My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2448 Finally to Tsarist Russia

Chapter 2448 Finally to Tsarist Russia

When Liu Chengfeng and Song Yang heard the voices of the guards behind them, they immediately became serious.

Liu Chengfeng and Song Yang looked at each other, coughed twice, and walked steadily towards the soldiers a dozen steps away: "Bring them here."

"Of order, the commander-in-chief will wait."

The soldiers turned around and ran towards the chariot beside them. A moment later, under the leadership of the soldiers, ten soldiers from Tsarist Russia were brought to the front of Liu Chengfeng and his brother.

The ten soldiers from Tsarist Russia glanced at the unsmiling brothers Liu Chengfeng, bowed tremblingly, and spoke quite fluent Chinese.

"I'll see the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Mission, and the deputy commander-in-chief."

Liu Chengfeng calmly replied with a nasal voice: "En!"

Seeing this, Song Yang immediately took a step forward and glanced at the ten tsarist Russian soldiers in front of him who looked disturbed: "Yevs, Menghanfu, ten listen.

This general once again solemnly tells you that this general and Liu Zongbing came to your Tsarist Russia this time to make friendly relations with your Majesty the Empress of Tsarist Russia, not to meet you with swordsmen.

You don't need to worry that we will meet each other in battle, and you don't need to deliberately point out the wrong route to our Dragon Mission.

Because of Menghanfu's deliberate misdirection, our Great Dragon Mission has been delayed for two months, and is facing the crisis of running out of food and grass.

The general hopes that you can be more aware of current affairs this time, and don't provoke the bottom line of the general and Liu Zongbing over and over again.

Otherwise, what is waiting for you is not just some simple punishments, but some punishments that will make you understand that death is a luxury.

This is all the general said here, don't say that what he said was unexpected. "

Seeing Song Yang finish his speech, Liu Chengfeng walked around in front of the ten Tsarist Russian soldiers holding the Junzi sword on his waist.

"You have heard what Vice President Song said, so I will stop wasting my tongue. I will ask you a question, is the city covered in heavy snow in front of you the city of Gele?"

After the ten people from Yeves and those soldiers from Tsarist Russia were captured, they built the city wall in Dalong for many years, and they had already mastered nine out of ten Chinese.

After listening to Liu Chengfeng and his brothers' words, the ten people in Yeves looked at each other with tangled expressions, and glanced at the two brothers' questioning eyes. After hesitating for a long time, no one answered.

With a bang and a loud sword chant echoing in the wind and snow, Song Yang's callused big hand pointed the long sword in his hand at the ten people of Yeves.

"Actually, this general can send scouts all the way to the city in front to find out the news, and then he can still know where the city in front is.

The reason why I will ask you again is not only to save time, but also because my Dalong Heavenly Dynasty is a state of etiquette.

The sword in this general's hand hasn't drank blood yet, if you are so ignorant of current affairs, this general doesn't mind using your heads as the sword in my hand.

It's still the same sentence just now, whether you guys say it or not, this general can know whether the city ahead is the city of Gele in your royal city, and asking you again is just to let you survive.

If you really want to die, this general doesn't mind fulfilling your wishes.

General Ben will ask you one last time, is the city in front of you Gele City? "

The ten members of Yeves looked at the cold killing intent in Song Yang's eyes, and instantly felt a more piercing chill than the cold wind blowing in front of them.

The body that was trembling because of the wind and snow began to tremble uncontrollably at this time, and the eyes looking at Song Yang couldn't help being a little erratic. They understood in their hearts that if they dared to be obedient, Song Yang would really will kill them all.

The ten people looked at each other again, and their eyes communicated silently.

Dalong's deputy chief soldier was right, no matter whether he waited for someone to guide the way or not, as long as he sent someone to the front to inquire about the news, Dalong's soldiers and horses could also know whether the city ahead was Gele City.

If I wait for others to say nothing, I am afraid that my life will die today.

After making eye contact for a moment, the eyes of the other nine people fixed on Yeves.

Feeling the terrified eyes of his companions, Yeves took a deep breath and looked at Liu Chengfeng.

"Mr. dare to swear to God, isn't your big dragon really here to fight against our Tsarist Russia?"

Liu Chengfeng shook his head helplessly: "Yevs, have you ever seen a general who dared to attack a king's city with only [-] troops?
If this general soldier really wanted to attack your Tsarist Russia, he wouldn't have brought only so few troops.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the three thousand soldiers and horses of the general army will not be enough for you in Tsarist Russia, right? "

Seeing Liu Chengfeng's helpless expression, Yeves couldn't help muttering: "Who made your artillery so powerful, our family members are all in the city!"

Listening to Yeves' moaning words, Liu Chengfeng's eyes flashed with astonishment.

"What are you talking about? Speak up, the wind and snow are too strong, and the chief soldier didn't hear clearly."

Yeves shook his head hastily: "Nothing, nothing.

That's... that's... the front... The city ahead is indeed the royal city of our Tsarist Russia. "

After Yeves finished speaking, he lowered his head in relief.

Liu Chengfeng and Song Yang immediately looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Song Yang put the long sword back into its sheath, and looked at Slav and the others with a faint smile.

"Congratulations to you for saving your own lives. You can choose five people to follow this general to Gele City in your royal city, and follow me to submit the credentials of His Majesty the Emperor of the Dragon Dynasty.

As long as you meet Your Majesty the Empress of Tsarist Russia, you will be free. "

"Discuss with yourselves and choose who will come out!"

The ten people in Yeves swallowed involuntarily when they heard the words, and there was a deep desire in their eyes.

The ten people saw the look of longing in each other's eyes, and gathered together with complicated expressions to discuss in a low voice.

After about a stick of incense, five people led by Yeves walked in front of Liu Chengfeng.

"Liu Zongbing, the five of us are willing to follow Vice Zongbing Song to Gele City to submit the credentials of your Great Dragon Emperor."

"Okay, then there are five of you."

Liu Chengfeng pulled Song Yang towards a carriage, found a brocade box from the carriage, and handed it to Song Yang.

"Brother Yang, proceed carefully, if you feel that the situation is not good, immediately find a way to withdraw from the city and join us.

If the situation is critical, sound the signal flare, and my brother will immediately send someone to cover you. "

Song Yang took the brocade box from Liu Chengfeng solemnly: "Don't worry, if the situation is not good, I will retreat immediately."

"Okay, take care."

"Wait for my brother's return with peace of mind."

Song Yang punched Liu Chengfeng pretending to be relaxed, and walked towards the five of Yeves.

"Come here, bring six good horses here."

"Follow the order."

After a while, Song Yang turned his head and nodded to Liu Chengfeng who looked worried, and led the five of Yeves on horseback towards Gele city shrouded in snow.

Looking at the figure of Song Yang and the six people gradually disappearing in the snow for a long time, Liu Chengfeng lingered for a while while supporting the Junzi sword on his waist before stopping.

"Come on."

"The last general is here, please command Liu Zongbing."

"After the order is passed, the three armies will immediately enter a state of alert. Once they find the trace of the signal flare of Deputy Commander Song, they will immediately prepare for battle."


(End of this chapter)

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