Chapter 2444 Burial

October 28th in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

Huainan King Li Yugang's coffin was suspended for 36 days according to the specifications of the county king, and was buried in the accompanying mausoleum of Ruizong Li Zheng under the handling of the three government offices of the Clan Mansion, the Ministry of Rites, and the Qin Tianjian.

Li Yugang, king of Huainan, ended up childless because of Concubine Jing Deng Chan.

Even Li Yugang originally thought that Li Yunlong, the King of Shu, had nothing to do with him. The reason for this kind of misunderstanding was all because of Li Zheng's behind-the-scenes instigation.

As for Li Yugang's real flesh and blood, he was regarded as Wei Yong's illegitimate son many years ago, and was sentenced to death by Liu Mingzhi's third uncle Ling Daoming according to the law of the dragon because he violated the law.

However, for the sake of the face of the Li family, this news will not spread in the world after all.

With all the insiders leaving one by one, the truth of this matter will eventually be buried underground, and no one will ever know the truth of this past event.

Li Yugang's funeral was not grand. The only request he mentioned to Liu Mingzhi before his death was to bury his body in Li Zheng's accompanying tomb. As for the standard of burial, Li Yugang had no requirements at all.

Fortunately, Li Chengbai, the Zong Ling of the Clan Mansion, is a good little elder. Although Li Yugang was involved in the affairs of the White Lotus Sect many years ago, the debts of his death have been eliminated, and the Clan Mansion did not treat Li Yugang badly in terms of funeral specifications.

At Li Yugang's funeral, Liu Mingzhi changed into ordinary clothes, and attended the funeral with a group of wives and children as Li Yugang's old friends.

What Liu Mingzhi never expected was that at Li Yugang's funeral, even Nangong Meng, the empress dowager who had lived in the harem for many years and hadn't seen her face, also changed into a mourning dress and made a rare appearance for Li Yugang. see off.

In the imperial tomb on the outskirts of Beijing, after the door of the tomb was closed, all those who saw Li Yugang off left the imperial tomb one after another.

Liu Mingzhi glanced at his queen mother Nangong Meng who was being supported by the third princess a dozen steps away, turned sideways and whispered a few words to Qi Yun, and walked towards Nangong Meng hesitantly.

Seeing Nangong Meng's melancholy expression staring at the entrance of the Imperial Tomb, Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of Nangong Meng and bowed.

"Boy Liu Mingzhi sees his mother."

Nangong Meng's plump and tender body trembled slightly, and she withdrew her sad gaze from staring at the entrance of the imperial mausoleum, and looked at Liu Mingzhi, who was bowing to him in front of him, his expression was as respectful as always, and his charming face flashed The color of complexity.

Nangong Meng silently looked at Liu Mingzhi's mature face compared to a few years ago, sighed melancholy, turned around and walked slowly towards the carriage parked outside the imperial mausoleum.

The situation between the mother and son-in-law made the third princess's expression froze suddenly. She looked at the husband who was still bowing in salute, and then at the back of the mother who was walking away. She rubbed her hands together and looked a little at a loss.

"Yan'er, it's fine for my husband, after chasing after my mother, let's go back to the palace with her first!"

"Then... the concubine is going to chase after the queen mother first, and I will return to the mansion after sending the queen back to the harem."

"Alright, let's spend more time talking with my mother on the way, after all, Duke Ming is our uncle, the brother of our father and queen mother, and he must feel very uncomfortable after leaving his mother.

Enlighten her more, and don't become depressed. "

"Yeah, I know, I'll see you tonight, I'm leaving first."

Hearing the footsteps of the three princesses trotting away gradually, Liu Mingzhi straightened his waist, looked at Nangong Meng with complicated eyes, and the figure of the three princesses, mother and daughter boarding the carriage together, Liu Mingzhi sighed with regret.

It seems that Nangong Meng, the empress mother, is still not relieved of her self-proclaimed emperor. Maybe she no longer resents herself as strongly as before, but the grudge in her heart may be hard to get rid of.

"Husband, are you alright?"

Liu Mingzhi turned his head and glanced at Qi Yun who walked to his side at some point, with a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, I'm fine as a husband. I've already prepared for this in my heart, but it's just expected."

Qi Yun took Liu Mingzhi's hand and held it tightly in her palm: "When my concubine sisters and others regularly take the children to greet the queen mother as usual, she entertains us with a smile every time.

I also can't figure out why she has such an attitude towards you alone.

The queen mother will not fail to understand, without your consent, our sisters and others would never have the chance to see her, and our wishes also represent the wishes of my husband.

Since she has accepted our wishes, why should she treat you like this again, husband! "

"Okay, silly lady, you are always you, husbands are husbands after all, no matter how loving we are as a husband and wife, in the eyes of the queen mother, it will always be different.

As long as the queen mother can meet you with a smile on her face, it is enough for her husband, and you don't have to worry about her husband.

This matter is still open to my husband.

Let's go, let's go back first, some things can't be forced, let's take whichever step we take. "

"Well, as long as your husband can see the concubine in your heart, you don't have to worry about it, and the sisters don't have to worry about it either."

Seeing Qi Yun's relieved expression, Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, turned around and waved to the family not far away.

"Sister Ya, Yun Shu... Yun Xin, let's go back to the city."

"Hey, here we come."

"Understood, Daddy."

Liu Mingzhi glanced back at the entrance of the Imperial Tomb again, untied the white satin around his waist, and walked towards the avenue outside the Imperial Tomb with his wives, concubines and children.

After half a day, Liu Mingzhi and his party finally returned to the capital. Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and patted the carriage compartment of Qi Ya.

"Sister Ya, take my husband's horse home. Now my husband is going to the schoolyard in the city to review the soldiers who have returned from the Western Expedition."

Qi Ya nodded slightly, jumped off the carriage and took the reins from Liu Mingzhi's hand: "Okay, just leave it to my concubine."

"Then you all go back."

"come back earlier."

"Understood, let's go first."

Liu Mingzhi waved his hands and hurried towards the Forbidden Army Academy in the south of the city.

"Forbidden place in the army, no one coming... only... Your Majesty? We will see your Majesty."

Liu Mingzhi cupped his hands with a gentle expression: "Excuse me."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"After a little hesitation, I can recognize my identity immediately. I think that I have followed behind me in many battles. Which battalion of the trapped army are you?"

"Your Majesty is wise, this subject is Lu Rong, the school captain of the Valiant Battalion of the Suppressed Army."

"Good brother, Xizheng has worked hard."

"I don't have to work hard, I am willing to expand the territory for the imperial court, and I am willing to charge into battle for your majesty, and I will die without hesitation."

"Okay, you are worthy of being my big dragon's tiger and wolf teacher, and I am proud of you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Zhao Qing, where are Hu Sanyuan and the others?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the two generals are currently discussing matters in the camp! As for what to discuss, I don't know."

"Lead the way for me."

"As ordered, Your Majesty please first."

Under the guidance of Lu Rong, Liu Mingzhi looked at the two guards and horses who were silently practicing in the school field, and at the same time rushed towards the camp where Zhao Qing and the two rested.

As soon as the two arrived outside the tent, Lu Rong shouted out loudly.

"General Zhao, General Hu, Your Majesty is here."

Immediately, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps in the camp, and seven or eight generals in armor rushed out and greeted First Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty, my ministers, long live my emperor."


"Thank you, Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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