My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2446 The Celebrity Effect

Chapter 2446 The Celebrity Effect
Liu Mingzhi stopped outside the camp tent and watched Zhao Qing, Hu Sanyuan, and Wang Qingshu walking towards the dragon banner of the school field without hesitation, and shook his head helplessly.

"Lu Rong."

Lu Rong, who was waiting by the side, trotted and stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi, carefully looked at First Young Master Liu: "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

Liu Mingzhi pouted in the direction of the dragon's dragon flag: "You go and tell the brothers who are carrying out the punishment with sticks that the first few sticks should be done normally. As for the punishment later, the punishment should be lighter and try to control the strength."

"I understand, I will leave first."

After about a cup of tea, there was a muffled sound coming from the banner of the Dragon Banner dozens of steps away. It was the sound of a stick hitting a person.

Liu Mingzhi vaguely heard a muffled groan coming from under the flagpole, but he didn't hear the slightest cry of pain. He realized in an instant that Zhao Qing and the other eight bastards must be gritting their teeth and enduring the pain. .

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his brows and sighed, he couldn't help feeling a wordless sourness in his heart, I hope these guys can understand his painstaking efforts.

About half a stick of incense time, dozens of soldiers of the two guards lifted the foreheads with thin beads of sweat on the poles, eight people from Zhao Qing stopped in front of Liu Mingzhi.

Lu Rong waved his hand to signal the soldiers to put the eight people a few steps away from Liu Mingzhi, and walked up to Liu Mingzhi to salute with his fists clasped.

"Report to Your Majesty, the execution of eight General Zhao's punishment with sticks has been completed."

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, walked up to the eight people lying on the pallet and squatted down: "Are you resenting me in your heart?"

Zhao Qing and the others didn't even bother to wipe off the sweat on their faces, they looked up at Young Master Liu and shook their heads without hesitation: "I dare not wait."

"Don't dare? Is there?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I dare not wait, and I will not resent Your Majesty. We underestimated the enemy and made mistakes first, and we deserved the punishment of twenty sticks."

"Your Majesty seconded the proposal. Your Majesty did not remove the ministers and others from their posts, but blamed the ministers and others. This shows that your Majesty hates the ministers and others, but also hates iron and steel. Your Majesty has the ministers and others in your heart. Why do you have any complaints?"

"The ministers and others seconded the proposal, and we have no complaints or regrets."

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the sincere expressions on the faces of the eight people, and a hint of relief flashed in his eyes.

"As long as you can understand my painstaking efforts, hitting you twenty sticks today seems to be punishing you, but in fact it is for your own good, twenty sticks on your buttocks, at best, it's just a few days of recuperation in bed.

But if you underestimate the enemy and cause your soldiers to die on the battlefield, you will bear the infamy of thousands of people, and you will be cursed and accused by thousands of Paozhe family members.

You will spend the rest of your life in remorse and self-blame.

Compared with the mental and spiritual torture, these twenty sticks are too light for you.

It's true that you will be successful, but you must be worthy of the feats and glory accumulated by the brothers who died in battle with their blood and lives.

This sticking punishment should be taken as a warning. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I have realized my mistake."

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a light smile, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms and threw it to Lu Rong.

"Carry them into the tent and apply the medicine for golden sores on them. I will come to visit you in a few days."

"Follow the order."

Seeing Liu Mingzhi walking towards the outside of the school grounds, Hu Sanyuan, Zhao Qing and others endured the pain and shouted.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me the medicine, and send it to Your Majesty."

After Liu Mingzhi returned to the mansion from the school ground in the south of the city, he plunged into the study room, and only walked out of the study room when the Golden Crow fell to the west.

"Master, are you looking for a younger one?"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Liu Song who was running in a hurry, nodded slightly to signal that he took out three sealed letters from his cuffs and handed them to Liu Song.

"You immediately deliver these three letters to my eldest brother's house, and you must hand them over to him.

Let him be passed on to Zhang Shuai, Marshal Zhang of the Left Army, Marshal Nangong, Marshal Nan Gong, and Marshal Zhang Mo of the Anxi Protectorate of the Western Expedition Army as soon as possible. "

"Yes, do you have any other orders, Master?"

"No, let's go and do this first."

"Yes, the little one retire."

When Liu Song's figure disappeared down the corridor, Young Master Liu stretched his waist and rushed towards Qi Yun's boudoir.

"Yun'er, those drills...Wanyan, Yaoer, Yun Shu and you are here too!"

"Husband, you are here."

Liu Mingzhi sat on the chair, and waved his hands to signal to the beauties who were about to get up that they should not be too polite: "Sit down, what are you talking about?"

The four beauties pushed their wooden boxes in front of First Young Master Liu: "We're not discussing the matter of you asking concubine sisters to prepare these diamond jewelry.

Now the first batch of diamond jewelry has been produced, but the sisters have no experience in how to sell it. We were discussing it before you came! "

Young Master Liu looked at Qi Yun's helpless delicate face and laughed dumbfoundedly: "You little ladies really have a tacit understanding with your husband!
My husband came to you and was about to talk about diamond jewelry, but you were already ready. "

Liu Mingzhi opened the first wooden box while talking, and was immediately amazed by the dazzling light of more than 20 diamond jewelry inside the wooden box.

Picking up a diamond pendant and looking it over, First Young Master Liu nodded in amazement.

"Diamonds are forever, and true love lasts forever. It's one thing whether this broken stone is valuable or not, but I have to say that it is really beautiful.

Once it spreads out, find someone to operate it a little bit, and it will definitely attract a large number of wealthy ladies and ladies. "

The four queens looked at First Young Master Liu curiously: "Husband, have you thought about how to sell these diamond jewelry by saying that?"

"That's right, none of our sisters and others have business experience, and we don't know how to sell these dazzling jewelry. We are worrying about this. If you have a good way, tell us quickly."

Liu Mingzhi put the diamond pendant back into the wooden box, and looked at the curious four beauties with a smile.

"Let's not talk about how to sell these diamond jewelry, you just say what do you think of these jewelry?"

The four girls nodded without hesitation, and said in unison: "Pretty."

"Any more?"

The four goddesses looked at each other in bewilderment, and looked at First Young Master Liu in surprise.

"Husband, do women need other reasons for choosing jewelry besides beauty?"

"That's right, when we sisters buy jewelry, we always choose the beautiful ones first."

"Yes, yes, everything else is secondary, as long as it looks beautiful on your body."

"Beautiful jewelry may not be the most important thing, but concubines will never buy jewelry that is not beautiful."

The corners of Young Master Liu's eyes twitched as he looked at the four beauties who were making loud noises, and frowned helplessly.

"Except for being beautiful, other things are not important to you?"

"Of course, if you're not pretty, who will wear it on your body?"

"Is anything else important?"

"Yes! Is it important?"

"We dress ourselves up beautifully to show your husband!

Which woman doesn't want to show her most attractive side in front of her sweetheart? "

"Ah! What you said makes sense, but my husband is speechless."

"Then husband, tell me how to sell these diamond jewelry?"

"Are all of you wearing them?"

Qi Yun stretched out her right hand without hesitation, revealing the dazzling diamond ring on her finger.

The three queens gently lifted their cloudy sleeves, revealing the bracelets made of more than a dozen diamonds on each other's wrists.

"Husband, not only the four of us sisters wore it, but the rest of the sisters also chose a piece of jewelry to keep.

Rings, pendants, bracelets, hairpins... Each sister chooses something different, but does this have anything to do with selling diamond jewelry? "

Liu Mingzhi took a sip of the tea, and looked at the four beauties with shining eyes: "Three days later, my husband will take all your sisters to the Zixia Temple in the east of the city to pray.

On that day, you just wear all the favorite jewelry you left behind on your body.

Let's also have a wave of celebrity effects. "

"Huh? Celebrity, what does that mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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