Chapter 2462

In the Tsarist Russia State Hotel, Liu Chengfeng squatted in front of the fireplace in the room and threw a piece of chopped firewood into the burning fireplace from time to time.

Watching the fire in the fireplace grow stronger again, Liu Chengfeng stood up contentedly, clapped his hands, and walked towards Song Yang, who was reclining on a bench similar to the sofa of later generations, who seemed to be doing nothing, He Lin and the others walked over.

"Brothers, don't tell me, the people of Tsarist Russia are quite smart! Install this kind of heating thing called a fireplace in the room, and whenever the weather is cold, light the fire, and in a short while the whole The room became steamy.

Although the appearance is very different from our big dragon's stove, it has the same effect. It seems that the ingenuity of this barbarian should not be underestimated.

It's a pity that most of our Dalong's houses are made of wood, which is different from their stone houses, so we can't even try to learn from them.

Otherwise, the entire capital might be in trouble. "

Song Yang put his hands behind his head, looked at Liu Chengfeng's regretful expression, and suddenly sat up straight, picked up the herbal tea in front of him and moistened his throat.

"My chief soldier, I said, can you put your mind on the business? What do you think you are always so concerned about the fireplace used for heating in winter?
Shouldn't we be discussing the specifics of meeting the little queen of Tsarist Russia right now?
Three days is not long or short, we can't wait here for three days unprepared, and then go directly to the palace to meet Elizabeth Serena, right?
This is a matter of great importance to your life. Can you show a little more importance and respect for the Little Empress of Tsarist Russia, okay?
Even if the two of you don't have the fate to form a good relationship between Qin and Jin, third uncle... hehe... we have to take care of what His Majesty told us, right?
With your appearance like this, you can't help but suspect that you came to Tsarist Russia not to make friends with the little queen of Tsarist Russia, but to go on an outing. "

He Lin, Yang Huaiqing and the others also sat up straight and nodded in agreement: "The chief soldier and the deputy chief soldier are right. You should pay attention to our coming to Tsarist Russia."

"The general seconded the proposal. Now we don't know anything about the little queen of Tsarist Russia. Three days later, I will go directly to the Russian palace to meet the little queen of Tsarist Russia. The general always feels a little uncertain."

Liu Chengfeng looked at the weird expressions on the faces of several people, stretched his arms high and sat down opposite Song Yang and the others.

"I don't want to be like this, and I want to pay attention to the purpose of our visit, but you guys don't understand Tsarist Russia's words at all.

As for the general soldier, I have learned a little bit of Tsarist Russian words from Yeves and the others, but I can only memorize a few superficial words over and over again, not even counting as two knives.

I really want to get close to the Tsarist Russians at the State Guest House, so I can take the opportunity to ask about the situation of the little queen, Elizabeth Serena. The key point is that the chief soldier doesn't have that ability.

All our conversations have to be translated by ten of them, Yeves and the others. They are not fools, and if we make it too obvious, they will definitely notice something.

They have always been Tsarist Russians, you expect them to help us without hesitation, do you think this is possible?

Not to mention anything else, is it not enough to explain that Menghanfu deliberately led us astray?

Their hearts are always towards Tsarist Russia, what do you ask Ben Zongbing to do?Skip Yeves and the others and go straight to the Tsarist Russian officials at the state guesthouse and talk to each other. I speak my Chinese, but do they speak their Tsarist Russian?

Isn't that bullshit?

We have already discussed what should be discussed along the way, and we cannot effectively contact the Tsarist Russians, and the discussion will still be like this.

That being the case, why should the general soldier continue to bother?Isn't that full? "


"Hey—that seems to be the case."

"Then what, having said that, the general still feels a little weird, and always feels that it is inappropriate to do nothing."

"Yes, as the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will win every battle. The more we know about Tsarist Russia, the better it will be for us. Taking advantage of these three days, if we learn a little bit about the situation in Tsarist Russia, our chances of winning will increase. Some."

"That's right, we have Mr. Lu!"

Liu Chengfeng picked up the teapot and poured a few cups of tea, and waved his hand to signal Song Yang and the others to take it by themselves.

Holding a teacup, Liu Chengfeng walked over to a young Confucian scholar who was sitting on a chair next to Song Yang and his five generals, holding a book in his hands and reading silently.

"Lord Lu Tai, what do you mean?"

Lu Tai, a young Confucian scholar, put down the book in his hand, respectfully took the teacup from Liu Chengfeng, and fell silent for a while.

"Thank you Zong Bing, Xia Guanjue also thinks Zong Bing's idea is better, just wait and see the changes, and respond to all changes with the same."

Liu Chengfeng gave Lu Tai a thumbs up: "Heroes see the same thing."

"Don't dare!"

Liu Chengfeng picked up a cup of tea and blew on it, then sat on the chair opposite Lu Tai with his legs crossed and glanced at everyone.

"Master Lu, Yeves and the others didn't do anything when they were translating the words, right?"

"Don't worry, Chief Soldier. They were honest when they were translating the words of Ulinin and Gogolov, and they didn't do anything wrong."

Liu Chengfeng nodded in satisfaction, took a sip of tea and looked at Song Yang and the others.

"You have all heard what Lord Lu said, Yeves and the others are still honest, but that's only for now, but the heart of defense is indispensable!
As an official of Honglu Temple, Mr. Lu has already mastered the Russian language. Only a few of us know about it.

Once it is revealed in advance that there are officials in our Dragon Mission who are proficient in Tsarist Russian discourse, our only trump card when facing the Tsarist Russian Queen and the Tsarist Russian Prince and Minister will no longer exist.

Now let Mr. Lu accompany the general soldier to get close to the Tsarist Russians in the state hotel. Of course, we can find out some information about the little queen of Tsarist Russia, but the final result is nothing but little effect, and it will expose Mr. Lu The presence.

And vice versa?As long as the Tsarist Russians think that there is no one in our Great Dragon Mission who is proficient in Tsarist Russian, all communication can only rely on the ten original soldiers of Yeves of Tsarist Russia.

In this way, they will not be on guard against us when they talk to each other. At that time, with Mr. Lu present, we can get a lot of unexpected gains by surprise.

We don't have to rack our brains to catch their words at all, and we can get a lot of information that is beneficial to us by pretending to be confused.

That being the case, why not do it?

Sometimes it may not be more beneficial to take the initiative to attack many things than to sit on the Diaoyutai and wait for the fish to take the bait, what do you think? "

Song Yang and the others looked at Liu Chengfeng's meaningful expression in a daze, and looked at each other, but no one said anything.

Song Yang drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, played with the teacup in his hand with complicated expression and raised his eyes to the smiling Liu Chengfeng.

"Chief soldier, you were not so insidious when you were in the capital... Cough cough... You are so wise and stupid!"

Liu Chengfeng's smiling face froze, he flicked his sleeves angrily and walked towards the fireplace next to him.

"It's so windy and snowy outside, I don't have a chance to go out and enjoy the customs of Gele King City, so I'd better just stay in the room and have some fun.

Mahjong?chess?Go?You say, I don't care about the general. "

"Why don't you go and call Qian Lushi over, the eight of us just happen to have two tables of mahjong."

"Then why are you still standing there? Let's help set up the table!"

(End of this chapter)

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