My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2441 No chance in the future

Chapter 2441 No chance in the future
The next day, the sky was bright.

Liu Mingzhi took a bath in Wenren Yunshu's boudoir, and left the house refreshed and rushed to the palace.

Today is not a day for big and small court meetings. The reason why Liu Mingzhi entered the palace was because he was worried about what would happen during his return to Jinling.

After wandering around in the cabinet for a while, he confirmed again and again that during the period of his return to Jinling, there were no important matters in the court that needed to be approved by him, so he left the cabinet and went to the Palace of Ten Kings.

"Daddy, why did you come to the Palace of Ten Kings today?"


"Meet Daddy."


"My son has met my uncle."

Liu Mingzhi watched calmly as Li Ye waved hands casually with a group of children who had entered the hall, and walked towards the side hall.

"Excuse me, what are you busy with..."

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the half-finished mahjong on the table in the side hall, looked back at the embarrassing people and nodded with a half-smile.

"It doesn't look busy at all!"

Sensing Young Master Liu's mischievous eyes, Liu Yaoyao hastily came up and grabbed Liu Mingzhi's arm and shook it.

"Daddy, isn't it a good thing that the Palace of Ten Kings is not busy?"

Liu Yiyi also obediently moved to the right side of her father and stopped, and the two sisters pulled her father from left to right and walked towards the chair beside her.

"Father, what Yaoyao said is right, only if the Palace of Ten Kings is not busy means the country is safe and the people are safe, we are so busy every day, you should be worried, Daddy.

We play relaxed and freehand every day, Daddy, you should be happy.

After all, it seems that the children are neglecting their duties and slacking off in their official duties, but in fact, the children have no urgent official duties to deal with. Daddy, are you right? "

"Daddy drink tea."

Liu Mingzhi took the tea from Liu Yaoyao, and flicked the foreheads of the two sisters with a smile.

"You two ghosts, can't Daddy be persuaded by you?"

"Thank you dad."

"Daddy is so nice."

"Yes, if you two stinky girls continue talking, Daddy will be so happy that he won't be able to find it. Who is playing mahjong?"

Liu Chengzhi, cutie, Li Tao, and Liu Yiyi looked at each other, walked up to Young Master Liu silently and stopped.



"Don't be nervous, if you are not busy, you can continue to call, I will leave after drinking this cup of tea.

Yaoyao, Yiyi is right, you should be happy if you are not busy with me, you can rest assured.

I hope you will never be busy in the days to come. "

"Daddy Shengming."

"The four of them play mahjong, Yaoyao, what are you two doing?"

Liu Yaoyao turned around and picked up a copy of "The Classic of Materia Medica" on the table beside her and handed it to Liu Mingzhi.

"Daddy, Yaoyao is going to study medical books! Grandpa Sai will take the exam to teach the child's medical skills in a while. Taking advantage of this idle time, the child rereads the medical pharmacology that he mastered before."

Liu Chengqian looked aggrieved and turned to the long table beside him, pouting: "Father, the boy is practicing the inscriptions! My mother takes a monthly test to teach the boy calligraphy, and if the calligraphy is not good enough, she will whip me with a bamboo stick.

When you go back, you have to talk to my mother carefully, so that she can relax a little bit about the baby.

Eldest sister, second sister, third sister, fourth sister, second elder brother, and fourth younger brother are almost rusted every day, and the younger brothers and younger sisters are also playing around with nothing to do every day. Donkeys seem to have to practice these inscriptions.

We are all your children, and the difference is too great. "

Liu Mingzhi looked at his third son Liu Chengqian's aggrieved expression, and put down his teacup with his forehead pressed.

"Bring over the inscriptions you practiced for Father Wei to see."

Liu Chengqian was overjoyed, and took three steps instead of two steps to pick up the inscription he had just practiced and handed it to his father.

"Father, how about you take a look?"

Liu Mingzhi frowned and looked at the characters on the rice paper in his hand, and put a stack of rice paper on the table after a while.

"Reluctantly, go back and tell your mother, just tell me what your father said, you can rest for half a month a month, as for how to rest, you can choose it yourself.

But next time your mother checks, if the writing is not as good as it is now, don't blame the father for not caring about you. "

"Thank you dad, I promise you won't be disappointed."

Liu Mingzhi shook his head with a faint smile, got up and walked towards the mahjong table: "Let Weifu see which one of you wins this game with higher cards.

Hit!Go on!What are you doing sitting here in a daze? "

The four little cuties raised their eyes and glanced at First Young Master Liu, who was leaning over beside him. They kept moving the mahjong in their hands, but no one made a move for a long time.

Liu Mingzhi was taken aback when he saw this, as if he understood something.

"Okay, okay, I'm going, can't I go right away?
Go play on your own, it's okay for me to go out of the palace to do fortune-telling. "

Liu Mingzhi didn't hesitate after finishing his speech, and walked directly outside the Hall of Ten Kings with his hands behind his back. He knew in his heart that if he stayed here any longer, these little bastards would not dare to continue playing mahjong.

Liu Mingzhi left the Hall of Ten Kings and walked along the square towards the palace gate. Before half of the journey, a young man in a dark gray robe hurriedly ran over to meet Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, my minister Li Yue, long live my emperor."

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the young man who bowed to him in front of him, feeling vaguely familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

"Waiting, are you?"

"Report to Your Majesty, Li Yue, the second son of King Chenduan."

Hearing Li Yue's self-reported family name, Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Yue suddenly, and finally remembered his identity.

"I just remembered, you are Uncle Duan's second son, we met several times in the ancestral temple when my father Emperor Ruizong passed away, and we met several times later when Emperor Wuzong was on his way.

Some years are gone, and your appearance has changed a lot. "

"Your Majesty's insightful eye is precisely the minister."

"Don't be too polite, don't be too polite, I should call you a virtuous brother in terms of status, and now you are not in the court, so you and my brother will be free of some false courtesy!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"I just saw you walking towards me in a hurry, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Your Majesty, my minister's uncle Si Wang is dying, Uncle Si Wang said that he wants to see you again before he dies.

Therefore, let the minister come to ask His Majesty to move the clan mansion. "

"Uncle Four?"

Liu Mingzhi murmured for a while before staring at Li Yue with a sudden change of expression: "But Minggong?"

"Yes, Ming Gong is the minister's fourth uncle."

After confirming that Li Yue was referring to Li Yugang, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but feel his heart tighten: "Where is Ming Gong now?"

"The Hall of Thoughts in the Clan Mansion."

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath, lifted his clothes and walked quickly towards the palace gate: "Quick, lead the way for me."

Li Yue hurriedly followed up: "Please, Your Majesty."

When Liu Mingzhi rushed to the gate of the palace, his steps stopped suddenly, and he calmly approached the commander of the imperial guard guarding the palace gate and whispered something in the ear, then got on his horse and galloped towards the clan mansion.

After about a stick of incense, the two of them reined in their horses and stopped outside the clan mansion.

Just as Liu Mingzhi got off his horse, a group of Li's clan members with gloomy expressions immediately came out to welcome him.

"Long live, long live..."

Liu Mingzhi didn't wait for Li Chengbai to finish his empty words, he directly waved his hands and walked towards the large-scale clan mansion: "Excuse me, quickly take me to Siguo Hall to meet Minggong."

"Yes, Your Majesty please."

After a few more cups of tea, under the guidance of Li Chengbai and others, Liu Mingzhi finally arrived at the Hall of Thoughts in the Clan Mansion.

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly stepped towards the gate of the Hall of Thoughts, and no one came before he heard the sound.

"Minggong? Where are you...Minggong."

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at Li Yugang who was sitting on a chair and looked at him with a light smile, his eyes were sore.

With white beard and hair, old age, and a faint gray color in the old and dim eyes, Li Yugang at this time is very different from Li Yugang a few years ago.

"Ming Gong! Long time no see."

Li Yugang nodded lightly, stood up tremblingly with his right hand leaning on the dragon head crutch, and walked towards Liu Mingzhi.

"Liu boy, you are here! Long time no see."

Liu Mingzhi rushed to meet him, and supported Li Yugang who seemed to be blown to the ground by a gust of wind.

"Minggong, you slow down, you slow down."

Li Yugang stared at Liu Mingzhi with dim eyes for a while, then nodded with difficulty and stretched out his hand to point to the left.

Liu Mingzhi looked in the direction of Li Yugang's finger, and saw a low table in the side hall, on which two dishes of side dishes and a pot of wine came into view.

"Minggong? What do you mean by this?"

"Boy Liu, why don't you have a drink or two with this old man?

Don't think about rejecting the old man, if you don't have a few good drinks today, you and I may not have a chance to drink with each other in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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