Chapter 2456
When Liu Chengfeng saw that Ulining had ordered his servants to follow Yang Huaiqing to fetch drinks, a look of vigilance flashed inadvertently in his eyes.

Slightly lowering his head and holding up his wine glass as if to drink, Liu Chengfeng's invisible internal force was transmitted to Yang Huaiqing who had just got up.

"Brother Yang, no matter whether Ulinin's servants are really going to guide you or not, you have to be careful. Except for the gifts for the little queen of Tsarist Russia, the things we carry must not be taken by Tsarist Russia. People have tampered with it."

Yang Huaiqing paused, nodded imperceptibly, and nodded to Ulinin's servant Sal with a light smile.


Meng Khanfu, one of the soldiers who followed the Dragon Mission to return to his homeland, followed Yang Huaiqing and acted as an interpreter with a very winking look.

The three of them left the main hall, and Ulining put down the silver cup in his hand and pointed at the dishes in front of Liu Chengfeng and the others.

"My dear envoys, you've worked so hard all the way, you're already hungry, and you should also taste the food of my Tsarist Russia."

"Thank you, then we will not be polite."

At this time, the taste of these Tsarist Russian dishes in front of them is actually not important to Liu Chengfeng and others.

None of the people present were people who had endured hardships and hardships, and even Liu Chengfeng had gone out with the army back then.

For Liu Chengfeng, it doesn't matter whether he lives in luxury or not, filling his stomach is the most important thing right now.

Therefore, Liu Chengfeng and the others were not polite, their eyes skipped over the cutlery and forks beside the dishes, and they took out a pair of chopsticks from their pockets to pick up the dishes in front of them and began to enjoy them.

Yeves saw the surprised look in the eyes of the two of Urinen, and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

"My lord, my lord, the eating tools of the Dalong people are different from ours. The tools they use are called chopsticks, which are made of the two bamboos they use in their hands."

"Chopsticks? What a strange name. What do the people of the Great Dragon Kingdom use to serve their meals? Are they also made of gold, silver, and copper like us?"

"Returning to the two adults, Dalong Kingdom does use these utensils made of gold, silver and copper when eating, but most of the time they use porcelain."

"What is porcelain? Is it the same as those clay pots and jars used by ordinary people?"

"No, no, of course not, the porcelain is... the last general doesn't know how to explain it to the two adults, but this time the Great Dragon Mission brought a lot of exquisite porcelain as a gift to our empress.

When Her Majesty the Queen receives Liu Zongbing and the others, the two adults will be able to see them.

Two adults, I will pour wine for you at the end, and you continue to taste the wine of Dalong Kingdom first. "

Disappointment flashed in the eyes of Ulinin and Gogolov, but they still nodded with a faint smile, and lowered their heads to taste Yeves' full wine.

Song Yang wiped out all the bear's paws on the dinner plate, let out a satisfied breath and looked at Liu Chengfeng who was beside him.

"Chief soldier, haven't you been asking Yeves and the others about Tsarist Russia's words on the way out? What are the three of them chattering about?"

Liu Chengfeng put down his chopsticks and shook his head inadvertently: "I understand porcelain, Your Majesty, what is drinking, other young masters don't understand either.

Things have come to this point, let's see what happens! "

"Uh, okay!"

Liu Chengfeng felt helpless, Yang Huaiqing, Menghanfu, and Sal walked into the hall with a jar of wine each.

"Soldier, the drinks are here."

Liu Chengfeng nodded slightly and looked at Yeves: "Yeves, tell Duke Ulinin and Count Gogolov that each of them has two jars of six jars of wine, which is a little bit of my heart.

As for the extra two jugs of wine, let's take off the mud and have a drink. "

Yeves immediately translated Liu Chengfeng's original words, and Ulinin and the others looked at the wine jar in the arms of the three and nodded happily.

"Okay, I'm not impolite, thank you Zongbing Liu for your kindness."

"Brother Yang, open the wine."

"As ordered."

Yang Huaiqing effortlessly put the two altars of wine on the table, took off a burden from his shoulders, and placed two sets of exquisite official kiln cloud pattern porcelain in front of everyone one by one.

"My lords, my two lords, these jugs and wine glasses are exquisite porcelain made by Dalong."

The eyes of Ulining and the others were immediately attracted by the two sets of cloud-patterned wine vessels, and the inexplicable surprise in their eyes was exposed to everyone without any concealment.

Liu Chengfeng glanced lightly at the reaction of the two of them, and lightly touched Song Yang's arm with the hand under the table.

"Brother Yang, with your current internal strength, can you force the drink out of your fingertips? If you can, let's try to get Ulinin and the others drunk, and see if we can get something out of their mouths.

Yeves and the others also had to be dizzy. After all, they were from Tsarist Russia, and their hearts were always toward their imperial court. This can be seen from the fact that they deliberately led us astray.

If they were not drunk together, Ulinin and the others would tell the truth after drinking, but Yeves and the others fiddled with the translated words, and there was nothing we could do about it.

After all, we don't understand the words of Tsarist Russia at all, so we must be on our guard against this. "

Song Yang pretended to glance at the people in the hall casually, and rubbed the tip of his nose lightly: "Brother Wei's internal strength has just reached the bottleneck of the sixth rank, so it's not a problem to force out some of the wine, as long as you drink as much as you want. It's a little difficult.

How about you?Can it be done? "

"I have just entered the sixth-rank realm and it has been less than three months! What you can't do is even more impossible for me."

"Brother Wei thinks the problem shouldn't be too big. First of all, they aren't used to our Dalong's drinks, so they shouldn't be able to drink much.

Including you and me, we have six people here, can't we still drink the two of them?
Although Gogolov was as strong as a bear, Ulinin was an old man over half a century old!

If our group of young and strong martial arts practitioners can't drink the two of them, it would be a shame. Let's try a wave first and see if we can get something out of it.

If it doesn’t work, let’s talk about it. "

"Um—that's all I have to do."

Gogolov nodded to Liu Chengfeng and the others a few times, picked up a wine glass and approached Ulining with a smile, pretending to show Ulining the cloud pattern cup in his hand.

"Duke Ulinin, why do you feel that these dragon envoys look at us with something wrong?
They seem to be talking and laughing about their drinks, but their eyes linger on us from time to time, as if they are discussing something about us.

Xiaguan feels a little inconsistent, and seems to have bad intentions for us! "

What Gogolov even felt, Ulinin's old man would naturally not fail to notice it.

"You're right, these great dragon envoys look at us with malicious intent, but I can't guess what they are thinking about.

Just deal with it carefully, and be careful not to say the wrong thing.

Your Majesty told me to find out the situation of our tens of thousands of soldiers from the mouth of the dragon envoy. If the task cannot be completed, I am afraid that I will not be able to explain to Your Majesty.

However, the envoys of these great dragons became very rosy after drinking a few glasses of wine, presumably because their drinking capacity was limited.

It's just that they have six chief officers, but we only have two of us here, and our strengths are a bit unequal. If we drink alcohol, we will definitely suffer a big loss.

You find an excuse to go out and find Sulov and Gagat, the four of them, and see if you can drink these dragon messengers into a daze.

As long as they are drunk, we can take the opportunity to ask how our captured soldiers are doing now.

Your Majesty urgently needs to give an explanation to the families of those captured soldiers! "

"Okay, I understand, sir."

Gogolov reluctantly put the cloud cup in his hand back into the distance, and nodded to Liu Chengfeng and the others.

"My dear envoys, the Earl has had too much hot soup, so go and make it easy for me first, you can do whatever you want."

Liu Chengfeng withdrew his gaze from Yeves, nodded with a slight smile, and put the wine jar with the mud-sealed off on the table.

"Okay, see you later."

"Thank you later."

"General Soldier, Ulinin and the others seemed to be talking about our cloud pattern cup when they got together just now, but their eyes were wandering, as if they were talking about other things.

Inconsistency must be malicious, so be careful. "

"Well, my young master can see it too."

(End of this chapter)

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