Chapter 2450

Elizabeth Serena waited for about a stick of incense in the palace with the hot soup in her hand. An old man with white beard and hair and luxurious clothes walked in behind the maid Nina with a strange expression. In the palace.

The old man was wearing a moon-white gown made of unidentifiable material, and an official hat inlaid with purple gemstones on his head. Although he was a little older, he was very energetic. He was the imperial court of Tsarist Russia. Minister Urinen.

"Ulinin sees Her Majesty the Empress."

Elizabeth put down the steaming hot soup in her hand, and nodded slightly as a gesture.

"Don't be too polite, just sit down."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Elizabeth Serena looked at Urinen's weird expression, which was a little different from before, and a hint of suspicion flashed in her beautiful light blue eyes.

"My lord, today's heavy snow covered the entire city of Gele. In such bad weather, you are not at home with your family to avoid the severe cold. Why are you here?"

Upon hearing Serena's questioning words, Urinen took out a rolled sheepskin scroll from under the robe and handed it to Serena as soon as he sat down.

"Your Majesty, Earl Gogorov, the general guarding the south gate of the royal city, sent a letter about the important event that His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon Kingdom sent a Great Dragon Mission to our Tsarist Russia and our friendly relations.

After receiving the letter from Earl Gogolov, the old minister immediately took the letter and drove to the palace to meet His Majesty in a carriage without any hesitation. "

"Friendly relationship?"

"Yes, the old minister thinks that Dalong Kingdom's friendly relations should mean peaceful coexistence and being friends with each other."

Serena nodded thoughtfully, and then looked at the parchment in Ulinin's hand with a dazed face.

"What did you say? Great Dragon Kingdom?"

"Yes, my Majesty the Empress."

Serena's creamy neck slid a few times, as if she heard something incredible, she stared at Ulinin with a strange expression.

"Boss, is the Great Dragon Kingdom you are talking about the Great Dragon Kingdom that the Emperor cursed every day?"

Ulinin looked at the unbelievable expression on the pretty face of the Tsarist Russian Empress, and nodded strangely.

"Your Majesty, if the old minister's guess is correct, the Dalong Kingdom that came to make friends with us is very likely to be the Dalong Kingdom that you have to curse every day to calm down.

As for whether it is a veteran or not, I can't guarantee it. This is a letter from Earl Gogorov. Your Majesty, you will know after reading it yourself. "

The Empress of Tsarist Russia took the parchment from Ulinin and nodded her head to watch it. After a while, Serena put the parchment on the table.

"From the south, it is also called the Great Dragon Kingdom. If there is no accident, the Great Dragon Kingdom that Gogolov mentioned should be the Great Dragon Kingdom that the Emperor curses every day.

It's just that this emperor can't understand, we are clearly hostile to their Dalong Kingdom, why did the emperor of Dalong take the initiative to make friends with us?

You must know that according to the news brought back by the Slavs, the Great Dragon Kingdom is still imprisoning tens of thousands of our warriors!
At this time, they actually came to make friends with us. Could there be some conspiracy? "

Ulinin looked at Serena's bewildered expression, raised his hand and grabbed the naturally curled beard on his chin and began to meditate.

After a long time, Ulinin still couldn't think of a reason, so he shook his head silently at the Tsarist Queen.

"Your Majesty, the old minister can't figure out what the Dragon Emperor's intentions are."

"This...then the boss thinks that the purpose of Dalong Kingdom's visit this time is good or evil?"

"Your Majesty, according to what the Dukes of Slav and the others told after they came back, after the defeat of Dalong, the dukes of Slav and Ledev were captured by the soldiers and horses of the Dalong Kingdom to a place they called Dalongjing. I met His Majesty the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom.

His Majesty the Emperor of Dalong did not embarrass them, but released them back intact, and that time, His Majesty the Great Prince of the Dalong Kingdom asked them to bring back a lot of jewelry that you can't put it down as a gift. .

From this point of view, Dalong's current attitude towards our Tsarist Russia is still very friendly.

Especially this time they took the initiative to send us as an envoy to Tsarist Russia and intend to have friendly relations with us. According to our soldiers who were captured following the Dalong Kingdom Mission, the Dalong Mission only brought more than 3000 soldiers and horses this time.

If the Great Dragon Kingdom is hostile, shouldn't it only bring such a few soldiers and horses?
Therefore, the old minister felt that the Dalong Kingdom should be friendly this time. Of course, it does not rule out that this is a trick of the Dalong Kingdom.

The veteran suggested that we should connect with them, and then play it by ear, to see if we can find out the current situation of our captured soldiers and horses from the mouth of the Dragon Mission. "

The Empress of Tsarist Russia picked up the parchment and read the contents again.

"My lord, do you think that the Emperor should meet the envoys from the Great Dragon Kingdom?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the old minister suggested that Your Majesty do this, because the families of our soldiers who were captured by the dragon are complaining a lot to Your Majesty, you and the nobles.

In particular, there are still many nobles among the captured soldiers, and we cannot ignore their influence.

If we can learn about the current situation of our soldiers from the mouth of the dragon messenger, at least we can give an explanation to the families of those soldiers in the future. "

Elizabeth Serena was silent for a long time, then nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, you go and arrange this matter. The emperor wants to meet the envoys of the Great Dragon Kingdom in the shortest possible time."

"Your Majesty is wise, the old minister will retire."

After watching Ulinin leave, Serena looked down at the parchment in her hand, leaned her weak and boneless waist, and took out a piece of rice paper under the inkstone on the side of the table to compare it with the parchment in her hand .

Carefully comparing the gorgeous rice paper with the rough parchment, Serena frowned and muttered to herself.

"The Dalong Kingdom, the royal court of the Western Turks, the inexhaustible gold and silver jewels, the four treasures of the study, rice paper, silk, tea, all kinds of rare treasures that the emperor has never heard of, and new and strange objects all come from this great land. dragon country.

Especially the Slavs, when these incompetent guys like Ledev came back, they were so frightened when they mentioned the Great Dragon Kingdom, as if they had seen a devil from hell.

Why are there so many treasures in a place that scares the Slavs so much?

What kind of place is there? "

Talking to herself, she muttered the questions in her heart, and Serena put down the rice paper and parchment in her hand and looked at Nina, the maid of honor.

"Nina, serve the emperor and change the palace attire for receiving distinguished guests."

"Yes, by the way, Your Majesty, do you still wear the phoenix coronets that Prince Dalong gave you?"

"Of course it's wearing our own palace clothes."

"But your majesty, you don't like those made of delicate and smooth silk the most..."

Elizabeth Serena sat up, walked towards Nina, tapped Nina's forehead a few times with her fingers.

"Aren't you stupid? The envoys from Dalong wore the clothes and jewelry of the phoenix coronet and Xiapei sent by their country. Doesn't it seem that the Emperor and us Tsarist Russia have never seen anything good?
The emperor reported that when he met with the nobles of our country, he wore those phoenix coronets and Xiapei sent by Dalongsi, and wore those dazzling jewelry from the Dalong Kingdom, in order to make their female relatives who do not have these Dalong items envy the emperor.

However, Dalong is the place where these items are produced. Wearing their gifts to meet their envoys, do you want to embarrass the emperor? "

"The slaves dare not, the slaves dare not, the slaves know they are wrong.

Your Majesty, later, this servant will bring you our palace attire immediately. "

Serena glanced down at her own shockingly fair skin, and saw a trace of embarrassment flashing across Nina's delicate face.

"and many more."

"Her Majesty the Queen?"

"Close-fitting... the close-fitting clothes are sewn from the silk of the big dragon. Anyway, we wear our own clothes on the outside and no one else can see them!"


"Ah what? Come on."

"Yes Yes Yes."

After Nina ran towards the back of the palace, Serena looked around the palace furtively, bent down and took out a wooden box made of sandalwood under the table and put it on the bearskin carpet.

The sandalwood box was gently opened by Serena, and under the light of the oil lamp, a dazzling phoenix crown, whose craftsmanship can be described as exquisite, was held by Serena on the palm of her hand.

After staring at the breathtaking phoenix crown for a while, Serena picked up a phoenix-headed green hairpin from the sandalwood box and squeezed it between her fingers to look at it. A flash of light flashed in her charming light blue eyes. The color of unwillingness.

"Why did it come from the envoys of the Great Dragon Kingdom? I am so angry that I can't wear these clothes.

Liu Chengfeng, the great prince of the Great Dragon Kingdom?How could the name be so strange, so simple, that the prince of a country doesn't even have a distinguished surname?

By the way, this time, the emperor just happened to be able to ask Liu Chengfeng carefully from the mouth of the dragon envoy. "

(End of this chapter)

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