Chapter 2453
Outside the King's City of Gele, Liu Chengfeng stared closely at the city of Gele, which was shrouded in snow and could be vaguely seen in front of him, and looked back at the incense burner held by the soldiers behind him from time to time.

"Brother He Lin, how long has it been since the deputy commander-in-chief went to submit his credentials?"

"It's only half an hour before returning to the general soldier."

An anxious look flashed across Liu Chengfeng's brows, he lowered his head and kept stroking the Junzi sword in his hand, his face looked a little restless.

"It's going to be half an hour now, is Brother Yang going to make it?"

"General Soldier, calm down and wait, there is no strange movement coming out of the city, which means that the Deputy Chief Soldier should not be in any critical situation.

Xuemu can indeed block our view of the signal flares, but it cannot block the sound of the signal flares.

With the skill of the deputy commander, once he encountered a severe situation in the city, even if he lost to the large number of Tsarist Russian soldiers and horses in the city alone, it would not be a problem to sound the signal flare that he carried with him.

So far, we haven't heard any movement other than the whistling wind and snow, which shows that the deputy commander is still very safe now.

Maybe he has already met the little empress of Tsarist Russia and is negotiating with her!
There is no other way, and there is no way to be anxious, but to wait patiently. "

After listening to the comforting words of his general He Lin, Liu Chengfeng breathed out silently.

"At this point, I have no choice but to calm down and wait..."

"Look, Chief Soldier, the Deputy Chief Soldier is back!"

Liu Chengfeng suddenly raised his head and looked at Xue Muzhong in front of him, only to see Song Yang and the six of them riding towards him, escorted by more than 20 Tsarist Russian soldiers and horses.

The uneasiness in his heart immediately dissipated, Liu Chengfeng controlled himself to calm down, and calmly turned his gaze from Song Yang to the soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia.

"Shut up!"

Song Yang tightened the reins, got off the horse and walked straight towards Liu Chengfeng.

"The last general, Song Yang, sees Mr. Liu."

"Excuse me, how about it? Have you met the little empress of Tsarist Russia?"

Song Yang glanced back at Earl Gogolov who stopped not far away and was looking at Liu Chengfeng, and his [-] soldiers under his command, smiled and nodded at Liu Chengfeng.

"Returning to the general army, Song Yang, the last general, fulfilled his mission and handed over my Dalong's credentials to Queen Elizabeth Serena of Tsarist Russia.

Now the Empress of Tsarist Russia sent their minister, General Gogolov, to come out of the city to welcome our Dragon Mission into the city. The Empress asked us to go to their post in Tsarist Russia for a while, and hold a banquet in the palace three days later to formally receive us. . "

Liu Chengfeng patted his palm lightly: "Okay, that's great.

As long as the little empress of Tsarist Russia accepts our letter of credence, it means that we have not worked hard this time in vain.

This young master has finally lived up to my father's high expectations! "

"General Soldier, let's go meet the generals of Tsarist Russia who welcome us into the city first."

"it is good."

Liu Chengfeng straightened his dragon robe and the cloak he was wearing, and walked towards Gogolov and the others not far away with steady and powerful steps.

Liu Chengfeng looked at Gogolov's appearance, and gave him a fist with neither humbleness nor condescension: "Dragon envoy Liu Chengfeng, the commander-in-chief of the army, has met your Excellency, General, and is polite."

Compared with Song Yang's equal etiquette, Liu Chengfeng's casual etiquette seems a little arrogant to Gogorov.

However, in the eyes of Song Yang's generals and the [-] dragon cavalry behind him, Liu Chengfeng's salutary behavior couldn't be more normal.

My Royal Highness, the eldest son of the Great Dragon Heavenly Dynasty Emperor, is not only the Chief Envoy of the Great Dragon Mission, but also represents His Majesty the Great Dragon Emperor.Because my Celestial Dynasty is a country of etiquette, it is your honor to be able to take the initiative to greet you as a barbarian minister.

Still want to treat each other with respect, are you thinking of farting?
Gogolov looked at Liu Chengfeng carefully, and felt Liu Chengfeng standing there, with a majestic aura that was completely different from Song Yang, the deputy commander, from the inside out. He subconsciously moved towards Liu Chengfeng behind him. All officers and soldiers of the Great Dragon Mission looked over.

Seeing the domineering aura of the three thousand cavalry standing still in the cold wind and snow, Gogolov swallowed involuntarily.

The identity of the commander-in-chief of the Great Dragon Mission is not simple.

Hiss - just now in the palace, when Yeves was translating the content of the Dalong Kingdom, he seemed to say that the commander-in-chief of the Dalong Mission was the eldest son of their Dalong Heavenly Dynasty Emperor.

Dalong's prince should be the same as the prince of Tsarist Russia, right?
After figuring out the key point, Gogolov hurriedly got off his horse and returned the etiquette of Tsarist Russia with a respectful expression.

"Count Gogolov, aristocrat of Tsarist Russia, is ordered by the Queen to welcome the Dragon Mission into the city for a temporary rest, please."

With the translators like Yeves and the others, there was no problem in the communication between the two.

Liu Chengfeng nodded casually, waved at Song Yang and the others behind him, turned around and walked towards his mount.

Before Gogolov understood what Liu Chengfeng meant to Song Yang and his generals, he was shocked by the uniform action of the three thousand cavalry not far away.

Hey, is this the power that three thousand soldiers and horses should have?Why does this general feel that they are more oppressive than the [-] soldiers under my command?

If this allows them to enter the city, will it still be worth it?But the snow outside the city is so heavy, it seems inappropriate not to let them enter the city!

It seems that after they enter the city, they will have to send someone to monitor the State Guest House.

"Earl Gogolov, General Liu and the others signaled for us to lead the way!"


Gogolov came to his senses, and realized that when he was staring at the three thousand soldiers and horses of the Great Dragon Mission in a daze, Liu Chengfeng and others had already got on their horses and were ready to go.

Looking at Liu Chengfeng and others looking at him with slightly questioning eyes, Gogolov took a deep breath, got on his horse and pointed in the direction of the King City of Gele.

"Invite the Great Dragon Mission to enter the city."

Liu Chengfeng waved the command flag in his hand, and the Dragon Mission, led by Gogolov, rushed towards the gate of the Royal City of Gele.

"Chief soldier, the general feels that the little queen of Tsarist Russia is not a simple person, and you can't be careless when you meet her in person three days later!

This little queen is only about twenty-eight years old. She looks cute, playful and harmless to humans and animals, but she is actually a smart, slick woman.

If you are careless, you may suffer a dark loss from her. "

Liu Chengfeng, who was looking at the scale of Gele King City, was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Song Yang, who looked aside as usual.

"You don't need to stare at Brother Wei, just communicate through internal force transmission."

Liu Chengfeng frowned, glanced at the undisturbed Tsarist Russian soldiers and horses on the left, and then looked at the gate of Gele City, which was close at hand.

"Brother Yang, it seems that you have a high opinion of this little Russian queen!"

"It's not good if you are not tall. The person who can sit in that position does not have a simple role. She is about the same age as us, but she must have her own unique means to win the support of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of Tsarist Russia.

It is true that she is a woman, but we must not treat her as a woman.

Just like your Aunt Wanyan and my Aunt Wanyan, according to what my father told me, when he followed my third uncle to the Kingdom of Jin, my third uncle suffered a lot from Aunt Wanyan.

A person in this position, she is an emperor first, and a woman second.

Even if you can't win her heart after meeting, we can't pay too much.

Especially the sentence that my third uncle repeatedly told us before going on the mission, concerning the tens of thousands of Russian captives, you must not let go no matter what.

It should be known that letting the tiger go back to the mountain will cause endless troubles! "

Liu Chengfeng nodded thoughtfully, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Hearing what you said, my little brother is a little curious about this little queen."

(End of this chapter)

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