Chapter 2443 Happy meeting with a pot of turbid wine

Seeing Liu Mingzhi's blank reaction, Li Yugang gritted his teeth as if he had made some difficult decision.

"Can... can I bury this old man in the imperial brother's accompanying tomb?
You also know the old man's past. Ever since what happened with Jiangnan and the White Lotus Sect, the old man has lost the qualification to be buried in the accompanying tomb. After a hundred years, he can only build another grave under the arrangement of the clan's mansion.

The old man is worried that if another tomb is built, after the old man leaves the Nine Nether Lands, he will never see Brother Huang,... and Chan'er again.

As the old man's long-forgotten friend, the old man hopes that you, the current emperor, can give you a special order to bury the old man in the accompanying tomb of Ruiling.

This is also the last wish of the old man.

I wonder if you can agree to the last request of this old man, Wang Nian, Mr. Liu? "

When Liu Mingzhi heard the word Chan'er, his heart trembled violently.

He naturally knew that the Chan'er that Li Yugang was talking about was Deng Chan, Concubine Jing, whom he had only met a few times, and vaguely realized why Li Yugang insisted on being buried in the accompanying tomb.

You don't need to think carefully to know that it must be for the old love Deng Chan who had no relationship back then.

Looking at Li Yugang's pleading eyes, Liu Mingzhi hesitated.

There are too many things in these eyes that cannot be described in words, they are so familiar, just like the eyes when I suddenly knew Tao Yingxiang disappeared and died.

Painful and helpless, I can't believe it but I have to believe it, I don't want to admit it but I can only accept the reality.

Li Yugang's gaze made Liu Mingzhi suddenly feel empathetic.

It seems that like Li Yugang, he is also a fallen person in the world. He has fallen in love with a certain beautiful woman, but he has no chance to grow old with them.

As a prince of the former dynasty who retained his title as the new emperor, Li Yugang did not require any specifications for his funeral, let alone any customization for his royal tomb.

The only requirement is that he wants to be buried with his lover who he has met in his life but can't stay together forever.

How much does Duke Ming love Deng Chan?What kind of unforgettable regrets have you left in your life?
Others don't know it, and I don't know it. Only Ming Gong knows it best.

The grievances and resentments between Ming Gong Li Yugang and his father Li Zheng because of Concubine Jing's concubine Deng Chan, I know clearly from Lao Zhou.

As a bystander, speaking from the bottom of his heart, this matter is indeed that his father, Li Zheng, was sorry for his old friend.

After all, it was the emperor father who for the sake of the throne and rights broke up the lovers Li Yugang and Deng Chan abruptly. I don't know whether Li Yugang has let go of it now, but I can't deny that Li Yugang's life is too much. Miserable.

Being born in an emperor's family is both luck and misfortune.

It is true that I sympathize with him, but Li Yugang has already lost the qualification to be buried in the tomb because of his secret friendship with the White Lotus Sect. If he forced it...

"Boy Liu, can't I just beg you?"

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses and stared blankly at Li Yugang's wine glass held in mid-air, and Li Yugang's old eyes with complex expressions of excitement and unwillingness, and his mood was disturbed for a while.

"Boy Liu, what if a pile of dead bones is filled with anger?

You will fulfill the old man's last wish, okay?

I beg you. "

Liu Mingzhi felt the strong emotional fluctuations in Li Yugang's eyes, and his heart was deeply moved. He clenched his fists and hesitated for a long time, his right hand tremblingly reached for the wine glass on the table.

"Okay! I promise you, kid!"

"Thank you for your kindness, let's have a drink together."


The two raised their glasses to each other, and Liu Mingzhi's wine glass had been put back on the table. Li Yu tremblingly took the wine glass from his mouth just now, and looked at Young Master Liu with a lifeless grin.

"the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero.

Success or failure turned empty.

Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns.

The white-haired fisherman Qiao Jiangzhu used to watch autumn and spring.

A jug of muddy wine meets together.

Many things from ancient to modern times are all being discussed with laughter.

A jug of muddy wine meets together.

How many things in ancient and modern times are all jokes. "

"Minggong! Are you okay?"

"Liu boy, thank you very much. It is worthwhile for me to get to know you once.

I hope the heavens are merciful, you and I will be friends in the next life, and we can meet each other happily with a glass of dirty wine.

Old man... This old man really couldn't hold on any longer, so he took a step forward. "

The moment Li Yugang finished speaking, the wine glass between his withered fingers slid straight towards the table.

With a soft clatter, the wine glass bounced off the table and hit the floor tiles. When the wine glass rolled on the ground, Li Yugang's head with white beard and hair fell powerlessly on his chest, and there was no more movement.

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the lifeless Li Yugang, raised his head and blinked his eyes several times, his old friend was missing one more.

Wu Guogong Wan Buhai, Father Emperor Li Zheng, Futu Army General Duan Buren, Emperor Brother Li Baiyu, Third Younger Li Yunlong, Jingguo Gong Yunyang, Pretty Lady Tao Ying, and now the King of Huainan Li Yugang.

It turned out that it seemed that only a short period of ten years had passed, and so many of my old friends had passed away one after another.

Regardless of the relationship between these old people and themselves, they have written a strong stroke in their lives.

With a long sigh, Liu Mingzhi nodded, lifted the pot, filled his glass with wine, and held it up to the lifeless Li Yugang.

"Duke Ming, I hope you and I will have a happy reunion with a pot of dirty wine in the next life."

Liu Mingzhi brought the wine glass to his mouth and drank it, holding the really bad tasting turbid wine for a long time, as if he had returned to the time when he first met Li Yugang outside Yanbo Pavilion by the Qinhuai River.

Gently put down the wine glass, Liu Mingzhi swallowed the wine, got up and walked towards the gate of the Hall of Thoughts, staring at the patriarchal mansion with all the palaces and pavilions, he said loudly: "Come here."

A moment later, under the long corridor on the left side of the Hall of Thoughts, under the guidance of the guards of the clan's mansion, Li Chengbai and others who had left earlier rushed towards the Hall of Thoughts again with heavy steps.

"Your Majesty, Mingcheng's nephew?"

"Your Majesty, how is the fourth child?"

"Your Majesty, is Uncle Fourth Wang okay?"

Before the group came to Liu Mingzhi, they asked about Li Yugang's situation in unison with uneasy expressions.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the serious-looking Li Chengbai and the others, without any intention of hiding anything, he said directly and calmly: "Duke Ming, let's go."

Although everyone had already made psychological preparations, when they heard the news of Li Yugang's death from Liu Mingzhi, their hearts were shocked and they hurriedly ran towards the hall.

"I'm sorry, sir."

"The minister is also rude."

"The minister is also rude."


When a group of people passed by Liu Mingzhi, one of them said that he was impolite, and followed Li Chengbai straight into the Hall of Thoughts.

Hearing the deep words coming from the hall behind him, Liu Mingzhi pulled out the folding fan at his waist and flicked it casually, stared at the clouds in the sky, and walked towards the gate of the clan's mansion gently flapping.

On September 21, the fourth year of Dalong Taiping, Li Yugang, king of Huainan, passed away in the Siguo Hall of the Zongren Mansion.

While Li Yugang was in mourning, Liu Mingzhi summoned Li Chengbai, the patriarch of the clan, and a group of elders to the palace to have an audience. He ordered the clan and the Ministry of Rites to bury the body of Li Yugang, King of Huainan, in the companion mausoleum of Ruiling.

Liu Mingzhi's special order without warning stunned the Li family members in the clan mansion for a long time before they realized it. Although Li Chengbai didn't speak out against it, [-]% of the rest of the clan elders were not very happy.

They believed that Li Yugang's behavior in acquaintance with the White Lotus Sect was inappropriate, which damaged the face of Li's clan, so he should not be buried in the accompanying mausoleum to accompany the emperor.

Even some important officials in the court were quite critical after hearing Liu Mingzhi's special order, but due to the majesty of Liu Mingzhi, the founder of the country, he did not mention it face to face.

For those who objected, Liu Mingzhi didn't say much, and directly brought Li Chengbai, the clan magistrate of the clan's mansion, to the apse for a private conversation.

After Li Chengbai returned to the front hall, he stood up to all the elders in his capacity as the order of the clan mansion and strongly supported Liu Mingzhi's order.

No one knows what the two said in private.

Seeing Li Chengbai's attitude of raising his hand to hit someone immediately if he dared to object, Yiqian Zong could only agree to the matter under pressure.

Seeing this scene, all the officials in the court were swept away one by one by Liu Mingzhi's cold gaze, and all nodded and lowered their eyebrows, not daring to say more, and the slightest criticism disappeared instantly.

Liu Mingzhi finalized the matter with his last words, and the grievances and grievances between Huainan Wang Li Yugang, Li Zheng, and Jing Concubine Deng Chan finally came to an embarrassing end.

(End of this chapter)

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