Chapter 2447

Liu Mingzhi didn't explain to the ladies what celebrity effect is, because he knew in his heart that with the intelligence and wisdom of all the beauties, they would understand the meaning of this word in three days.

Two days later, the court's Ministry of Rites and Qin Tianjian's two yamen offices sent yamen servants to the densely populated areas inside and outside the capital, and wantonly posted the news that today's emperor brought the current empress and concubines in the harem to the east of the city to Zixia Temple to offer incense.

The news spread all over the capital and inside and outside the capital in just half a day, and the people in the teahouses and restaurants all discussed this matter.

The next day, as soon as the sky was bright, the wealthy and idle people rushed to Qinglong Main Street with their families, preparing to pay their respects to the sky when His Majesty the Emperor was on his way to Zixia Temple.

However, what the people who flocked to the streets never imagined was that they didn't wait for First Young Master Liu to show up, but they waited for the soldiers of the Imperial Army galloping on horses and shouting loudly.

"Your Majesty said that I am suddenly ill today and cannot go to Zixia Temple to offer incense for a while, so I specially order the queen and all the concubines to go to Zixia Temple to offer incense. I would like to express my respect to Sanqing Taoist priest."

Several soldiers of the forbidden army shouted all the way and rushed towards the city gate. The people who heard the shouts were unavoidably disappointed and subconsciously wanted to disperse.

After thinking about it, even if I can't see His Majesty the Emperor, it's also a blessing to see the empress of the dynasty and the many beauties in the harem!

It is said that there are three thousand beauties in the Emperor's Majesty's harem, each of which is beautiful and beautiful. If you can see the beauty and beauty of the empresses today, you will have more bragging capital when you see relatives and friends in the future, right?

So those people who originally wanted to disperse chose to stay, looking expectantly towards the palace gate at the end of Qinglong Main Street.

After about half a day, the anxious people who had been waiting for a long time suddenly heard the melodious sound of the gong, and immediately became energetic.

With the gong clearing the way, the empress must have left the palace with many concubines.

Sure enough, behind the soldiers of the Forbidden Army who blew the gong to clear the way, more than a dozen extraordinary-looking phoenixes caught the eyes of the people on both sides of the street.

The densely packed people on both sides hurriedly stood on tiptoe and looked under Feng Lu's canopy, hoping to catch a glimpse of the charming faces of many beauties in the harem.

However, the people who were waiting were disappointed again. They did see a dozen empresses wearing phoenix coronets and xiapei, but the cheeks of these empresses were all covered with scarves as thin as cicada's wings to cover their phoenix faces.

They could only vaguely see the elegant and luxurious appearances of the beauties under the veils, which made many people who were gentlemen feel itchy in their hearts and wanted to scold their mothers.

The family members of those gentlemen ignored the appearance of the beauties, and their minds were attracted by the jewelry worn by the beauties.

Looking at all kinds of dazzling and dazzling diamond jewelry on the beauties, the girls and daughters-in-law on both sides of the street showed excited and longing eyes.

There was only one thought in my mind, where did all the girls buy their jewelry?Why have we never seen it in many jewelry stores in Shiliufang?

Could it be a new category in a jewelry store?Or is it specially made for the craftsmen in the palace?

No, I have to go to the jewelry store first when I get back.

On the tower of the palace wall, Qi Yun, the empress and other beauties put down the binoculars in their hands, and looked coquettishly at Young Master Liu who was sitting on the tower sipping tea.

"Husband, you are too hurtful, how can you deceive your subjects like this?"

"That's right, what kind of bad idea are you talking about? After seeing the expressions on the faces of the common people's women, I couldn't help mourning for their husbands."

"Too bad, is this what you call celebrity?"

"Grab the bamboo shoots!"


Young Master Liu looked at the coquettish looks of the many ladies with different expressions, cheerfully put down the teacup in his hand and stretched.

"For my husband, this is also to earn money to support our family! Who made us all point to our husband to support our family!
In order to make money, use some tricks that are not on the table, don't shudder, besides, as a husband, you can't really let you wear those diamond jewelry to show your face on the street, can you?
Dress up your own wife beautifully and then go to stare at other men. Isn't it full to do that for your husband?

I can't get enough of my husband!Why let other men see it?Isn't that sick? "

All the beauties spat secretly, on the surface they seemed to be angry with their husbands, but in fact their hearts were as sweet as eating honey.


"Hey, master."

"Go back and report to the old man immediately, our jewelry store can open for business tomorrow."

"Understood, I will take my leave, little one."

After Liu Song left, Young Master Liu waved his hand and walked down the tower.

"Women, go to Zixia Temple with your husband to offer incense. There is no difference between private visits in micro-clothes and ostentatious walks in the market, as long as you go to offer incense."

All the beauties shook their heads helplessly, put away the binoculars and followed Young Master Liu towards the tower.

Tsarist Russia, thousands of miles away from Dalong Northland, and the sky above the Tsarist Russian king city of Gele at the end of October have already been covered with beautiful goose feather snow.

Song Qing's second son, Song Yang, could not help shivering from the cold wind blowing in his face. He tightened his cloak and looked at Liu Chengfeng, who was also not lightly frozen.

"Chengfeng, we should have gone the right way this time, right? If we go the wrong way again, the weather will be enough to wipe out the entire army of our mission."

Seeing the tangled look in Song Yang's eyes, Liu Chengfeng got off his horse and leaned over to look at the city in front of him, with a hint of unconfidence on his face.

"Should...shouldn't go wrong again, right? After severely punishing the Tsarist Russian soldier who deliberately led the wrong way, the remaining soldiers who led the way should not dare to play tricks on us anymore."

Song Yang looked at the unconfident look on Liu Chengfeng's face, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, he turned around and waved to the soldiers behind him.

"Go and bring up the soldiers of Tsarist Russia who came back with us, and ask them if the city in front of them shrouded in heavy snow is their royal city of Tsarist Russia, Grae."

"As ordered."

Liu Chengfeng looked at the soldiers who were rushing towards the rear, and pulled Song Yang to the side: "Brother Yang, what do you think I should say after meeting Queen Elizabeth Serena of Tsarist Russia?"

Song Yang looked at the nervous Liu Chengfeng with a strange expression, "Didn't you study hard for ten days and a half months in the top ten fireworks places in Beijing before you went on a diplomatic mission?
After meeting the little empress of Tsarist Russia, you should know what to say to win the favor of a beautiful woman, you should be more reckless than this young master and me! "

"That's the case, but I... I have only a half-knowledge of Tsarist Russian language learning on the road, and I can't express my thoughts fluently at all.

Although it is possible to ask those soldiers from Tsarist Russia to help with the translation, what if the translation is inaccurate? "

Song Yang held his chin and pondered for a long time: "Never mind it! Let's talk after meeting someone first, after all, the devil knows whether the appearance of the little queen of Tsarist Russia can catch the eye of your eldest prince.

If you look down on her, there is no need to continue the rest of the matter.

After negotiating the credentials, we can go back home as soon as the next spring is warm and the flowers bloom. "

Liu Chengfeng took a deep breath and nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, let's talk about it after meeting someone first, what if the little Empress of Tsarist Russia looks like a ghost!

In this way, wouldn't the young master be at a loss?

Brother Yang, you have a stable mind. "

"Reporting to the Chief Soldier, the Deputy Chief Soldier, the soldiers from Tsarist Russia who led the way for us have brought them."

(End of this chapter)

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