My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2451 Girls are not simple

Chapter 2451 Girls are not simple

Song Yang stood in the wind and snow outside Gele city with a brocade box in his hand, like a sculpture without life. The official hat with phoenix wings on his head and the cloak on his body to keep out the cold were already covered with crystal clear snowflakes.

Even so, Song Yang still had a calm face, without showing the slightest discomfort.

For people like them who practice martial arts in winter and summer, the wind and snow around them are howling and cold, but they still can't shake their strong will as warriors.

Compared with Song Yang who stood motionless in the wind and snow, the five of Yeves looked pitiful shivering and huddled in the wind and snow, forming a stark contrast with Song Yang.

The five of Yeves glanced at Song Yang, who was motionless like an ice sculpture, and leaned forward from time to time to look towards the gate of Gele City.

They expected more than Song Yang that their Majesty the Empress would allow themselves and others to enter the city with Song Yang quickly to keep out the cold. The windy and snowy Tsarist Russia's wilderness is really not a place for people to stay.

It seems that God heard the prayers of Yeves and Menghanfu, and the creaking sound of the city gate faintly passed into the ears of Song Yang and the other six.

In the eyes of the five members of Yeves, this creaking sound was more pleasant than the sound of nature. They hurriedly straightened up and covered their foreheads with their hands, and looked excitedly towards Ge, who was dozens of steps away. Le city gate looked over.

Song Yang, who was standing still like a mountain, was also slightly moved. Compared with the excited expressions of Yeves and the other five, Song Yang's expression became more dignified when he heard the sound of the city gate opening.

Looking at the dozens of figures gradually becoming clear in the heavy snow, Song Yang's right hand resting on his abdomen instinctively moved a little closer to the hilt of the saber.

Before the dozens of figures could reach the six people, a slightly rough speech reached the six people's ears first.

"My general, Earl Gogolov, which one is Yeves who just shouted outside the city gate?"

Yeves heard someone calling out his name, and subconsciously looked at Song Yang beside him.

Sensing Yeves' gaze, Song Yang nodded calmly, indicating that Yeves could step forward to greet the visitor.

Seeing this, Yeves hurriedly greeted the crowd who were only a dozen steps away from him and the others.

"Yevs, the centurion commander under the Duke of Slavic, visited General Gogolov, and it was the last general who was speaking to the general at the gate of the city."

Wearing armor, Gogorov stopped slowly holding the dagger at his waist, looked Yeves up and down, and then looked at Song Yang who was also staring at him a few steps away.

Song Yang looked at the Russian general Gogolov, who was more than eight feet tall, with a rough face and piercing eyes, and nodded slightly as a gesture.

Gogolov held on to the dagger at his waist, and walked towards Song Yang, who was barely seven feet tall, with a steady and powerful step, with a curious look on his face.

This young general of the Great Dragon Kingdom, whose height barely reached his shoulders, was really kind. After seeing himself who was more than a head taller than him, he was still so calm and composed.

This general is really interested in this Great Dragon Kingdom.

Song Yang looked at Gogolov who stopped in front of him and looked down at him, and nodded with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Song Yang, deputy chief of the Dragon Mission, has met His Excellency Gogolov."

Although Gogolov couldn't understand what Song Yang said, but after thinking about it roughly, he felt that the young general of the Great Dragon Kingdom should be greeting him.

Gogolov smiled back and performed a Tsarist Russian courtesy.

"Hi, little general of the Great Dragon Kingdom. I, the Empress of Tsarist Russia, ordered this general to welcome you to the palace immediately, please."

Yeves knew that Song Yang could not understand Tsarist Russia's words at all, so after hearing Gogorov's words, he hurriedly trot and stopped beside the two of them, facing Song Yang.

"Master Deputy Commander, this is Count Gogorov of our Tsarist Russia, he was just saying hello to your friend who came from afar.

And he said that he was ordered by Her Majesty the Queen of Tsarist Russia to welcome you to the Klimt Palace in Tsarist Russia. "

Song Yang nodded knowingly, and inadvertently retracted his right hand that was about to touch the hilt of the sword, and put a fist on the left hand that was holding the brocade box.

"Thank you, please."

"General Gogolov, Little General Dalong said that you should go into the city together."

"Haha... okay, let's go together."

Song Yang glanced back imperceptibly, took a deep breath and walked towards the gate of Gele City with a warm smile on his face among Gogolov's group.

Since Song Yang entered the city, Gogolov has been observing Song Yang's reaction. Seeing Song Yang looking at the luxurious buildings around him without any surprise, Gogolov frowned. Can't help but wrinkle a bit.

It seems that the sinners of the Slavic and Duke Ledev countries are not lying, and the dragon may really be so powerful that we can't even imagine it.

But how did they lose to such a weak big dragon soldier?

Could it be that they deliberately exaggerated the national power of the Great Dragon Kingdom and the strength of the soldiers and horses of the Great Dragon Kingdom in order to cover up their guilt of being unfavorable?

Forget it, let's wait until we see the queen.

"Dalong's little... Yeves, what's the name of this little general of the big dragon."

"Go back to Earl Gogolov, his name is Song Yang."

"Song Yang?"

"Yes, the names of the people of the Great Dragon Kingdom are completely different from those of our Tsarist Russia. Song Yang is his name."

"So that's how it is, little general Song Yang, please, we will arrive at the palace soon in a carriage."

After Song Yang heard Yeves' translation, he withdrew his eyes from looking at the terrain in the city and nodded with a light smile: "I'm sorry."

Looking at Song Yang's calm expression, Gogolov sighed inwardly again, this little general of the big dragon is really not simple.

Since meeting him, I have never seen him respond with surprise to anything.

This is a big dragon boy with a heart far beyond ordinary people!
After about half a cup of tea, the group of people stopped in front of a luxurious carriage. Song Yang, who was originally looking at everything calmly, saw the luxury carriage with four wheels in front of him, and finally showed a touch of surprise in his eyes.

It was just a surprise, it was the first time he had seen a carriage with four wheels.

Seeing Song Yang's surprised expression, Gogolov finally smiled. The young general of the big dragon finally showed a look of surprise.

Doesn't Dalong have such a thing as a carriage?When I send him to the palace to meet Her Majesty the Queen, I have to ask Yeves how many of them are.

"General Song, please."

Under Yeves' translation, Song Yang followed Gogorov into a luxurious carriage and slowly drove towards the Klimt Palace.

After a few sticks of incense, Song Yang followed Gogorov and stopped outside the majestic Klimt Palace.

Song Yang raised his head and looked at the dozens of tall and straight pillars outside the palace, and subconsciously squinted his eyes. Were these pillars chiseled from the mountain by the Tsarist Russians?
If this is the case, it seems that Tsarist Russia is not as weak as we imagined?
Song Yang murmured for a moment, then looked back at Yeves as usual.

"Are you still going in?"

After listening to the translated words, Gogolov glanced at Song Yang in surprise, and gestured towards the tall palace gate.

"Her Majesty is waiting for General Song in the palace, please."

"Well! Thank you."

Song Yang followed Gogolov again and began to look at the topography of the palace intently.

In the end, Song Yang's eyes fixed on a stunning beauty sitting on a chair inlaid with jewels.

"Chen Gogolov sees His Majesty the Emperor."

"Wai Li, is he the envoy of the Great Dragon?"

"Reporting to my emperor, the young man next to me is Song Yang, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Dalong Kingdom's mission."

Song Yang heard Gogolov's voice, although he didn't know what he said to Elizabeth Serena, but he still respectfully performed a big dragon etiquette.

"Song Yang, the Deputy Envoy of the Dalong Mission of the State Councilor, has a meeting with Her Majesty the Empress of Tsarist Russia, long live long live."

Serena was looking at Song Yang curiously, but Yeves hastily started translating before she could be confused about what Song Yang meant by that sentence.

"My Majesty, the Deputy Envoy of the Great Dragon Kingdom is greeting you and wishing you a long life."

Serena nodded thoughtfully: "Let him get up first."


"My lord, the vice commander-in-chief, my majesty let you excuse me."

"Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen."

Song Yang straightened up and took a sneaky glance at the stunning beauty who was sitting on the throne and was about the same age as him. After seeing Serena's appearance, Song Yang couldn't help being amazed.

Although the appearance of this Tsarist Russian empress is quite different from that of Dalong's woman, she can definitely be called a stunning beauty full of exotic customs.

Looking at Serena who was sitting there looking cute, Song Yang quickly glanced at Serena's eyes.

When Song Yang's gaze touched Serena's pair of light blue eyes looking at him, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and his eyes that sneaked at Serena drifted away.

This Yiren girl is not simple!

It is definitely not as harmless to humans and animals as it seems on the surface, it seems that it must be handled with care.

(End of this chapter)

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