Chapter 2459 Strong
After Urinen left the State Guesthouse, he rode in his luxury carriage to the Klimt Palace in the wind and snow to meet Elizabeth Serena, the little queen of Tsarist Russia.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Minister, Duke Ulinin, is seeking an audience outside the palace."

Serena was flipping through the parchment in her hand, when she heard Nina's voice, she replied without raising her head.

"Well! Just invite the boss in."


After two cups of tea, Ulinin followed Serena's personal lady-in-waiting, Nina, into the steaming palace.

Looking at Serena who was leaning over the desk and silently flipping through the parchment, Ulining took off the brown bearskin cloak behind him and saluted: "My subject, Ulining, sees His Majesty the Emperor."

"My lord, you don't need to be so polite, just sit down."

"Thank you, my emperor."

"Nina, hurry up and prepare two bowls of hot soup, to keep the old man away from the cold."

"Yes, empress, wait a moment, the slaves will come as soon as they go."

Serena put aside the parchment scroll full of words in her hand, turned the quill in her hand with her slender fingers, and looked curiously at the imperial minister Ulinin who was sitting opposite.

"My lord, have you met Liu Chengfeng, the chief envoy of the Great Dragon Kingdom?"

Ulinin nodded without hesitation: "Returning to my emperor, the old minister has indeed met Liu Chengfeng, the commander-in-chief of the Great Dragon Kingdom, and some important generals in the Great Dragon Mission.

Not long ago, after the old minister and Earl Gogorov settled them in the state guesthouse, they immediately rushed back to meet with you, His Majesty the Emperor. "

The pure white quill almost bloomed in Serena's hands, and after a moment of thoughtful silence, Serena nodded silently.

"That's very good, then, can the boss have already told them about the tens of thousands of captured soldiers in Tsarist Russia?

How are they doing in Dalong Kingdom now?Is it possible for the Emperor to redeem them from the Dalong Kingdom? "

Ulinin felt Serena staring at him expectantly, and shook his head with a wry smile, the expression of regret on his face was self-evident.

Seeing this, Serena's pale blue pupils showed a look of astonishment: "What's going on? Could something go wrong?"

"Empress, Lord Ulinin, your hot soup is here, please use it slowly."

Ulinin took the hot soup and put it in front of him: "Laurinina is here."

"My emperor, the old minister went to the State Guest House to receive the Dalong Kingdom's mission as planned. After seeing them...

This is probably what happened in the State Guest House.

Liu Chengfeng, the commander-in-chief of the Great Dragon Kingdom, is about the same age as my emperor, he is just a young and powerful young man, but his intelligence cannot be underestimated.

If it wasn't for the fact that the old minister had the same heart as him and had been on guard for a long time, but actually competed with a group of chief officials of the Great Dragon Kingdom with wine, he would definitely suffer a dull loss in the end. "

After listening to Urinen's recounting, Serena's eyes didn't show blame, but the look of disappointment was very obvious.

"My lord, don't blame yourself, the failure of this matter is not because of you, but because this Liu Chengfeng is too cunning.

Since this time I can't get the information that the Emperor wants as I wish, I can only think of another way after seeing the many envoys of Dalong's mission. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your understanding."

Serena picked up the hot soup and tasted it lightly, then picked up the parchment roll that she put aside just now and handed it to Ulinin.

"My lord, just now you said that you saw the extraordinary momentum of the soldiers and horses of the Great Dragon Kingdom at the State Guest House, and this emperor felt a little bit abrupt.

Maybe the emperor and the ministers really misunderstood Duke Slav and the others, please read the contents of the parchment. "

"This is?"

"When the emperor met Song Yang, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Great Dragon Kingdom, at the palace, he found that Yeves was a bit inconsistent when translating the contents of the Great Dragon Kingdom's national book, as if he was deliberately concealing something.

However, the emperor didn't understand Dalong's characters at all, so he had no choice but to pretend that he didn't see anything.

After they left, the Emperor asked Nina to take Dalong's credentials to the Government Affairs Council and asked if any of the Turkic soldiers left behind by the Turkic Khan Spismurt understood Dalong's Chinese language figure.

Sure enough, among the more than 2000 Turkic people who stayed in our royal city, many could speak Chinese, and quite a few knew Dalong's characters.

After their translation, the emperor's guess was indeed correct. Yeves did not translate the contents of the Dalong Kingdom's book of credentials as expected.

The content on the sheepskin scroll is the true meaning of the book of the Great Dragon Kingdom, please take a look first, my lord. "

Ulinin nodded knowingly, immediately took the parchment handed over by Serena, held it in front of his eyes, and carefully examined the contents on it.

After a long time, Ulinin put down the parchment in his hand with a complicated expression, and looked at Serena with a little resentment in his old eyes.

"This... this... His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon Kingdom is too strong, right?

It said that if we can't be friends with Dalong Kingdom, then we can only be enemies. Isn't this an act of diplomatic relations that forces us to agree to them?
This is completely treating our Tsarist Russia in an orderly tone. "

Serena's light blue eyes narrowed slightly, her immature and stunning face showed a hint of aggrieved, she turned the gemstone ring on her finger and sighed.

"Although His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Dragon Kingdom speaks very forcefully, it is not as bad as we think, at least there is a premise in the content of the Great Dragon Kingdom's national certificate.

The meaning of Emperor Dalong is very clear, that is, if we do not become friends with Dalong Kingdom, as long as our soldiers and horses of Tsarist Russia do not have the permission of their Dalong Kingdom, they are not allowed to cross the border of their Dalong Kingdom, otherwise Dalong The country will send troops to conquer our Tsarist Russia.

That's a pretty clear line. "

After listening to Serena's explanation, Ulinin hurriedly picked up the sheepskin scroll and looked at it.

"The old minister was negligent. There is indeed such a premise in Emperor Dalong's words. It's just that this premise is a bit too contemptuous of our Tsarist Russia, right?
If you don't set foot in their Great Dragon Kingdom, you will live in peace. Once you set foot in it, it will be a catastrophe that will destroy the city and subjugate our Tsarist Russia.

This is exactly the way a young and strong man treats a newborn baby, as if their Great Dragon Kingdom can easily destroy our Tsarist Russia.

Could it be that my Czarist Russia is so unbearable in the eyes of the emperor of the Great Dragon Kingdom?Anyway, our Tsarist Russia is also the most powerful country among the surrounding countries.

This is simply a naked humiliation! "

Serena looked at Ulinin's reaction filled with righteous indignation, her light blue eyes flashed with complicated meanings.

"Humiliation? I don't think so."

"Right, my emperor, you also think that the Great Dragon Emperor is a bit deceitful...huh?"

Seeing Ulining's dumbfounded expression, Serena picked up a piece of exquisite rice paper with flower patterns and placed it in front of Ulining.

Ulining picked up the rice paper in front of him suspiciously, and looked at the cannon pattern on the rice paper with confusion in his eyes.

"My emperor, may I ask what is painted on this?"

"Dragon Cannon."

"Dragon Cannon?"

"Yes, the artillery of the Great Dragon Kingdom. The emperor sent people to investigate, whether it was the Slavs who returned from the capital of the Great Dragon Kingdom after the defeat, or the Slavs who fled from the soldiers of the Great Dragon Kingdom to our desert many years ago. The Russian Turkic people have mentioned the term "Dragon Cannon" more than once in their mouths.

Although I don't know what the big dragon's artillery they told me about, but I can see from the faces of the Slavs and those Turks, their panicked reaction when they mentioned the big dragon's artillery.

Obviously, this so-called Great Dragon Cannon left an indelible impression on them on the battlefield, so much so that when they just mentioned the name of the cannon, they instinctively felt fear in their hearts.

The emperor sent people to inquire carefully about the Slavs and the Turks, and the result was that the artillery power of the Great Dragon Kingdom was very powerful, and it seemed that it was invincible, and no one could compete with it.

Afterwards, the emperor asked them to draw the appearance of the artillery, which is what we see now. "

Ulining glanced at the fire case on the rice paper again in surprise, stroked his beard and sighed.

"No matter how you look at it, the old minister looks like a piece of wood with a thin top and a thick bottom! How can it make so many people feel uneasy?"

(End of this chapter)

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