Chapter 2460

Listening to Ulinin's questioning words, Serena shook her head helplessly.

"Isn't this emperor full of doubts like you, my lord? My initial thought was the same as yours, thinking that the pattern on this piece of rice paper looks like a piece of wood with a strange shape no matter how you look at it.

However, it turns out that this is not the case. If this is wood, it will definitely not scare the two noble dukes, Slav and Ledev, who have made great achievements in the war in Russia.

Especially Duke Redev, the commander of the infantry, when he mentioned the name of the Dragon Artillery, his expression was much more ferocious than that of the Slavs.

As if the artillery was the demon that devoured the lives of his infantry.

The sound was like thunder, and it was so powerful that it could blow a dozen people into pieces at once. I really can't figure out that such a terrible weapon should look like the one on the blueprint. "

Seeing Serena's seriousness, Ulinin, the former imperial minister, had no choice but to believe Serena's words.

"My emperor, may I ask the two thousand Turkic people who stayed in our royal city how to describe the big dragon artillery?"

"What they said was basically the same as what the Slavs said, they were all describing the power of the dragon's artillery.

You also know what happened when the Turks fled to the territory of Tsarist Russia many years ago, the Turkic cavalry completely sneaked away from our cavalry.

The bows and arrows in the hands of the Turks seemed to have eyes, and the arrows hit the fatal points of our cavalry soldiers.Don't look at their ragged clothes and rough leather armor, but their fierce fighting power is several times stronger than our cavalry.

If it weren't for their lack of food and grass at the beginning, we really might not have been able to reach a cooperative relationship with this ambitious old fellow Spies Moore.

The Turkic cavalry, whose combat effectiveness is so terrible, was chased by the soldiers and horses of the Great Dragon Kingdom, and fled around like bereaved dogs, and finally flowed into the territory of our Tsarist Russia.

What does this mean?This shows that the fighting power of the soldiers and horses of the Great Dragon Kingdom will be stronger than that of the Turkic people, otherwise, Spies Muerte would not have led his subordinates to a fugitive life.

And according to the Slavs and the others, the 10,000 soldiers under their command plus the tens of thousands of remnants under the command of Spies Muert added up to a total of [-]+ troops. It all fell apart in two months.

The 10,000+ army was defeated without even holding out for two months, that is 10,000+ elite soldiers!

And how many 10,000+ troops can our Tsarist Russia come up with now?

Even if we can still produce a few 10,000+ troops now, will we be able to defeat the Great Dragon Kingdom with artillery?
In particular, there are many small countries around us that want to invade us all the time. If there is a war with the Great Dragon Kingdom at that time, we have to set aside some soldiers and horses to guard against their sneak attacks.

Then, we can come up with fewer troops.

If such a powerful country becomes our enemy, I really have no idea. "

Seeing the uneasy look on Serena's eyebrows, Ulinin's expression also became tangled.

"This... the old minister didn't know what to say for a while."

Ulinin's tangled look made Serena sigh uncontrollably: "My lord, according to what the Turkic people said, besides the powerful cannon, the dragon also has a terrifying existence called a martial arts master.

According to Turkic people, those powerful martial arts masters can run faster than the best war horses, and some martial arts masters can even fly. "

"Fly? Cough cough... My Majesty, don't be joking, how can people fly? This is completely unreasonable.

Could it be that those Turkic people are idle and bored, making me happy?Otherwise, why wouldn't those Turkic people who also fled from the south not be able to fly?
This must be a grotesque story deliberately made up by those Turks to please you. "

Serena shook her head with blurred eyes: "I don't know, but seeing what the Turkic people said so seriously, I really can't believe it.

I heard from those Turkic people that the Great Master of the Western Turkic Royal Court was the kind of martial arts master who could fly, and he was the best among them.

It's just that their great master later defected to the Eastern Turkic royal court, their hostile camp in the Western Turks, for some reason.

As for whether it is true or not, the Emperor does not know.

After Slav and the others came back, the emperor asked them about this matter, and they said that they had only seen certain generals of the Great Dragon Kingdom who were able to do some moves that ordinary people could not do when they charged into battle.

As for the flying person, they have never seen it before.

Maybe it's really like what you said, my lord, these words are just weird stories deliberately made up by those Turkic people in order to make me happy. "

Ulinin nodded lightly, picked up the parchment scroll that recorded the contents of the Dalong Kingdom's book, and looked at it again and again: "What do you mean, Your Majesty, about the Dalong Kingdom's book of credentials?"

Serena got up and walked gently towards the palace gate, Ulinin hurriedly got up and followed after seeing this.

Serena stopped outside the hall door and reached out to catch some crystal snowflakes blown into the hall by the cold wind.

"Now I can only pretend to be confused, those Turkic people may deceive the emperor, the Duke of Slav and the others will not deceive the emperor, right?

If the Great Dragon Kingdom is really as powerful as they say, we can only make friends with it now.

If the emperor forcibly fights against them, I'm afraid it will drag our Tsarist Russia into hell.

Naturally, the emperor can't take away the family business my grandmother left me.

Anyway, it's just stamping our seal on the Dalong Kingdom's national book, there's nothing to be ashamed of.

In fact, it may not be a bad thing for us to have a good relationship with the Great Dragon Kingdom. At that time, maybe we can ask the Great Dragon for our tens of thousands of soldiers who were captured by the Great Dragon Kingdom in the name of friends!

It is even possible for us to learn the craftsmanship of making the Great Dragon Cannon from the hands of the Great Dragon Nation. As long as we have this powerful weapon in our hands, then the gap in national strength between us and the Great Dragon Nation can be gradually made up go up.

If we use it properly, we may eventually be able to surpass the Great Dragon Kingdom. "

Ulinin looked at Serena's shining light blue eyes, and after being silent for a long time thoughtfully, suddenly his eyes lit up, looking at Serena excitedly.

"My emperor means that we first learn the art of making artillery from the Great Dragon Kingdom, and then after we manufacture the artillery ourselves, we will incorporate all the dozen or so countries around Tsarist Russia into our territory? "

Serena's stunning face shone with expectations for the future, and she nodded noncommittally.

"Your Majesty really knows what the emperor is thinking, as long as we can unify the dozen or so countries around us into the hands of our Tsarist Russia, then our Tsarist Russia will be able to produce a lot of 10,000+ soldiers.

At that time we... alas...we may still not be the opponent of the Great Dragon Kingdom, but at least the emperor of the Great Dragon Kingdom will not despise us so much.

And whether our Tsarist Russia can incorporate all the surrounding countries, large and small, into our territory, this mission of the Great Dragon Kingdom that came from afar will be a crucial part.

As long as they are willing to teach us the craftsmanship of making artillery, as well as all the unique crafts from the Dragon Kingdom, such as weaving silk, papermaking, frying tea, and firing porcelain.

Then after we learn it, we can crush the small countries around us in many ways and annex them smoothly.

As long as the surrounding countries are annexed, our Tsarist Russia will definitely be strong to a point that you and I can't even imagine. "

Ulinin looked excitedly at the beautiful and deep-eyed Serena, obviously immersed in the future blueprint drawn and woven by the little empress.

"My lord, have you thought of a way to buy these Dalong envoys to teach us the craftsmanship of the Dalong Kingdom?"

"Not yet, but I still have three days to think of a solution. Even if I can't think of a good solution by then, it's okay to try a stupid solution first."

Ulinin tugged at the beard on his chin, turned his eyes and muttered for a long time, and looked at Serena who was thinking secretly while looking at the wind and snow outside the palace with weird eyes.

"My emperor, I heard that Liu Chengfeng, the Chief Envoy of the Great Dragon Mission, is His Royal Highness the eldest son of the Emperor of the Great Dragon Kingdom. I wonder if this news is true?"

"Probably so, but I can't guarantee it. What's wrong? Why did your lord suddenly ask this question?"

"My lord, it would be great if this news is true.

If it is true, then Liu Chengfeng is the eldest son of the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom!According to Yeves and his translation, the eldest son of the emperor seems to be more noble than our prince.

Then he has more important things about the Great Dragon Kingdom than the entire Great Dragon Mission. "

"You're right. There is indeed a possibility. The emperor has thought about this before, but how can he let Liu Chengfeng teach us?"

Ulinin glanced at the fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged Elizabeth Serena, who was so beautiful, said in a muffled voice.

"My emperor, what do you think of the beauty trap?"

(End of this chapter)

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