Chapter 2445
After Zhao Qing and other generals stood up, they immediately divided into left and right rows and welcomed Liu Mingzhi into the camp.

Liu Mingzhi sat straight on the first chair, and instinctively looked at the sand table in the tent which made him feel unfamiliar.

Liu Mingzhi stared at the mountains, rivers and rivers on the sand table, observed the terrain for a long time, and realized in his heart that this should be the sand table of Tianzhu or the Great Food Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, please drink some tea. You came too suddenly. I didn't have time to prepare tea. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me for a cup of rough tea."

Liu Mingzhi came back to his senses and took the teacup in Zhao Qing's hand, got up and walked towards the sand table a few steps away.

"Zhao Qing, you treat me so nonchalantly that you don't eat fireworks. When I led you to fight in the South and North, I didn't suffer with you.

I have drank snow water, drank river water and stream water, and eaten cracked dry biscuits.

It's enough to quench your thirst and make you feel hungry. Have you ever complained about anything?
How did you become so fussy after being away from Lao Tzu for a few years? "

Zhao Qing and the others looked at each other, scratched their heads and surrounded Young Master Liu.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty... Wait... Your Majesty..."

"Okay, okay, don't explain it if you don't know how to explain it, I'm not that narrow-minded.

When I was outside the camp, I heard from Lu Rong that you guys were discussing matters in the tent, so tell me carefully, what military affairs are you discussing?

Is it related to the sand table in front of me? "

"Your Majesty, the ministers were indeed discussing the sand table earlier."

Young Master Liu nodded knowingly: "This is Dashi, which of the two countries is the sand table?"

"Return to Your Majesty, neither."

"Huh? Where is that sand table?"

"Return to Your Majesty, this is the sand table of the Frankish Kingdom. On the eve of escorting Tianzhu and the executioners of the two countries to return to Beijing and hand them over to His Majesty, Zhang Shuai, Deputy Commander Yaluha, and Governor Huyan, after careful consideration, came to help each other. In the name of allies, the United States of Rome marched against the Frankish State.

This sand table was made by the minister and others based on the map of the Frankish country presented by the Roman country.

After returning to the court, I have been stationed in the city, and the days are very idle. In my spare time, I want to infer Zhang Shuai and the Roman soldiers and horses, and where they have pushed the army to the Frankish state. "

"The Frankish Kingdom."

Liu Mingzhi muttered to himself, already knowing in his heart what kind of country this Frankish country is in later generations.

After taking a sip of tea to moisten his throat, Liu Mingzhi put the teacup on the edge of the sand table, leaned over the sand table and began to observe.

After a long time, Liu Mingzhi straightened his body and squinted his eyes thoughtfully for a while, then turned his head and scanned the surrounding generals.

"Have you already negotiated a result? Where do you think Zhang Shuai and the Roman army should have advanced?"

Zhao Qing, Hu Sanyuan and the others couldn't help but startled when they heard Liu Mingzhi's question, they looked at each other and scratched their heads, none of them dared to speak out their thoughts first.

Liu Mingzhi picked up the teacup and blew the foam on it, and glared at a group of generals angrily.

"Look at your bear, what can't you say?
It's just a casual discussion, and it's enough to say no boldly. Are you still worried that your words and deeds will affect Zhang Shuai's marching steps?

Say it boldly, say what you think, and explain your own ideas, reasons, and results.

Since you have created the sand table of the Frankish Kingdom in your spare time, it shows that you already have the foundation to command the three armies.

It’s not enough to always think about obeying orders and rushing into battle. I hope that each of you is a commander-in-chief. In the future, you can command the soldiers of the three armies, serve the court, and guard the safety of one side.

Sit down, this is an order. "

Zhao Qing and the others tensed subconsciously, and sat down on the first few chairs of Liu Mingzhi without hesitation.

"Tell me about what you have learned on the sand table, and whoever comes first."

The eight people looked at each other cautiously. In front of Liu Mingzhi, the emperor on horseback, they really didn't have the courage to speak out their thoughts freely.

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly, put the teacup heavily on the table, and turned to look at Zhao Qing.

"Zhao Qing, you are the first to speak."

"Ah? Your Majesty, minister... minister... minister this... this..."

First Young Master Liu's face was ashamed, and he looked at Zhao Qing with a gloomy gaze and cursed: "What are you, what are you? You are a general of a ten-thousand-thousand army in the army, hesitating like a woman, what do you think.

Wasn't he quite eloquent when he charged into battle under Lao Tzu's command and galloped on the battlefield?
Why are you more pussy than pussy now?
No matter how stupid you are, if you dare to act like this to me, I will definitely whip you to death with a whip.

It's not just Zhao Qing, you guys are the same, whoever dares to act like a girl in the future, don't blame me for not remembering the old love, turning his face and hitting you with military sticks. "

Seeing Young Master Liu cursing and swearing, Zhao Qing and the others became excited, as if they had returned to their military career under Young Master Liu's leadership many years ago.

Zhao Qing took a deep breath: "The minister said, the minister said it's not enough!"

Young Master Liu picked up his teacup and took a sip: "If you fart, let it go."

"Your Majesty, I believe that Zhang Shuai and the soldiers of the Roman Kingdom have now ended the war in the Frankish Kingdom."

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and lightly moved the tea lid in his hand: "How can you see that?"

"Your Majesty, you have never been on a personal expedition, and you don't know the heroic achievements of our Western Expeditionary Army in Tianzhu and Dashi.

You can say that if it weren't for the difficult conditions of our brothers in the Western Expedition Army, it would not be impossible for our two Western Expedition armies to end the war against the barbarians of the two countries one to three months earlier.

Your Majesty dared to say that at the beginning, His Majesty mobilized 40 elite soldiers from the Inner Palace, Beifu, and Xinfu, as well as the Anxi Duhufu, as well as more than 30 elite troops from the Western Regions to help the two countries in the west. Barbarians.At that time, not only the minister alone, but also the two veterans, and millions of brothers all subconsciously thought that Dashi, Tianzhu and Tianzhu were two extremely hard nuts to crack.

That's why Your Majesty mobilized so many soldiers and horses to attack the two countries at once.

At that time, the brothers had high ambitions and high morale, thinking that as long as they encountered Tianzhu, the soldiers and horses of the two countries would be the result of meeting their opponents.

I never thought that after the real confrontation with the soldiers and horses of the two countries, the brothers were all disappointed.

There are no bed crossbows, no arrow formations, and the distance of the catapults is pitifully small. When charging into the battle, the formation is as rigid as a live target.

There are no such standing armaments, let alone such combat weapons as artillery of various sizes.

When the battle was over, when the battlefield was being cleaned, the brothers discovered that these barbarian soldiers and horses were not even [-]% armored, let alone armored.

The battle formation they gathered together seemed indestructible, but after a few rounds of artillery from our army, no matter what solid formation was, it would eventually be bombarded to pieces.

The infantry brothers went up like picking up leaks and won the first rank.

I have seen how the soldiers and horses of the Roman Kingdom are prepared, and I already have a general idea in my heart, they are not even as good as the soldiers and horses of the Tianzhu Kingdom.

A country that has been separated from the Roman state for decades without any results, relies on the strength and excellent military equipment of our Western Expeditionary Army, and the soldiers and horses of the Roman state are on the side to help.

It is not a whimsical idea for the minister to speculate that the Frankish country has been captured by our army and the soldiers of the Roman country.

The minister finished his thoughts. "

Liu Mingzhi stared at Zhao Qing quietly for a moment, then looked at Hu Sanyuan and the others.

"what about you?"

"We second the proposal."

Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup lightly, and stared at the eight people with deep eyes.

"Listen to what you said, you are very conceited!"

The eight people froze for a moment, unable to guess what Liu Mingzhi meant by this.

Liu Mingzhi sighed and got up and walked out of the camp. The eight generals didn't know, so they hurriedly followed.

Liu Mingzhi stopped in front of the tent, watched the two guards and horses practicing with each other on the school field not far away, and spoke directly when he heard footsteps behind him.

"Do you know how much food and grass the 40 troops of my Dalong Neifu alone consume in a day?
Do you know how much silver it takes to cast a cannon with a sufficient amount of shells?
Do you know how much silver it takes to put on armor for an entire army?

Do you know how much manpower and material resources will be dispatched to supply the consumption of your arrows?
I fought with the imperial court for several years at the price of emptying the national treasury, and finally cultivated a group of arrogant soldiers like you who have no one in sight? "


Hearing Liu Mingzhi's impersonal questioning voice, Zhao Qing's eight people were startled and hurriedly knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Chen wait to be found guilty."

"A sad soldier may not necessarily win, but a proud soldier will surely lose.

As generals, you should be responsible for the lives of the brothers under your command, and you should not underestimate any opponent.

Even though you are telling the truth, you have violated the taboo of military strategists, that is, you have already started to despise your opponent from the bottom of your heart.

All of them are veterans who have galloped on the battlefield for many years. Do you still need me to repeat the truth that a proud soldier must be defeated again and again? "

"The minister deserves death for his crimes."

"If you die, you don't need it. You can go and get the twenty army sticks yourself."

"We take orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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