My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2454 Don't judge people by their cover

Chapter 2454 Don't judge people by their cover

Song Yang heard Liu Chengfeng's reply, and an indescribable smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

This kind of smile full of deep meaning is extremely inconsistent with a boy of Song Yang's age, but it gives people a feeling that it should be so.

"My fair lady, a gentleman is so good. It is only natural for a man to be interested in a woman who has never met and whose whole body seems to be shrouded in mist.

Nine times out of ten a man is lying if he says he's not interested in a woman, and there are exceptional circumstances for the rest.

It's nothing to be interested in a woman, but when the time comes, you must not be obsessed with sex.

Otherwise, instead of making you happy, this woman will become an existence that will kill you. "

"Hehe, brother Yang, don't worry, I've never seen such a beautiful woman who was so charming and charming when I was in the capital.

Leaving aside, let’s just say that my mother and all the aunts, as well as my eldest sister, second sister and many younger sisters below, are all beautiful people with their own merits.

After living with them for so many years, my younger brother wouldn't be so dizzy because of a little empress of Tsarist Russia.

The younger brother agrees with the previous words, but I really find it awkward to say the latter words from someone your age.

You and sister Sun's family aren't married yet, are you?Where did so much truth come from? "

"Brother Wei naturally can't comprehend such a profound truth now, I just listened to what my old man said.

But don't talk too much, although the appearance of this little Tsarist Russian queen is completely different from our Dalong's girl, but she is definitely a young girl whose beauty is not inferior to your aunts.

You'll know it when you see her, I hope you can remember what you just said after meeting her, don't be slapped in the face! "

"Listen to you, no matter if the marriage is successful or not, I have to see you well, otherwise, the hard work I have devoted myself to study in the top ten famous buildings in the capital will be wasted.

It cost thousands of silver before and after! "

Song Yang rolled his eyes angrily: "Fuck! You are also the eldest son of my Dragon Dynasty, His Highness, but it's only a few thousand taels of silver. Can you stop being so worthless?"

"It's only a few thousand taels of silver? Song Yang, you are really not afraid of the wind and flashing your tongue. My one-month salary plus the support from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is only 180 taels of silver.

Based on your current official position of cavalry general, the annual salary, silk, silk, grain, and silver are all converted into silver, which is only more than 620 taels.

My father set up a fortune-telling stall outside the Penglai Restaurant, and he earned a penny a day for tea, which is too much money.

Do you think a few thousand taels of silver is very little? "

"Of course it's a lot for brother Wei, but for you, the eldest son of the emperor, it's just a drizzle. How about some water? The world belongs to your family, why do you care so much?
That is to say, the little bit leaked from the fingers of the second master to you brothers is more than the lifetime salary of a brother.

The second master asked us to go to Tianxianglou to drink flowers and wine, which time was not a big deal.

When Sister Yue'er invited us to drink flower wine before, there were tens of thousands of taels in her purse alone. You, an older brother, can't be worse than your younger sister, right? "

Liu Chengfeng's face froze, he turned his head to look at Song Yang quietly, and sighed silently.

"Brother Yang, you think that I, Liu Chengfeng, are rich from Yue'er!"

"Isn't it unreasonable to think that the eldest brother is richer than the younger sister?"

"Oh, brother, it's not a family, you don't know the difficulties of a family.

It's just an exception that Sister Yue'er has money. Our brothers and sisters' pocket money and New Year's money were all stolen by my unscrupulous father except for Sister Yue'er.

Its reputation is to help us put it first, but it disappeared as soon as it was released. When we mentioned this matter, we couldn't do without a stick.

Sister Yue'er is a shrewd girl, she guessed my father's ulterior motives early in the morning, and instead of honestly handing in the New Year's money, she cheated another 10,000+ taels of silver from my father on the eve of the unification of the world.

We have so many brothers and sisters, the richest one is Sister Yueer.

Not only me, but all of us rely on her to help us spend money.

My grandparents spend a lot of money, and the New Year's money is several thousand taels of silver bills every year. After more than ten years, there are tens of thousands of taels, but my father gave them all... Sigh... let's not talk, let's talk This young master's heart is about to break. "

Song Yang glanced at Liu Chengfeng's painful expression with a strange expression, "I... my third uncle doesn't look like this kind of person!"

"Your father and my uncle look upright and don't look like the owner of the brothel! The result? My old man and the others are more diligent than us.

Where are you going to reason. "

Song Yang was stunned, and smiled resentfully: "Eh——it's true that you can't judge people by their appearance!"

"Liu Zongbing, Song Deputy Zongbing, here we are. This is our state hotel in Tsarist Russia. I'll wrong you to stay here for three days."

Liu Chengfeng and his brother finally arrived at the state guesthouse in the royal city of Gele during the exchange of internal energy through sound transmission.

Under the translation of Yeves, the two looked curiously at the unique Tsarist Russia-style State Guest House, which occupied a vast area. Looking at the words on the top of the Tsarist Russia State Hotel, which looked like a group of demons dancing wildly, a trace of embarrassment flashed in their eyes.

I don't know each other, I don't know any of them.

Hiding the embarrassment in his eyes, Song Yang coughed lightly and punched Gogolov: "Count Luogogolov is leading the way."

"Don't dare, this earl is under the order of Her Majesty the Empress to welcome the Dragon Envoys from afar to the city to settle down, it is part of my job, how dare I talk about hard work.

All honored envoys, please come in so that you can appreciate the differences between the customs of our Russian Empire and those of your Dalong Kingdom.

Moreover, Duke Ulinin, the former imperial minister of Russia, is now waiting for the visit of the distinguished envoys in the main hall. Lord Ulinin has prepared a banquet, and please honor the honorable envoys. "

Listening to the words translated by Yeves, Liu Chengfeng and the others looked at each other secretly, and followed Gogorov with a serious expression and rushed into the State Guesthouse under the snowstorm.

"Brother He Lin, I will leave it to you to arrange the brothers later. The distance must not be too far. Once something happens, we can help each other in time."

"Don't worry, the commander-in-chief, the general knows in his heart that this matter will be discussed with the Earl Gogolov of Tsarist Russia."

"Okay, since Brother He Lin has the bottom line in his heart, then the chief soldier will not waste his words anymore, be careful in everything and play by ear."

"The last will obey."

Everyone looked at the architectural style of the State Guest House, which was quite different from that of Dalong, and silently remembered every passage and corner around them.

Every time they came to a strange place, they had to remember the surrounding terrain and environment in their hearts. This had become an instinctive habit of the leaders of the army.

"Chief soldier, I'm afraid that Ulinin, the former imperial minister of Tsarist Russia, came from a hostile person! Maybe it has something to do with the tens of thousands of Tsarist Russian soldiers and horses who were captured by us.

However, no matter what his reason for coming, after meeting him, we must be careful to deal with it. "

"Hmm! I'm the commander-in-chief, take it easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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