My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2458 Iron Blood Elite

Chapter 2458 Iron Blood Elite
Gogolov and the others supported Ulinin, who was "lonely and drunk", away from the main hall of the State Guest House, and stopped after checking the surrounding environment to confirm that there was no dragon man.

"Your Excellency, let's go to the east courtyard. The members of the Great Dragon Mission are now in the west courtyard. They probably won't see us anymore. Coupled with the wind and snow, such a big Xuemu blocks the line of sight, even if they I saw a few of us around, and I probably couldn't see our faces clearly."

Upon hearing the words, Urinin straightened up between Gogolov and Gagat, looked back at the hazy main hall in the distance, and rubbed his temples with a sigh.

"Cunning little fox! Originally, I thought he was an easy-to-handle brat, but now it seems that we underestimated the enemy too much.

Although the commander-in-chief of the Great Dragon Mission is only a teenager, his mind is like a fox. "

"My lord duke, do you mean by saying this, that General Liu of the Great Dragon Kingdom is pretending to be drunk just like you?"

Ulinin nodded helplessly: "It's obvious, although his forehead is covered with sweat and he looks like he can't drink well, but his eyes don't look like he's drunk at all.

It means that the other party generally has the same idea as us!This confrontation ended in a tie. "

Gogolov frowned involuntarily: "What a cunning young man, it seems that the task Her Majesty entrusted to you will not be completed, what should we do next?"

"This is impossible, the conversation between us already needs the translators of ten of Yeves and the others to communicate with each other.

Now that he's pretending to be drunk, it's even more difficult for us to talk.

Now that the matter has come to this point, I can only go to the palace to meet with His Majesty the Emperor and tell her the truth.

Don't go back, you guys, stay temporarily in the state guesthouse, and continue to make friends with these Dalong officials in the past few days, to see if you can get any information that is beneficial to our Tsarist Russia.

It would be great to have some, and we have nothing to lose if we don’t get them. "

Gogolov and the others looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"My lord duke, I understand what you mean, but before you go to the palace, I hope you can go to the west courtyard with me to have a look."

"What's the matter, is there anything important over there in the west courtyard?"

"The lower official doesn't know what to tell you, you will know when you go with the lower official."

"Okay, but we have to be careful, don't be seen by the people of Dalong Kingdom, so as not to embarrass each other."

"Yes, please follow me."

Gogolov led Ulinin and the others towards the west courtyard of the State Guest House. They walked down the corridor and did not find that they were on the roof where they had just talked, the place they knew that only birds could settle down. There are two strong men in white robes whose whole bodies are integrated with the snow, and they have already seen everything they say and do.

"Brother Hu, what are they chattering about? How should we report to Young Master Chengfeng?"

"If you don't know, how can I know? Let's first find out whether there are any factors that are unfavorable to Young Master Chengfeng around the State Guesthouse. As for the rest, we have nothing to do.

We are only responsible for protecting the young master's safety, and they can only rely on themselves for the rest. "

"Understood, they have already gone far, let's follow up quickly."

"Well, but you must be careful, after all, this is the territory of Tsarist Russia, we are not familiar with the place, and we will be greatly hindered in our actions.

In particular, whether there are martial arts masters like us in Tsarist Russia, we don't know anything about this, so we must be more cautious.

It's fine if something happens to us, the family will be taken care of by the boss, but if something happens to Young Master Chengfeng, we will all be blamed. "

"Understood, as usual, you support each other from the south and the north."

"Okay, move on."

The conversation on the roof, as light as mosquitoes and flies, disappeared immediately, and in the wind and snow, two flexible figures like eagles spreading their wings covered each other and followed Ulinin and the others.

In the open west courtyard of the State Guesthouse, Ulining and others hid behind a pillar, looking in astonishment at the three thousand dragon cavalry standing motionless in the wind and snow, holding the reins of their horses.

Urinin came back to his senses, and looked at Gogorov who was at the side suspiciously.

"What's going on here? I have already sent someone to arrange a room for them to rest, why are they still standing motionless in the shivering wind and snow?"

"My lord, when I went to see Sulov and the others just now, I was shocked when I saw this scene. Later, I asked one of our soldiers who came back from the Dragon Mission to find out what happened.

The soldier of our Tsarist Russia told the subordinate officer that the reason why these big dragon soldiers stood there defying the severe cold was because they had not yet received the order from their chief soldier to let them enter the room to rest.

They were not allowed to move without the order of General Liu. Even if they froze to death, they had to stand in the wind and snow and continue to wait.

They would only go in to keep out the cold when General Liu of the Great Dragon Kingdom ordered them to enter the room to rest.It is said that on the way from their Great Dragon Kingdom to our Tsarist Russia, no matter it is windy or rainy, it has always been like this. "

After listening to Gogolov's explanation, Urinin turned his old and bright eyes for a moment, looking at the three thousand dragon cavalry who stood motionless like ice sculptures in the wind and snow with complicated eyes, and exhaled warmly.

"Now my lord probably understands why the [-] troops commanded by the two of Slav and Ledev encountered such a setback in this Great Dragon Kingdom.

If all the soldiers and horses of the Great Dragon Kingdom were like the [-] soldiers and horses we saw before our eyes, then half of our [-] troops were killed in battle and half were captured. "

Gogolov nodded melancholy: "If we dare to treat our soldiers like this, those old things in the temple will definitely incite the families of the soldiers to protest against Her Majesty the Queen."

"That's right! Those old things have been emphasizing the so-called human rights they believe in. They should really come to the State Guest House to see what the soldiers and horses of the Great Dragon Kingdom look like now.

It's time for them to shut their mouths.

I really can't imagine, what is it that supports these big dragon soldiers and horses in such a bad weather, and they can stay in the wind and snow like a wooden man, defying the severe cold and motionless.

Are they unconscious?I can't feel the cold..."

"Let's see the deputy chief soldier, see General He Lang, mighty, mighty!"

"Let's see the deputy chief soldier, see General He Lang, mighty, mighty!"

"Let's see the deputy chief soldier, see General He Lang, mighty, mighty!"

Ulinin's words were suddenly interrupted by deafening shouts, and he saw three thousand dragon cavalry holding the blade at their waists with one hand, and holding the reins with the other hand towards Song Yang, who was standing in the snowstorm at some time, He Lin and the two knelt down on one knee.

The gazes of Ulining and the others also looked at the two blurred figures in Xue Muzhong.

Song Yang looked around at the [-] soldiers and horses divided into three square formations, took out Liu Chengfeng's tiger talisman from his pocket, and held it up high.

"All the officers and men are exempt from courtesy, and you wait for the order to follow the dispatch of General He Lang, and enter the room in batches to rest."

"We take orders."

"Brothers, first follow General Ben to the next shanty and settle our war horses properly."

"We take orders."

Wulining stared blankly at the figure of the three thousand cavalry walking towards the distance behind He Lin, holding the reins neatly, and let out a sigh of relief with deep brows.

"Letting this kind of iron-blooded army enter and station in the royal city, I really don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for the royal city of Gele."

"My lord, when I saw their morale outside the city, I hesitated, but outside the city was covered with snow, and there was no place to keep out the cold. Even if I didn't want them to enter the city, I couldn't find a reason."

Ulinin nodded with a melancholy expression: "This is the end of the matter, it's too late to say anything, send people to closely monitor every move of these big dragon soldiers, but don't make any troubles.

I will go to the palace to meet His Majesty first. "

"Yes, my lord, be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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