My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2449 depends on your attitude

Chapter 2449 depends on your attitude
Song Yang looked at the Gele King City more than 40 steps away with a surprised expression. Although it was not the first time he had seen the city of the Barbarian Kingdom, Song Yang still felt a little novel when he saw the Gele King City.

The reason for the novelty is nothing more than the completely different architectural styles of Tsarist Russia and Dalong.

Looking at the city in front of him, although it is not small, it is not considered majestic either. Song Yang glanced at the five people of Yeves secretly, thinking to himself, the five of Yeves are not deceiving themselves as before.

Is a city of this size really the size a king should have?

It seems that it is not as good as the old capital of the former Jin Kingdom, but the tall castles in their city look quite shocking. Although they are shrouded in snow, they can still vaguely see the outline .

Song Yang glanced at the Gele King City shrouded in heavy snow and was thinking about it. Yeves got off his horse and stopped in front of Song Yang's horse.

"Master Deputy Chief Soldier, we have arrived. This is the royal city of Gele in our Tsarist Russia."

Song Yang nodded clearly, got off his horse vigilantly and walked towards the five of Yeves.

"Go and shout to Pao Ze, who is guarding the city gate."

Yeves looked at Song Yang expectantly again: "Master Vice President, will you really give us back our freedom after the Dragon Mission sees our Queen?"

Song Yang looked at Yeves and the other five with skeptical expressions, and nodded with a light smile: "Our big dragon has always kept promises, since Mr. Liu said he would let you go and give you freedom, he would never go back on his word.

Furthermore, we are following the orders of His Majesty the Emperor to make friends with you Tsarist Russia's friendly countries. When we arrive at your Tsarist Russia's territory, we naturally don't want to be hostile to you.

You can put your heart in your stomach, as long as we meet your Tsarist Russian queen, you will immediately be able to regain your freedom and reunite with your family. "

The five of Yeves glanced at each other, and they knew in their hearts that they had to choose to trust the deputy commander of the Dragon Mission in their current situation.

I hope the deputy commander of the Great Dragon Mission won't back down.

The five of Yeves exchanged in Tsarist Russian language for a while, and finally Yeves looked at Song Yang and nodded heavily, exhaled warm air into his palms and walked towards the city gate more than 40 steps away.

When Yeves was more than 20 steps away from the city gate, a surprised shout suddenly came from the city wall.

"Who is not allowed to approach the city gate and report your identity."

Song Yang was holding the brocade box in his hand with a solemn expression, when he heard a sudden exclamation sound from the hazy city wall, his big hand subconsciously approached the saber at his waist.

"Meng Hanfu, what is the meaning of those few words that Pao Ze on your city gate said?"

"Back to Deputy Commander Dalong, our guards are asking Yeves about his identity."

Although Song Yang's tense expression relaxed slightly, the big hand close to the sword around his waist remained motionless in place.


A few dozen paces away, outside the city gate shrouded in snow and wind, there was a conversation that made Song Yang confused. After about half a stick of incense, Song Yang saw Yeves trotting towards him and the others.

As Yeves approached, Song Yang gradually saw the excited expression on his face.

Song Yang realized in an instant that Yeves must have succeeded in negotiating with the defenders of the Royal City of Gele.

Sure enough, as soon as Yeves stopped in front of Song Yang and the others, he said excitedly: "Vice Chief Song, I have successfully negotiated with General Gogorov who is guarding the city. He told us to wait outside the city now. He Someone has been sent to the Klimt Palace to report the news of our arrival to Her Majesty the Empress of Tsarist Russia."

Song Yang stared into Yeves' eyes, knowing that Yeves was not lying, so he nodded with a light smile.

"Okay! Congratulations to you guys, you will be free soon.

As long as my Dalong establishes diplomatic and friendly relations with your Tsarist Russia, not only will you be free, but those of you who live well in my Dalong Heavenly Dynasty should also be able to be free.

Of course, what General Ben said was right.As for the final result, it depends on the choice of your Queen of Tsarist Russia.

This general can't make the decision, the key depends on the attitude of your Tsarist Russian empress. "

The five of Yeves looked at Song Yang, who seemed to be courteous, but actually exuded a rebellious temperament from the inside out, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

If they couldn't beat Song Yang, they really wanted to beat up the deputy commander of Dalong who was a little behind them in age.

Song Yang looked at the appearance of the five Yeves and stopped talking. With a respectful expression, he held the brocade box in his hand, quietly staring at the gate of the Gele King City in the snowstorm and waited.

The Klimt Palace in Tsarist Russia.

A young girl dressed in a snow-white fur coat, with light blue eyes that captivate the soul, with a beautiful and delicate face that is as cold as ice and serious, and with fair skin and long legs, is adding chopped firewood to the fireplace with a sad face.

Compared with Dalong's way of heating with a stove, Tsarist Russia's way of heating in the cold winter is somewhat unique.

The young girl watched the fire in the fireplace grow stronger again, then turned around and walked towards the table and chairs behind her, whose shape was very different from that of the dragon.

This stunningly beautiful young girl is the current Empress Elizabeth Serena of Tsarist Russia.

Elizabeth Serena did not inherit the throne from her father, but from her grandmother.

If Dalong's Minister of Civil and Military Affairs and the Confucian school knew about such an inheritance method that violated the son's inheritance of the father's business, they would definitely be so shocked that they would drop their eyes.

After all, Dalong's customization has been hereditary since ancient times, and the son inherits the father's business, which follows the rules of the general ethics.

The king of a country passes the throne to his granddaughter but not to his son. In Dalong's official conception, it is a violation of the rules and ethics.

Even if the harem's involvement in politics is about to be deposed from the post, if the rules are a little more out of line, the civil and military remonstrance documents of the Manchu Dynasty will probably fly into the imperial study room like snowflakes.

Elizabeth Serena sat on a chair with a completely different shape from the Dalong chair, picked up the parchment on the table, looked at it casually for a moment, and then put it down with a depressed expression.

The reason why the little Tsarist Russian empress was so depressed was nothing more than the content recorded on the parchment scroll.

"Report, please tell the empress that the imperial minister Mr. Ulinin is asking for an audience outside the palace, saying that he has something very urgent and needs to see the empress immediately."

Elizabeth Serena's beautiful and delicate face, which was already full of sorrow, could not help but frown when she heard the maid's words, and her eyes with light blue pupils narrowed slightly.

"Nina, did Ulinin say why he came to the palace to meet the Emperor?"

"Back to Your Majesty, Lord Ulinin didn't tell the servant what the urgent matter is, but just said that he has something very urgent to ask to see you."

Elizabeth Serena looked at the bewildered expression on the maid Nina's face, and tapped on the table lightly, muttering a few words.

"Could it be that the people gathered together again, wanting to ask the emperor for their son or man who was captured by the so-called Great Dragon Kingdom?
If so, what should I do!Now the emperor simply can't spare so many troops to rescue those soldiers who were captured by the dragon. "

Elizabeth Serena talked to herself for a while, then said softly to Nina, the court lady standing aside, with a depressed face, "Let's pass Urinin in first."

"Yes, the slaves retire."

(End of this chapter)

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