival, just like when he was in the capital, he regarded him as the little book boy who accompanied him to fool people around his divination booth.

For Ren Qingrui, a young lady who was a round younger than him, Liu Mingzhi really didn't want to harm the rest of the girl's life.

It is inevitable for men to be lustful, but there must be a bottom line!

Liu Mingzhi mentioned more than once to let this girl go back to her hometown to accompany her parents to find a good family to spend the rest of her life, but this girl always insisted on not leaving, and as time went by, Liu Mingzhi was too lazy to waste her tongue again and again.

The fifth day of September in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

Liu Mingzhi, who lived in Qi Mansion for a few days, took a group of beauties and children back to Liu Mansion in the city to visit the elderly who stayed at Jiangnan's home, and then bid farewell to Qi Run and his wife and embarked on a trip back to Beijing.

When he came, he was understated, and when he went back, he was calm and calm.

The only difference is that Ren Qingrui, a beautiful woman, is accompanying her on the way back to Beijing.

Watching the chariots and horses of Young Master Liu and his party gradually go away, Qi Run raised his hand and patted Mrs. Qi who was crying secretly.

"Ma'am, go back, life is all about getting together and parting, so why bother in vain."

Mrs. Qi gave Qi Run a dissatisfied look: "You old man, daughter, son-in-law, grandson, granddaughter, can't I feel bad when my granddaughter is gone?
I don't know when we will meet again after this walk, so why can't my old lady be uncomfortable? "

"Okay, okay, the old man is wrong, can't the old man be wrong?

Don't feel bad, it will be New Years in a few months, if they don't come back this year, let's go to the capital head office, shall we? "


"Hey, my good lady, when will this old man dare to lie to you?"

Mrs. Qi rolled her eyes at Qi Run tenderly: "Really? How dare you say that you didn't lie to me about the matter between you and that foxy girl surnamed Xu in Yanyulou? You really think that my mother doesn't know anything because she doesn't go out often. ?”

"Old man...Old man..."

Madam Qi snorted, turned and walked towards the city gate.

"I don't care about you fooling around with my mother outside, but if you dare to bring that vicious boy home and ruin the reputation of your son-in-law and daughter, my mother will never end with you."

Qi Run chased after him and nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, madam, don't worry, the old man promises that the reputation of the son-in-law and daughter will not be ruined. I heard that some new jewelry has arrived in the Emerald Pavilion. The old man will accompany the madam to have a look! "

"You have a conscience."

Yanyu Building outside Jinling City.

Chu Le, the current governor of Jinling, dressed in ordinary clothes, glanced around the young and beautiful Yingying Yanyan in the Yanyu Building with a light smile, and walked towards a charming and charming middle-aged lady who came out from the stairs.

"Master Chu, which gust of wind brought you here, no wonder I heard magpies chirping on the branches all morning!"

Chu Le smiled lightly and gave a hug: "Mother Xu, the old man is being polite."

"Don't dare, Master Chu, you are going to destroy Sha Nu's house, please go upstairs to the private room."

"Then Mommy Xu will lead the way."

"This is the honor of my family, Master Chu, please."

Mother Xu welcomed Chu Le in respectfully in the private room on the third floor of Yanyu Building, and was about to pour tea for him with a pot, but was stopped by Chu Le.

"Mother Xu doesn't need to work too hard. The old man is here because he has something to do. I need to ask Madam Xu for help."

Mama Xu's seductive eyes flashed a trace of uneasiness, she silently put down the teapot in her hand and sat opposite Chu Le.

"Master Chu, don't you want to increase miscellaneous taxes? If miscellaneous taxes are added, our girls in Yanyu Building will drink the northwest wind in the future."

Chu Le looked at Mama Xu's pretendingly pitiful gesture, and couldn't help laughing.

"No, no, mother Xu doesn't need to think too much, the old man's visit this time has nothing to do with taxation."

Xu's mother let out a heavy breath, and looked at Chu Le curiously: "Then my family is confused, dare to ask Master Chu what is the purpose of coming this time?"

"I was entrusted by someone to come here to do a trivial matter for Xu's mother."

Xu's mother looked at Chu Le Zhengran's appearance, and couldn't help feeling a little bit in her heart. The majestic governor was entrusted by someone to find her a prostitute in a brothel?

Hearing this, why did my old lady feel so frightened!

Wouldn't it be that a daughter who has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai collided with a nobleman, right?What is the status of a noble person who can let the dignified governor come forward to handle affairs?

If this is the case, it seems that I have to find my friend to reconcile it.

"Mother Xu?"

"Ah? Master Chu, what did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing. The old man couldn't help but yelled when he saw Mama Xu suddenly become dazed for no reason."

"The slave's rudeness made Master Chu laugh. Master Chu, you continue to tell the reason why you came to the Yanyu Tower to find the slave."

"Mother Xu, I don't know if there is a girl named He'er in your Misty Rain Building? The old man came this time because of Miss He'er."

"He... He'er?"

"Yes, it's Miss He'er."

Seeing Chu Le mentioning He'er's name by name, Xu's mother couldn't help but panic. He'er just came out to pick up customers a few times, and she still doesn't know how to read the man's mind.

This time, Lord Inspector came to find her directly. Could it be that she inadvertently offended someone because of her inexperience in hospitality?

As a member of the officialdom, Chu Le's ability to observe words and emotions is naturally extraordinary, and he can see Xu's mother's inner thoughts from the reaction on Xu's face in an instant.

"Mother Xu, you don't need to think wildly. The old man came here for no other reason, but was entrusted by a big man to redeem Miss He'er."


"Yes, I don't know if Mother Xu can make it easier for others to send someone to invite Miss He'er here?"

Xu's mother stared carefully at Chu Le's unpretentious expression for a while, and suddenly became happy.

Originally thought that Chu Le was here to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, but he never thought that Lord Inspector Shi was here to announce the good news.

He'er is a real girl, why didn't she tell herself when she climbed up a high branch without making a sound!

Knowing that Chu Le was here to redeem He'er, the uneasiness in Xu's mother's heart disappeared immediately, and she filled a cup of tea with a smiling face and put it in front of Chu Le, and the small Qingluo fan in her hand shook silently.

"Master Chu, since you have come to redeem the girl He'er, then Master Chu knows the rules of our Yanyu Building, right? It's not easy for the slave family to raise a good daughter.

Although He'er is still young, she is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, reciting poems and composing poems is no problem, especially a big girl with a perfect body.

The slave family is about to train him as the oiran of our Yanyu building!Who would have thought that this girl would meet a nobleman just after she left the pavilion.

Since that nobleman can entrust you, Master Chu, to come and redeem the girl He'er, his status must be unusual, but no matter how high your status is, you have to follow the rules, right?

You can't let the painstaking efforts of the slave family these years go to waste, can you? "

Chu Le frowned, tapped her fingers on the table lightly, and looked at Mama Xu with a half-smile.

"Of course the old man understands the rules in your brothel, but I would like to give Madam Xu a piece of advice, don't ask the price like a lion.

Otherwise, if the nobleman is unhappy, even if the senior of the old man in Jinling City comes forward to mediate, he will also be in a dilemma.

The old man said again sincerely, this is not a threat, but advice. "

Mother Xu's smiling face froze slightly, she moved the stool and sat beside Chu Le.

"Master Chu, you often come to my slave's house as a guest on weekdays. The slave's family has never neglected you in the slightest. You have to find out with the slave's family. What is the identity of that noble man? If you provoke him, even the enemy of the slave's family will come forward. Dilemma."

"What is the identity of that senior in the Qi Mansion, Mrs. Xu, you know it yourself. What do you think is the identity of the person who can make him feel in a dilemma?"

Mother Xu's delicate body trembled, and her lotus root arms trembled and pointed towards the roof.

"No... it can't be that the Lord returned to his hometown to take a fancy to the girl He'er, right?"

"Of course not, it's almost the same."

After Chu Le finished speaking, she took out a passport from her cuff and patted it on the table.

"This is Miss He'er's credentials after her return to Liang. The head of the Household Department Office in Jinling City has not yet approved and reported to the court, but the Household Department has directly stamped the official seal and sent the letter to the old man. As for what to do , Mother Xu doesn't need to talk too much, does the old man?"

"Hiss—there's not much difference? Isn't that the prince...cough cough... I have made a slip of the tongue, I have made a slip of the tongue, master Chu wait a moment, the slave will come when I go."

After a stick of incense, he left and right outside the gate of the Misty Rain Pavilion, Chu Le looked at He Er with a dull expression, and before he realized what was going on, he stuffed his identity certificate and a bank note into He Er's hand.

"Miss He'er, from now on, you will be a beloved man. The world is so big that anyone can go there in the future."

He'er stared blankly at the certificate in her hand, and looked up at Chu Le in astonishment.

"I... I will be my beloved from now on?"

Chu Le smiled lightly and nodded: "Yes, he is a beloved man.

The 100 taels of silver bill is enough for you to settle down anywhere in Jinling, and it is not a big problem to buy a smaller folk house in the city.

The old man's entrusted work has been done, so let's go ahead. "

"He Ergong...respectfully send off Master Chu."

Watching Chu Le get into the carriage and gradually go away, He'er glanced back at the Yanyu Building behind her, and then at the certificate of her husband and the hundred taels silver note in her hand, with excitement and a touch of excitement on her face. Dazed look.

"My dear sister, take care."

He'er heard the voice, and looked back at Sister Mo's beautiful figure standing by the door waving goodbye, with a touch of sadness in her eyes.

"Sister, take care."

(End of this chapter)

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