Chapter 2461 Why?
Serena turned her head to look at Urinen, she was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes suddenly lit up, as if her weak and boneless white hands were clapped together heavily.

"That's right, we can use beauty tricks, the empress thought about it for a long time before but didn't think of it.

My lord, you are worthy of being the wise man left to me by my grandmother after being chosen one out of a hundred, and you solved the problems I was facing at once.

In the next three days, the emperor can finally free up his mind to think about what will happen after the reception of the Great Dragon Mission. "

Ulinin stared blankly at Serena who was almost jumping for joy, and there was a sense of relief in his eyes when he came back to his senses.

"My Majesty, do you also think this proposal of the old minister is feasible?"

Serena nodded heavily: "It is possible, of course it is possible.

You stinking men... huh... Heroes are saddened by beauty, this is the same truth through the ages.

Listen to what you said just now, my lord, the eldest son of the Great Dragon Kingdom, Liu Chengfeng, is about the same age as this emperor, and now it happens to be the age when young people like beauties.

Isn't it the best time to use a beauty trick on him now?
After you leave, my lord, the emperor will immediately send Nina to select a large number of young and beautiful young maids in the palace for preparation. On the day of receiving the Dalong mission, they will directly swarm up and surround Liu Chengfeng to ensure that He was dazzled.

This emperor does not believe that at his young age, he can be indifferent to a large group of young girls.

As long as she accepts a few of them, even if there is only one, we can take the opportunity to keep him in Tsarist Russia and use the great dragon craftsmanship he has mastered.

It's a beauty trick, saving time and effort, so it's decided. "

Ulinin looked at Serena talking eloquently, with a proud attitude of winning, his eyes flickered and he frowned.

Your Majesty the old minister, have you really understood what the old minister means?
Beauty trick, beauty trick, since it is a beauty trick, looking inside and outside the palace, who can be more beautiful than me, the emperor, if you want to say a real beauty?

Furthermore, the target of your beauty trap is not an ordinary person, but His Royal Highness, the eldest son of the Emperor of the Great Dragon Kingdom. How charming and lovely a person in his status was in the Great Dragon Kingdom? He had never seen a girl full of charm and beauty like a fairy.

Even if there are beauties who are more youthful and peerless than you among the maids in the palace, but the maids are court ladies, no matter how beautiful they are, they will never change the fact that they are servants, using the maids to seduce the eldest son of the emperor of a powerful enemy country Your Highness, my emperor, you can really figure it out.

"My emperor, do you really understand what the old minister means?"

Serena looked at Ulinin with a strange face in surprise: "Of course the empress understands what you mean, my lord, otherwise the empress wouldn't have said just now that she sent Nina to pick out the young and beautiful palace maids waiting for you." The Great Dragon Mission has entered the palace.

Isn't beauty tricking just using beauties to seduce men? "

"Er—what you said, my emperor, is correct, but there is more to this beauty trick... Sigh... my emperor, just follow what you said, and until now, whether it will succeed or not, you have to try it first.

If it doesn't work, it's not too late for us to think of other ways. "

Serena didn't notice the fleeting tangled look in Ulinin's old eyes, and nodded with a smile.

"Okay, since you have no objection, my lord, then the emperor can rest assured.

Now all that should be said has been said, the Emperor will continue to consider the matter of receiving the Dalong Mission, so I won't keep you in the palace any longer, my lord.

By the way, you will be responsible for informing the nobles of the various ministries in the royal city to attend the banquet to receive the envoys of the Great Dragon Kingdom. As long as the nobles who have reached the status can come, let them all enter the palace to attend the banquet as much as possible. "

"The old minister understands, the old minister will not delay you, Your Majesty, the old minister will leave the palace first."

"Well, my lord, walk slowly, the wind and snow are very heavy, my lord, pay attention to your body."

"Nina, quickly fetch the old lady's bearskin cloak."

"Yes, Queen."

"Thank you, my emperor, for your concern, and the old minister will leave."

Ulinin took the cold cloak from Nina and skillfully wrapped it around his body, and walked directly into the whistling wind and snow.

Serena watched Ulinin's back gradually disappearing into layers of admiration, and suddenly wrinkled her firm Qiong nose tenderly and let out a soft snort.

"Hmph! Old man, you actually planned to let the emperor use a beauty trick to seduce Liu Chengfeng, you are really bad."

"Empress, what did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, I'm not talking about you again."

"Oh! Nina thought that the empress asked Nina to do something!"

Serena reached out and pulled out a phoenix-pointed emerald hairpin from the sideburns of her light yellow hair, and held it in her hand. Her light blue eyes swirled leisurely and looked at Nina, the maid of honor.

"Nina, just now, the boss seems to have said that Liu Chengfeng brought a lot of dragon treasures as presents to the emperor, right?"

"Yeah, the servants heard it too, the boss did say it, I heard that there are several big boxes!
Although Nina has never met His Royal Highness, the eldest son of the Great Dragon Kingdom, he is very kind to you, Empress.

Having never met before, I gave you so many rare and rare treasures all at once, the empress. This time, our mission to Tsarist Russia has brought several large boxes of rare and rare treasures to give to you.

Nina thought he must be a very gentlemanly man. "

Seeing the longing in Nina's nimble eyes when she mentioned Liu Chengfeng, Serena suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Flicking her fingers on Nina's smooth forehead, Serena turned and walked towards the palace.

"Smelly girl, you haven't even seen what Liu Chengfeng looks like, how do you know he must be a very gentlemanly man?

Maybe this guy looks sloppy and looks like a butcher who kills pigs and sheep! "

"Ah? Impossible? After all, he is the eldest son of a country, His Royal Highness, who is comparable to our Royal Highness of Tsarist Russia. How could he look like what His Majesty said."

Serena stopped walking, turned around and glared angrily at Nina who was following behind, completely living up to the smart and wise appearance when she was with the imperial minister Ulinin just now.

"That's right, that's right, this emperor says it's him and he is."

Nina looked at the little empress's arrogant appearance in astonishment, and nodded helplessly: "Yes, yes, empress, you can do whatever you want.

This Liu Chengfeng of the Great Dragon Kingdom must have a vicious look, the kind of ugly look that children are too scared to cry when they see him go out. "

Serena walked to her chair and sat down carelessly, holding the Phoenix Dian Cui Chai for a while and put it on the table.


"Huh? Empress?"

"What do you think Liu Chengfeng of the Great Dragon Kingdom wants to do? Why does Hao Duanduan give me so many gifts over and over again?
It’s okay if we two are friends who know each other well, but I have never met him, and I don’t know what each other is like. Why did he give me so many gifts all at once?
This time we are going to Tsarist Russia as an envoy, and as the Chief Envoy of the Great Dragon Mission, it is fine to offer a few gifts, which makes sense no matter what you think.

But last time, Tsarist Russia and the Great Dragon Kingdom had a hostile relationship, and we were still the weak ones who were defeated.

It is obvious that the emperor should offer treasures to Dalong to ask for peace, but how come their Dalong Kingdom not only released several of our generals, but also Liu Chengfeng, the eldest son of the emperor, gave the emperor so many things that he has never seen before? What about the big dragon treasure? "

"I... this... this... Nina doesn't know either!"

The little queen Serena looked at Twilight's speechless embarrassment, and waved her hand in a disinterested manner.

"Forget it, I won't be able to find out why if I ask you."

"Thank you Queen for your understanding."

"Go find two skilled palace guards and take a painter to the State Guest House to see if you can meet Liu Chengfeng secretly.

If you can see it, let them guard the painter and bring Liu Chengfeng's portrait back to the emperor. If you don't have a chance, forget it, anyway, you can see it in the palace in only three days. "

"Yes, Nina is leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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