My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2440 Real gold is not afraid of fire

Chapter 2440 Real gold is not afraid of fire

Liu Mingzhi and his party spent more than ten days, and finally returned to the capital from Jinling.

In Liu's study, Liu Mingzhi flipped through the information sent by Suzaku himself, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help raising a faint smile. He put the note in his hand on the table, and Liu Mingzhi muttered softly.

"Smelly girl, it's worthwhile for you to go to the brothel so many times, and you finally did something that made daddy happy."


Suzaku, who was kneading Liu Mingzhi's shoulders, hastily leaned forward and moved in front of Liu Mingzhi: "Master?"

"How is this girl named He'er doing now?"

"Back to the young master, Miss He'er got her husband's certificate and the 100 taels of silver note from Miss Yue'er, plus a little of her own savings, she bought a private courtyard in the corner of the southern city of Jinling City. settled down.

It's just that Miss He'er was sold to the Misty Rain Building since she was a child, and her ability to make a living is terrible. According to the reports of her brothers, she has bought a lot of embroidery items now, and she should make a living selling embroidery items in the future! "

"Hmm! What is her real age?"

"Aged fifteen."

"Fifteen, just at the age of youth."

Liu Mingzhi murmured a word softly, turning the wrench in his hand and pondering for a long time: "Send your female spies from the Suzaku Division to find a way to get close to her, check her roots, and see if she has the talent for martial arts .

If she has good talent, ask your subordinates to tentatively ask her if she is willing to work in the relevant department of the imperial court. If she is willing, then recruit her and give her to you for training.

When she has some achievements in martial arts in the future, let her be Yue'er's personal bodyguard.

According to the content of the information, although this girl was born in a brothel, she is still a lotus flower that emerges from the mud and is not stained. She has a pure mind and a good heart, and she is a woman with good morals.

Yue'er has the grace of rebirth to her. I think if she is willing to join the relevant department, she will definitely be loyal to Yue'er in the future.

Of course, the premise is that if she is willing, if she is not willing, then forget it, and it cannot be forced. "

"Yes, Que'er understands."

Liu Mingzhi picked up the bong on the table and lightly filled it with shredded tobacco, leaned over to light the candle, and silently smoked.

"The matter of redeeming He'er's body should not be the work of Yue'er, a stinky girl alone, right?"

Suzaku looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise: "Master, Que'er hasn't finished reporting all the information, how do you know?"

"What's so strange about this is that Chu Le is the governor of Shangzhou. Although Yue'er is now a king in the Palace of Ten Kings, her weight alone is not enough to make Chu Le, the governor of Shangzhou, so powerful. Obedience to follow.

There must be the assistance of several other little brats, who are they?Yiyi?Yaoyao?Cheng Zhi?Is it still done? "

"Young Master is really astute, besides Miss Yue'er, Miss Yiyi and Young Master Chengzhi are also helping me in this matter.

There are two princesses and a prince's instruction, just to help a woman in a brothel to redeem her life, such a trivial matter, Chu Le still dare not refuse.

After all, this is the favor of two princesses and one prince. As long as Chu Le is not a fool, he must know how to choose.

Of course, if he was a fool, he would not be able to sit in the position of governor of Jinling. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "Yes! Being able to catch the eyes of two princesses and a prince, even if it won't make her rise in the official career, at least it will be of great help.

After all, the Ministry of Finance and this young master's father-in-law are involved in this matter. I hope this Chu Le is a talented person.

It's just a trivial matter, and the rest can be done according to the young master's instructions.

Besides He'er, is there any other information? "


Suzaku straightened her delicate body hanging on Liu Mingzhi's back, took out a folded piece of rice paper from her cuff, and handed it to First Young Master Liu.

"Not long ago, the brothers discovered the whereabouts of a large number of spies, but the whereabouts of these spies who appeared were unusually strange, and their behavior made it impossible to see what they wanted to do.

The brethren have been secretly monitoring their every move in order to avoid alarming the enemy, but for several months, there has been no useful result.

Up to now, the brothers have not detected any beneficial information from these spy shadow spies who appeared, and they can't find the hiding place of the spy shadow lair.

The rice paper records the details about the discovery of the spy shadow spy, please read it, young master. "

Liu Mingzhi took the rice paper handed by Suzaku and unfolded it directly, before the candlelight to review it carefully.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi put down the rice paper on which the spy information was recorded, and stared at the candlelight in front of him with frowning eyes in a daze.

"Master, are you okay? Did you find something wrong with it?"

Liu Mingzhi shook his head slightly: "Young Master, I didn't see any useful information from the above, the Spy Shadow has disappeared for so many years, this time a large number of people were suddenly dispatched to show up, there must be a reason we don't know.

The brothers have done a good job, it is right not to startle the snake.

The old fox who is the protagonist of the film is not usually difficult to deal with, just like Tao...Tao Ying last time, this young master deliberately missed such a big loophole to lure him into the bait, but in the end he failed.

This old fox's scheming and martial arts are unfathomable, we have to be cautious if we want to deal with him.

If there is a slight disturbance, it is estimated that this old fox is going to hibernate again.


"Just what?"

"It's just that what's the plan of this old fox sending these spies to show up so ostentatiously? If you want to play tricks and tricks, of course, the more secretive the better.

But this time, his whereabouts were exposed without any action, isn't it going in the opposite direction?

I can't understand it, it's really incomprehensible! "

Suzaku licked her red lips and pondered for a while, then hurriedly lowered her head and moved closer to Liu Mingzhi: "Master, is it possible that the shadow master's trick is to cover up the truth?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned subconsciously, glanced at Suzaku and began to close his eyes and think deeply.

"You mean, the film master deliberately let these spy spies show up to attract the attention of your two spies, so as to make other tricks at certain conveniences."

Suzaku nodded heavily: "Yes, besides this, Que'er can't think of any other reason.

After all, the behavior of the spies this time is too unbelievable, and it is impossible to see what their purpose is. "

"Hmm! We can't rule out this possibility, but don't believe in it too much. Our opponent is not an ordinary person, but the movie master.

No matter what, as long as these spies who showed up don't intend to fight against the young master now, don't startle them, and just keep a close watch on their every move.

This young master firmly believes that no matter what plots and tricks the film owner has, as long as he has a plan, sooner or later his feet will be revealed.

Now is the time to compete for endurance, the longer the time is delayed, the better for us.

Under such a situation, the one who is anxious is his actor. "

"Yes, Que'er understands.

By the way, young master, do you want to send some more people to monitor Li's clan relatives, important court officials, and border generals?
If the film master wants to restore the former dynasty, he must contact these three types of people.

The Li family members who have the orthodox blood of the former royal family, the senior ministers who hold great power in the court, and the fierce generals who command the heavy troops at the border, these three types of people are indispensable.

Without the assistance of any one of them, it would be impossible for the film master to restore the former dynasty. Since we still don't know the purpose of the film master's sending these spies to show up, we can only do what we can and kill at the root. Lord Duanying wants to restore the previous dynasty.

As long as these three parties are firmly in their hands, relying on their Spy Shadow as an underground force, it is nothing but wishful thinking to change the day. "

After listening to Suzaku's words, Liu Mingzhi took a heavy puff of the bong and spit it out slowly.

"No. If you do this, the film master will never be able to take the bait if he finds out that something is wrong. Since you want to fish, you must prepare some bait.

At the same time, young master, I also want to know what the officials and generals inside and outside the court really think about young master, the current emperor.

True gold is not afraid of fire, and the existence of Spy Shadow is just a touchstone that can be met but not sought.

What I can control, young master, does not mean that the successor can also control it.

It's good to let Spy Shadow help the young master and I try it. If it's not good, at least you two companies can save a lot of manpower and expenses. "

Suzaku pondered thoughtfully for a while, then nodded with a smile: "It's still the young master's heart...cough cough...a quick mind."

First Young Master Liu raised his hand and grabbed Suzaku's earlobe and tugged: "Little goblin, you dare to arrange for me, young master, is it itchy again?"

"Don't dare, Que'er knows it's wrong."

"Is there any other information?"

"No... Yes, there is other information."

"Is there or is it not?"


"Just say so."

Suzaku smiled charmingly, turned around and sat directly in Young Master Liu's arms, her eyes seemed to have ripples, and she stared straight at her young master with a rippling heart.

"The information is that Que'er's Tiankui left the day before yesterday."

Liu Mingzhi looked at Suzaku's bewildered beautiful eyes, picked her up by the waist, and walked towards Ruanta, who was resting aside.

"Little fairy, my young master will accompany you to fight till dawn."

(End of this chapter)

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