Chapter 2442
Liu Mingzhi looked at Li Yugang's dark eyes with complex meanings of anticipation and intolerance intertwined, and really couldn't think of any reason to refuse Li Yugang's request to have a few drinks with him, so he nodded sadly.

"Hey, boy, listen to Mr. Ming."

A look of relief flashed across Li Yugang's pale gray eyes, he broke free from Liu Mingzhi's support with a little force on his arm, and walked towards the low table with wine and vegetables on the opposite side with difficulty while leaning on the faucet crutch.

"You don't need to help, the old man can still support this road, sit together."

Liu Mingzhi nervously followed behind Li Yugang, holding his hands up, for fear that Li Yugang would fall down if he was not careful. Fortunately, it was just a waste of worry. Although Li Yugang had a difficult pace, he finally knelt and sat on the low table steadily. forward.

Putting the leading crutch aside, Li Yugang took a few deep breaths, and watched Liu Mingzhi reach out and gesture towards the opposite futon.


"Hey, sit down, boy."

Seeing Liu Mingzhi toss his clothes and sit down on his knees, Li Yugang turned his head to look at Li Chengbai and others who followed closely behind him.

"Little Uncle Wang, Second Brother, Third Brother, and Li Yue, you guys can go back, the old man wants to chat with Liu Boy alone about some unbearable past events.

You are here, the old man may not be able to say what is in his heart. "

The little Uncle Wang that Li Yugang was talking about was naturally the current Zongling Li Chengbai, the second and third elder brothers were Duan Wang Li Yang and the others, and the rest were his juniors, the Li family members who had lived in the clan's mansion for a long time.

Li Chengbai and others listened to Li Yugang's words, subconsciously glanced at each other and did not directly agree, but looked at Liu Mingzhi with complicated eyes.

They didn't want to ask Liu Mingzhi to agree to something, but they hoped that Liu Mingzhi would not delay Li Yugang for too long, so that they could not see Li Yugang for the last time when they waited for their relatives.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the profound eyes of Li Chengbai and the others, understood the meaning in their eyes, and nodded silently in response to Li Chengbai and the others.

Seeing this, Li Chengbai and his clan members sighed faintly, stared deeply at Li Yugang, turned around without saying a word, and walked towards the outside of Siguo Hall.

After the figures of Li Chengbai and the others disappeared at the gate of the palace, Li Yugang smiled lightly and looked away: "These 'busy people' have left, and we two friends who have been friends for a long time can talk freely and drink to our heart's content.

Pour the wine, the old man will do his best to accompany you, Boy Liu, until you get drunk. "

Seeing Li Yugang's 'spirited' expression, Liu Mingzhi felt as if his heart had been pricked by a needle.

He has seen Li Yugang's current posture in the past. It is exactly the same as before Li Zheng's trip many years ago. It seems to be full of energy, but in fact it is just a flashback.

Glancing at Li Yugang's dim eyes again, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief and lifted the jug in front of him to fill up both of his glasses.



As the wine entered his throat, Liu Mingzhi frowned involuntarily, and swallowed the wine gently with the look of recalling the past hidden in his eyes.

Li Yugang has been staring at Liu Mingzhi's every move, and naturally noticed a slight change in Liu Mingzhi's expression. Fu Xu chuckled and showed Liu Mingzhi his bottomed wine glass, and Li Yugang asked, "How does it taste?"

Liu Mingzhi smacked his lips a few times, and put down the wine glass in his hand with a disappointed expression.

"Good wine! Good wine! You and I have been friends for more than ten years, all in this glass of wine.

If it wasn't for Ming Gong's treat today, the boy would have almost forgotten what the taste of this turbid wine is like. "

Li Yugang sighed, picked up the jug and filled the wine glass: "In the past, although you and I didn't meet at the Yanbo Pavilion, we met each other at the Yanbo Pavilion.

Under the deliberate arrangement of Yun Yatou, a smart girl, you and I have become friends who have never forgotten each other.

At that time, the three of you and I were on a boat on the Qinhuai River, and the wine we drank was this kind of ordinary turbid wine.

Since that time, the number of times you and I have toasted to each other in more than ten years can be described as very few.

Time flies like a shuttle, and it is extremely ruthless.

In a blink of an eye, not only is the old man old, but even you have changed from a young man in prime of life to the king of a country who is now guiding the country.

And what you said on the small boat, although so many years have passed, I still remember it fresh!

The future generations are fearful, how can we know that those who come are not like today.

Yes!How do you know that the comer is not now!
The Haikou you boasted to the original Huainan King Li Yugang has finally come true. "

Liu Mingzhi picked up the wine and put it into his mouth, after savoring the taste of the turbid wine, he swallowed it.

"Duke Ming didn't take the kid's frivolous joke back then, neither did the kid, but God took it seriously and made such a big joke on the kid.

Looking back on the past when Yanbo Pavilion on the Qinhuai River and Minggong first met, I am really sad.

As for the fact that the boy became the king of a country... Alas... the matter has come to this point, the boy is too lazy to say anything, let alone defend himself.

The matters here are left to the people of the world to comment on. "

"Good heartedness, if you have this kind of heart, it means that it is no accident that you can get to where you are today. Sometimes some inadvertent little things can determine the fate of a person's life."

"The kid doesn't refute this point, maybe this is what we often say about judging the big from the small!
However, the boy was very relieved to see that Duke Ming was able to talk about the boy's self-proclaimed emperor in such a calm manner.

Thousands of words come to my lips but there is nothing to express, only a glass of dirty wine to respect Minggong.

Mr. Ming, would you like to have a drink together? "


The two tasted the wine carefully and drank it. Li Yugang squinted his eyes and was silent for a long time before sighing.

"You should already know about the matter between the old man and the emperor, right?"

Liu Mingzhi pursed his lips and fell silent for a while, nodding his head slightly: "I heard a few words from Lao Zhou."

"Just a few words?"

"That's a little bit more!"

Li Yugang pointed at Liu Mingzhi and smiled wryly: "You kid, you are still exactly the same as when we first met, you always like to leave three points in your words.

Although it is comfortable to listen to, it also makes people's appetite uncomfortable.

This habit is not good, it needs to be changed! "

"Minggong, as the saying goes, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change, Minggong forgive me, the habits developed over the years, the boy can no longer change.

If it is forcibly corrected, some jokes may be made at that time, and it will be self-defeating and generous at that time. In this case, it is better to stick to one's heart. "

"This statement is also reasonable, I hope you will not forget your original intention!"

Liu Mingzhi poured two glasses of wine again, looked at Li Yugang's expression hesitant for a moment: "Ming Gong, I would like to ask you, the grievances and resentments between you and the father have passed for decades, and the father has passed away again." It has been around for nearly ten springs and autumns.

Regarding some of the past events between the two of you brothers, have you ever let go of it now? "

Li Yugang was taken aback when he was serving the wine, with a look of sadness that even Liu Mingzhi couldn't see the deep meaning on his face, he brought the wine glass to his mouth and drank it down, Li Yugang threw the wine glass heavily on the table.

"The matter between the old man and the emperor's brother, after the old man sees him, he will settle it with him, so you don't have to ask about it.

As for letting go or not, what use is the old man's answer to you, Liu boy?It's just nonsense. "

Looking at the inexplicable and complicated meaning in Li Yugang's eyes, Liu Mingzhi fell silent.

He thought that Li Yugang took the initiative to mention the matter between himself and Li Zheng because he wanted to talk to him, so he brought it up, but now it seems that he was wrong, and Li Yugang must have other ideas.

"What Duke Ming said is that you really don't need to ask too much about the matter between you and your father.

You always treat me like a kid and I talk nonsense after drinking, so don't take it to heart.

drink, drink! "

Li Yugang picked up Liu Mingzhi's full wine glass and hadn't brought it to his mouth for a long time. His dim eyes with death gray eyes gradually brightened. He stared at Liu Mingzhi intently for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and put the wine in the glass into his mouth .

"After the old man passes away, can you bury the old man in the imperial brother's accompanying tomb?"

Hearing Li Yugang's ambiguous words, Liu Mingzhi couldn't help feeling a little dazed: "Ah? What?"

(End of this chapter)

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