My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2452 Is this making friends

Chapter 2452 Is this making friends
The reason why Song Yang had such sudden thoughts was that he actually felt the pressure from Serena's light blue eyes staring at him.

It was the same pressure as when I faced my father Song Qing.

Thinking about it, no matter how young the girl who was sitting on the throne was about the same age as her, she was still the majestic king of a country.

How can it be a simple person who can sit on the throne of the king of a country, walk among the ministers of various old foxes, and hold the power of life and death.

Song Yang had to sigh secretly, he was almost deceived by the cute look of the Tsarist Empress.

Fortunately, I have been practicing martial arts with my father since I was a child, so I have a keen intuition, otherwise I might really capsize in the gutter today.

Song Yang silently calmed down his turbulent state of mind, lowered his head slightly and looked at the brocade box in his hand without squinting, waiting for the Queen of Tsarist Russia to ask questions.

Elizabeth Serena looked at Song Yang who instantly turned into a wooden figure, and a hint of suspicion flashed in her light blue enchanting eyes.

She just clearly felt that the young deputy envoy from Dalong was peeking at her, but when she wanted to look at him, the feeling of being peeped suddenly disappeared.

Serena rubbed the gemstone ring on her index finger, and withdrew her gaze from Song Yang's face, wondering if it was just her own illusion.

Looking at Song Yang, who was neither humble nor overbearing, Serena's cherry red lips parted slightly.

"Song Yang, deputy envoy of the Great Dragon Mission."

With Yeves beside him translating the words of the Tsarist Russian Empress, Song Yang bowed his head directly.

"Bundy Chen is here."

"Why did His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon Kingdom send you to our Tsarist Russia?"

Song Yang held up the brocade box in his hand respectfully, bowed towards the north, and then opened the brocade box in front of everyone, took out a roll of delicate cloth and slowly tore it open.

Lifting his eyes and glanced at the curious Russian empress who was staring at the Chinese book in his hand, Song Yang cleared his throat and looked down at the Chinese book in his hand.

"The Great Dragon Emperor said.

I suddenly heard that the land of the extreme north..."

"Tsarist Russia invaded the territory of our Great Dragon Kingdom with an unknown force, which is a heinous crime.

I originally wanted to use the heavenly soldiers to fight against them, but I am grateful to the gods for their virtues of good life, and I don't want the swords and soldiers to be stained with blood, causing the lives of the subjects of the two countries to die.

Therefore, the captives were captured, and the [-] soldiers and horses of the Er Kingdom were punished. I hope that Er and others will take this as a warning and never commit any crimes again.

If you don't repent, if you commit another crime in the future, your country will be destroyed, and its descendants will be extinct, so as to show the majesty of the heavenly dynasty.

However, my Dalong Heavenly Dynasty is a state of etiquette. It has always been based on goodness, and wants to be friends with all nations in the world.

Therefore, Liu Chengfeng, the eldest son of the Dragon Emperor, was specially ordered to be the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Envoy, and Song Yang, the second son of King Wuyi, was appointed as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Dragon Envoy to go to Tsarist Russia as an act of friendship and diplomatic relations.

Those who are willing to make diplomatic relations, the two countries will benefit and help each other, and have friendly exchanges; those who insult our dragon, the heavenly army will come to the city, destroy the city and destroy the country.

Don't say it's unpredictable! "

Yeves was still fluently translating for Elizabeth Serena what Song Yang read out from the national book, but he became stumbling after the second half.

Hearing the voice of Song Yang closing the letter of credence, Yeves swallowed involuntarily, glanced at Her Majesty the Queen who was curiously waiting for him to continue translating, Yeves' heart was in a mess, and he cursed secretly in fear .

"Damn it, you will destroy the city and destroy the country at every turn, and you will never leave our Tsarist Russia. Is your Dalong Kingdom really here for diplomatic relations?
How do you ask me to translate these tough words full of threats to Her Majesty the Queen?
Is this tone of voice of yours Dalong the attitude you should have when making friends?
If the original words are translated like this, is Lao Tzu still alive? "

Yeves swallowed his saliva, and subconsciously looked at Menghanfu and the other four. He really didn't know how to translate the second half of the Dalong Kingdom Book to Her Majesty the Queen.

The main reason is that I dare not translate the original text.

Sensing Yeves' eyes asking for help, Menghanfu and the others hurriedly lowered their heads. When they heard Song Yang finished reading the contents of the credential, they were not much more complicated than Yeves.

Yeves dare not translate to Her Majesty the Queen, how dare they dare to translate to Her Majesty the Queen.

Elizabeth Serena didn't know how Yeves was about to cry, but she only knew that Yeves's sudden lack of content made her very dissatisfied.

Serena frowned slightly and stared at Yeves: "Yevs, why did you translate half of what the Dragon Envoy said?"

"Ah? This...this..."

It was snowing heavily outside, and when Yeves heard Queen Serena's questioning, fine beads of sweat fell on his forehead involuntarily. He only regretted that he didn't have an exquisite heart, so he couldn't complete the contents of the credential.

Um?Consummated past?

That's right, there are only five of us who understand Chinese and local dialects, and I can completely pass it!

Yeves' thoughts changed sharply, and he glanced at Song Yang, who looked calm, and Yeves continued to translate.

"Your Majesty, just now, Caichen was summarizing the contents of the Dragon Envoy's credentials in his heart, and kept my emperor waiting for a long time. Please forgive me.

Your Majesty, the letter of credentials of the Great Dragon Kingdom says...

And also brought a lot of jewelry, silk tea and other special products of Dalong as gifts to His Majesty the Emperor.

I hope His Majesty will like it. "

Menghanfu and the others stared at Yeves with strange expressions, and couldn't help but give Yeves a thumbs up in their hearts.

Such a situation can turn danger into a bargain, what a talent!
Serena had faintly noticed that the words Yeves translated were inconsistent, and was about to ask, but her mind was attracted to the specialties of Dalong, such as jewelry and silk tea, which Yeves mentioned later.

The light blue eyes rolled a few times quickly, Serena smiled slightly and looked at Song Yang who was holding the letter of credence in both hands.

"The emperor is willing to accept the letter of credence and establish a friendly diplomatic relationship with Dalong."

Yeves looked at Song Yang excitedly: "Vice General, His Majesty has agreed to establish a friendly and mutually supportive diplomatic relationship with Dalong."

Song Yang's expression was startled, and he glanced at the charming and smiling Serena in surprise, and his expression became a little dignified again.

After listening to such content in the national letter, I can still treat people with a smile on my face, without showing any signs of anger, this general is ashamed of himself.

To endure what ordinary people can't bear must be someone with an extraordinary mind.

This Yiren girl is really not simple!

Concentrated and handed the letter of credence to Yeves, Song Yang bowed to Serena.

"I don't know when Her Majesty the Queen will send someone to welcome our Dragon Mission into the city?"

Yeves breathed a sigh of relief holding the credentials, and played the role of translator again.

"You can enter the city and live there at any time. Three days later, the Emperor will call all the ministers of Russia to hold a banquet in the royal palace, and formally receive the delegation of the Great Dragon Kingdom.

As for where to settle after entering the city, Gogolov will arrange for you. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, if you have nothing else to do, Bangchen will leave first and see you in three days."


"Count Gogolov."

"The minister is here."

"You take the Deputy Envoy of the Great Dragon Kingdom to welcome the Great Dragon Mission into the city, and you must arrange their accommodation well, so as not to lose the etiquette of my Tsarist Russia."

"The minister obeys the order."


"My emperor?"

Serena pouted her red lips at the credential in Yeves' hands. Nina understood, trotted towards Yeves, and took the credential in his hand.

"Bundyen resigns."

Gogolov led Song Yang and the six people out of the palace hall, and Elizabeth Serena got up from the throne and walked down.

Serena took the certificate of credence in Nina's hand and looked down. Looking at the fast and powerful Chinese characters on the cloth, Serena felt dizzy for a while.

What is this writing all about?

Not knowing what was written on the cloth, Serena handed the credentials to Nina.

"Go, find someone to find a way to investigate whether the Dalong characters on the credential are really as Yeves translated them."


After Nina left, Serena's pale blue eyes flew out of the palace.

"It's a coincidence that Liu Chengfeng, the commander-in-chief, is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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