My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2457 The Big and Small Fox

Chapter 2457 The Big and Small Fox
Liu Chengfeng, Ulining, and a group of big and small foxes all realized that the other party might have bad intentions for them, so they both planned to knock each other down in the wine field, and took the opportunity to get news that would be beneficial to them.

Ulining watched Liu Chengfeng put the wine jar in the middle of the table, raised his hand to caress the naturally curly beard on his chin, his face slightly dignified.

Whether you can complete the task assigned by Her Majesty the Queen depends entirely on the wine.

Although the taste of Dalongguo's wine is a bit strange, after drinking it, it leaves an endless aftertaste on the lips and teeth, and the alcohol does not seem to be as strong as our wine.

Later, I will take the initiative to ask to drink their drinks. With my drinking capacity, it should not be a problem to get one of them drunk. If it is really unbearable, I will pretend to be drunk at worst.

As long as the desired news can be obtained, there will be opportunities for a real contest in the future.

Liu Chengfeng seemed to be turning the finger on his thumb carelessly, but his heart was beating non-stop.

Although the old guy Ulinin is a bit old, it doesn't mean he can't drink enough!Seeing his appearance as an old god, this young master really can't figure out his reality.

Although their Tsarist Russian wine is strong, there is no big problem after drinking several cups. As long as my young master uses his internal force to force the alcohol out of his body, he shouldn't have any problem getting drunk.

And although these bamboo leaf greens are mellow and clear, their stamina is not trivial. If we drink the wine we brought, we may lose our footing.

How about drinking their Tsarist Russian wine later?
If the old guy is still no match for drinking with internal force, then the young master will pretend to be drunk. He, a senior who is over half a century old, shouldn't care about everything with a young man like this young master, right?
Right now, it's better to complete the task assigned by the father first. If you drink alcohol, there will be opportunities in the future, so don't be in a hurry.

Anyway, Dad didn't give the order to die, so it wouldn't be a big problem if it went wrong.

Wulining and Liu Chengfeng, two big and small foxes, muttered to each other with their own ghosts in their hearts, and their eyes couldn't help but touch each other.

The big and small foxes looked at each other and smiled, all with what they thought were very kind smiles.

"Haha... I have kept you all waiting for a long time, but Earl Ben is back."

"I would like to introduce my four colleagues, Sulov, Gagat, Ivinov, and Ivan Lenin to the noble envoys of the Great Dragon Kingdom.

The four of them are all officials of the Russian State Guesthouse, and they are quite curious about the Dalong noble envoys who came from afar.

The Earl couldn't stop their repeated requests, so he had no choice but to bring them in to meet the noble envoys of the Great Dragon Kingdom. "

After listening to Yeves' translation, Liu Chengfeng smiled and punched Suluofu and the others, his face seemed to be full of joy, but he was secretly cursing in his heart.

"Fuck, it seems that the wheel battle is hopeless, we can only drink one-on-one."

After greeting each other, Dalong's Liu Chengfeng, Song Yang and their six chief officials, Tsarist Russia Ulinin, Gogorov and their six chief officials sat down on chairs under Yeves' translation. The contest above the wine table began.

Both parties chose each other's drinks on the grounds of respecting each other's customs and culture.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The people on both sides drank a little bit more, but the atmosphere on the wine table became a little weird because they didn't see each other's people fall down.

Liu Chengfeng looked at Ulining, although his face was a little red from drinking, but his bright eyes were still full of energy, and the hand holding the silver cup couldn't help shaking.

Pharaoh, massive!
It seems that there is nothing wrong with it!If this continues, when will we be able to come up with powerful news for our side?
If it doesn't work, just drink this cup and pretend to be drunk!If you drink any more, you might make a slip of the tongue after drinking.

Liu Chengfeng himself knew his own situation, and Wulining's situation across the table was also not much better than Liu Chengfeng's, so he shook his dizzy mind subtly and began to discuss inwardly.

This big dragon's drink is so easy to drink, how can it be so good?Miscalculated!
He raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Chengfeng who was holding a silver cup with dense sweat on his forehead, and Ulining felt a little uneasy as he rubbed the cloud pattern cup in his hand with slightly wrinkled fingers.

Little brat, you can drink it!
This lord really has no idea in his heart!If you continue to drink and still not drunk, the task assigned by Her Majesty the Queen may not be completed.

If you don't drink a cup and pretend to be drunk, it will be troublesome if you drink too much and talk nonsense.



Liu Chengfeng and Ulining raised the wine glasses in their hands and sent them to their mouths in a tacit understanding.

The wine drank into their throats, and the two of them stared straight at each other's eyes and fell down on the table with blurred eyes.

When two clangs echoed in the hall, the two sides who were toasting secretly stopped and looked at each other's chief officer.

Song Yang and Gogolov hurriedly put down their wine glasses and surrounded each other's chief officer, shaking their shoulders and calling softly.

"Soldier, are you alright?"

"My lord, are you alright?"

The two of them fell down on the table like dead pigs, and embarrassment flashed across their faces when they heard the words of their respective subordinates.

He was obviously not drunk, but he could only make a mistake.

Song Yang, Gogolov and the others also lowered their heads in embarrassment. Originally, in their plan to discuss with each other, the chief officials of both parties pretended to be drunk, and their subordinates went to get the other chief officials drunk, and then took Information beneficial to one's own side.

All the plans have been carefully arranged just now, never thought that it would turn out like this in the end.

The chief officials of both sides fell on the table with a 'poor capacity for alcohol'. How the hell should they carry out the next plan?

"Brother, the old bastard on the opposite side is too cunning, I don't think he looked drunk just now, and probably he pretended to be drunk on purpose in all likelihood.

Now he is also pretending to be drunk, how can we make them tell the truth after drinking? "

Song Yang heard Liu Chengfeng's internal force sound transmission, straightened Liu Chengfeng's head and changed him into a comfortable position.

"It seems that the other party has the same plan as us, and they both want to get the other party drunk.

Now that you are 'drunk' on the table, now you have no choice but to make a mistake.

Otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Only after meeting the little queen of Tsarist Russia will we see each other again.

Since you are pretending to be drunk, you can only pretend to be drunk. "

After listening to Song Yang's words, Liu Chengfeng arched his head on the table a few times and his hands drooped feebly, as if he was too drunk to drink.

Seeing this, Song Yang pretended to look at Gogolov with a wry smile: "Your Excellency Gogolov, I thought it was just our General Liu who couldn't drink too much! Unexpectedly, your Lord Duke is also too weak to drink."

Gogorov could only nod in agreement: "Yes, yes, our Lord Duke is not able to drink well because of his advanced age, which makes you laugh."

"It's understandable that we can't drink too much when we're old, but now that the chief officials of both of us are drunk, it's hard for us to continue drinking.

We have been exhausted all the way, and we happen to be a little tired, why don't we just forget about it today, how about we drink it another day? "

"Of course there is no problem. Thrall will lead you to your residence. The Earl will not delay your rest. He will send our lord Duke home to rest first."

"Thank you for your understanding, then I won't send it away."

"Okay, please stay."

After Yeves' translation, the two exchanged mixed greetings, Gogolov helped the 'drunk' Ulinin up and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Seeing this, Sulov and the others had no choice but to put down their wine glasses and smiled apologetically at He Lin and the others, then got up and followed Gogolov and the others.

Song Yang watched Ulinin and the others go away, then turned to look at Ulinin's servant Sal.

"It's work."

"Don't dare, please come with me to the residence to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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