My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2455 Small Cultural Collision

Chapter 2455 Small Cultural Collision

Liu Chengfeng and a group of main generals of the mission communicated with each other about the affairs after entering the state guesthouse, and stopped talking.

Consciously or not, everyone's eyes began to fall on those Tsarist Russians around the state guesthouse who were sizing up their troops curiously.

They are naturally not surprised by the Tsarist Russians. After all, there are tens of thousands of Tsarist Russians in Dalong who are doing things like building city walls and dredging rivers in various state capitals to benefit the people. This is not the first time they have seen Tsarist Russians. .

The reason why they set their eyes on the Tsarist Russians who were also curiously watching themselves and others around them was just to confirm whether there was any potential danger in these Tsarist Russians.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake, and after I wait for others to arrive at other people's territory, I have to be more careful about everything.

After all, it is a matter of life and death, so don't be careless!
Under the guidance of Gogolov and his subordinate soldiers, the carriages and horses of the Great Dragon Mission gradually entered the state guesthouse of Tsarist Russia.

Gogolov, who had been silently observing the expressions of Liu Chengfeng and other major generals, did not notice that the guards on both sides of the chariots and horses in the dragon mission had quietly decreased by about [-]%. .

The surrounding Tsarist Russians also didn't notice that the number of servants seemed to be less because they focused their attention on Liu Chengfeng and the other main characters.

"Dear dragon envoys, Lord Ulining is waiting for your presence in the main hall, please."

After listening to the translation, Liu Chengfeng nodded slightly to Gogolov, straightened his robe and walked into the dim main hall without changing his face.

Song Yang, He Lin, Yang Huaiqing and others consciously followed Liu Chengfeng in two rows.

After a short period of discomfort, Liu Chengfeng and the others have adapted to the light in the main hall. They first glanced at the layout of the spacious main hall, and finally stopped at Ulinin, the imperial minister of Tsarist Russia who was sitting on a chair. body.

Liu Chengfeng silently looked at Wu Lining, who had white beard and hair but eyes full of light. Could it be that Wu Lining was looking at Liu Chengfeng, who was in full bloom and magnificent.

The eyes of the two intertwined and examined each other for a moment, and at the same time they smiled slightly, and performed a national etiquette for each other by coincidence.

"Dalong is envoy Liu Chengfeng, the commander-in-chief, to meet His Excellency Ulinin."

"Ulinin, the former imperial minister of Tsarist Russia, has seen Dalong Zhengshi, the commander-in-chief."


Ulining got up and went towards Liu Chengfeng: "It should be, all distinguished envoys are invited to take their seats."

"Thank you."

Under the hospitality of Ulining, Liu Chengfeng and his party sat down on the slightly awkward chairs in the hall.

Ulinin looked at Liu Chengfeng and others who were sitting on the chairs with slightly uncomfortable expressions, smiled and clapped their hands, a group of young girls from Tsarist Russia who were dressed in sexy and exotic styles brought misty hot soup and placed them in front of everyone .

"Please use it slowly."

Ulining lightly smiled and picked up the hot soup in front of him and signaled to everyone: "It's windy and snowy outside the royal city, and it's freezing cold, all the noble envoys of the Great Dragon Kingdom have come from afar, let's have a bowl of hot soup first. Go to the cold.

The food and wine prepared by me will be delivered later, please. "

When Liu Chengfeng heard the words translated by Yeves, he nodded slightly to Ulinin, and happily picked up the hot soup in front of him and brought it to his mouth without fear.

"Wait a minute, the general, the last general drinks first."

Liu Chengfeng looked down at his elder brother Song Yang's big hand on his wrist, and shook his head casually.

"It's okay, it's just a bowl of hot soup, have you forgotten my mother's background?"

Before Song Yang could say anything, Liu Chengfeng had already brought the soup bowl to his mouth with his other hand.

Tasting the taste he had never tasted before, Liu Chengfeng swallowed the soup silently.

"Good soup, you guys should try it too, don't disappoint Lord Ulining's wishes."

Seeing Liu Chengfeng's arrogance, Song Yang and the others didn't say anything anymore, they picked up the soup in front of them, signaled to Wulining, and sent it directly to their mouths.

"Okay, all the noble envoys are straightforward people, I admire you."

"Come here, serve wine and food."

It was still the same group of exotic Tsarist Russian girls who placed in front of everyone holding the food and wine served in bronze vessels.

Liu Chengfeng and the others looked at the fragrant bear's paw and a series of dishes in surprise, and swallowed subconsciously.

It's not that they haven't eaten or seen good things, but that they haven't had this good fortune during the several months on the way to Tsarist Russia.

"Dear envoys, forgive me for not knowing the rules of your country. Let's drink a glass of wine to warm up first, and then enjoy the food to our heart's content."

"Then I will not be polite, and I will do it first."

Ulinin and Gogolov watched the way Liu Chengfeng and the others toasted, learned to agree with them, and drank the wine in the silver cup like Liu Chengfeng and the others.

"Phew—General Soldier, the wine in Russia is a little bit like our northern Xinjiang's cattle and horses! Good wine, strong enough!"

"The taste is weird. It's not as clear and mellow as our Dalong's wine, but it's very strong. It's really a good choice to warm up."

"The taste is average, and the strength of the wine is okay."


Liu Chengfeng listened to the generals around him commenting on the wines of Tsarist Russia, looked at the surprised and bewildered eyes of Ulinin and the other two, stretched out his hand to untie the wine bag from his waist and handed it to Yeves.

"Tell Lord Ulinin, Count Gogolov, this is the wine of our Great Dragon Kingdom, if they don't mind, they can taste it.

See what's different from your Tsarist Russian drinks. "

"Yes Yes Yes."

Yeves took the drink and whispered something in front of Urinen and the two of them.

Ulinin and the others first glanced at the wine bag in Yeves' hand, then nodded curiously at Liu Chengfeng's warm smile.

Seeing this, Yeves picked up two vacant silver cups on the side, uncorked the wine bag and filled the two cups with wine.

"Duke Ulinin, Earl Gogorov, the taste of the wine in the Dragon Kingdom is very different from that in our country. You need to put it under the tip of your nose to feel the aroma of the wine, and then taste it in your mouth. , to feel the mellow taste in the Dalong wine."

Wu Lining and the two nodded in confusion, took the silver cup in front of them and sent it down their noses, took a deep sniff, and immediately felt a strange scent that their own wine had never had.

Although it feels a bit strange, but people can't help but want to smell it a few more times.

The two sent the wine to their mouths. After the drink was in the mouth, the two groaned and frowned instinctively. They wanted to spit out the wine, but what Yeves said just now came back to their minds.

Resisting the discomfort of drinking Dalong wine for the first time, the two began to taste the taste of the wine in their mouths.

After a while, the brows of the two gradually relaxed, and they looked at the wine in the glass with a look of surprise on their faces.

Ulining breathed out lightly, and looked at Liu Chengfeng and the others in amazement: "Good wine, although I don't know what words to describe the taste of your country's wine, but I have to admit your The wine has a more wonderful taste than the wine in our Tsarist Russia.

This is a feeling that cannot be described in words. "

Gogolov directly handed the wine glass to Yeves, but looked at Liu Chengfeng: "Your envoy, can the count have another glass?

The drinks of your Dalong Kingdom are really fascinating! "

Liu Mingzhi frowned, and turned to look at the general Yang Huaiqing beside him: "Brother Yang, go and get those jars of 30-year-old bamboo-leaf greens from our carriage, and let the two adults have a good taste.

By the way, the oil lamps in their main hall are too dim, and there is a pungent grease smell in the air, so bring our candles in a box. "

Ulinin learned the meaning of Liu Chengfeng's words from Yeves, and immediately waved to the servants beside him.

"Saar, go and lead the way for the noble envoy of the Great Dragon Kingdom."

"Yes, Lord Duke."

(End of this chapter)

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