Chapter 2463
Liu Chengfeng, Song Yang, and the eight of them set up the mahjong table and walked less than three times. When the game was on the rise, a middle-aged man dressed in a light blue gown and a bamboo hat, dressed as a servant, suddenly appeared. Appeared outside the door and said loudly.

"My subordinate Yue Long sees the young master."

Liu Chengfeng, who was rubbing the mahjong in his hand and secretly thinking about which tiles to play, was suddenly excited, and looked towards the door with the corners of his mouth twitching.

The other seven people also took advantage of the opportunity to look towards the door, with expressions of shock on their faces, obviously startled by the bamboo hat man who suddenly appeared at the door.

Liu Chengfeng breathed out lightly, put down the mahjong in his hand, got up and walked towards Yue Long, looked at Yue Long's resolute and stern appearance with a wry smile, and shook his head helplessly.

"Uncle Yue, next time you come here, can you stop appearing so silently and suddenly, don't you know that scaring people will scare people to death?

Fortunately, it is broad daylight now, if you suddenly come out like this at night, we brothers will be scared out of our wits by you. "

Yue Long looked at Liu Chengfeng's tangled expression, and nodded casually: "This subordinate disturbed the young master, please forgive me.

But the subordinate hopes that the young master can get familiar with the way of showing up as soon as possible.

After all, there are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

No matter when, where and what the situation is, I hope that you, young master, can maintain the vigilance you should have as a warrior, so that the young master will not be at a loss when the crisis really comes, and it is difficult to deal with it.

At the beginning of the year, the Lord had a lot of complaints about the sudden appearance of his subordinates and others, but he gradually got used to it.

However, this is not because the master is used to the way subordinates and others appear, but because the master understands that this is inevitable.

Because many existences with evil intentions will not notify the Lord in advance when they want to do unruly things to the Lord, people have to gradually grow up through tempering.

These are the words from the bottom of my heart, I hope you will keep them in mind, young master.

After all, when people make mistakes, horses sometimes make mistakes. It is impossible for the subordinates and others to appear by the young master's side in time to protect the young master every time.

The young master's safety still needs to be adaptable, and self-protection is the top priority. "

Liu Chengfeng looked at Yue Long's upright posture, and nodded with a wry smile: "Oh, Uncle Yue, don't be so serious, the younger generation always feels uncomfortable watching it, but the words taught by Uncle Yue , the juniors will definitely remember it in their hearts.

The younger generation also hopes that Uncle Yue will give the younger generation some time to familiarize themselves with it, after all, it is really not easy to accept it all at once.

You came here in person this time, did something important happen? "

Yue Long nodded slightly, and whispered in Liu Chengfeng's ear.

After a while, Yue Long straightened up and looked at Liu Chengfeng cautiously: "Should I immediately send someone to stop them outside the East Court of the State Guesthouse, preventing them from getting close to you, young master?
After all, we are in other people's territory, and some things have to be guarded against. "

Liu Chengfeng held his chin and pondered for a moment, then looked at Yue Long who had a slightly dignified expression: "Uncle Yue, are you sure it's just two ordinary soldiers and a person who seems to be a painter?"

"The subordinates confirmed that this is the information that Long San and the others confirmed after they watched them from the Russian palace all the way to the state guesthouse."

Liu Chengfeng was silent for a long time, then nodded nonchalantly: "Then let them come, as long as they don't disturb the chief soldier, they can do whatever they want, we still have some measure.

The chief soldier thinks that under the watchful eyes of all the people, they will not dare to do anything cruel to the general soldier, right?After all, this is a state guesthouse, and Tsarist Russians also want face. "

"This... well, since the young master has already made up his mind, this subordinate will stop talking, and this subordinate will leave."

"Uncle Yue, why are you in such a hurry? Go into the room and have a cup of tea to warm up before...err..."

Liu Chengfeng stared in astonishment at Yue Long who suddenly disappeared into the wind and snow again between several ups and downs, shrugged his shoulders twitching at the corners of his eyes, turned and walked towards the mahjong table.

Sitting on the chair carelessly, Liu Chengfeng glanced at Song Yang and the others suspiciously: "You guys didn't take the opportunity to peek at the card of the general soldier just now, did you?

You have to pay attention to the brand in playing cards, otherwise, the victory will be invincible! "

Feeling Liu Chengfeng's suspicious gaze, the four of them sneered and picked up the tea and tasted it on their own.

Seeing this, Liu Chengfeng scratched his head for fun, glanced out of the open room with bright eyes, and played the cards in his hand cheerfully.

"Eight barrels."


"Wait a minute, I'm sorry a few brothers, butts are also bullshit, just pay and pay."

"Fuck, Brother He, are you sure you haven't peeked at my cards? Why does the Chief Soldier think you're waiting for my hand of cards?"

"Chief soldier, brand name, there must be brand name. You just said it yourself, you can't just let it go, right? Playing cards, it's normal to win and lose!"

"Having said that, I always think it's a bit of a coincidence. Forget it, I'm not short of your money. I'll give it to you."

"Hey, what the chief soldier said seems like the general has done something shady, isn't it just a penny? The general doesn't want it, let's start over."

While Liu Chengfeng and the others were joking with each other, the three Tsarist Russians in the corridor under the heavy snow were looking furtively at the room where Liu Chengfeng and the eight of them were.

Among the three, an old man with a drawing board in his arms was stunned instinctively when he saw the eight people sitting around playing mahjong in the room: "Huh? Why are there so many people, and they all look the same! Which one of these people Is it Liu Chengfeng, the eldest son of Dalong?
This... this... this... I don't know the identity of this artist, whose portrait should I paint for Her Majesty the Queen? "

"Master Liege, we can't come forward to ask their identities now, why don't we draw these people who can see their faces together?"

"Wouldn't this be too much of a waste of time?"

"It's a bit of a waste of time, but there's no way around it. We can't directly find Liu Chengfeng, the commander-in-chief of the Great Dragon Kingdom, and tell him clearly. It's my emperor who wants his portrait, right?
Is His Majesty shameless?So far, we can only suffer a little bit by ourselves. "

"Um, that's right. Let's draw all the people who can see their faces! As for whether there are people from the Great Dragon Kingdom in the painting, it's up to God's will."

"Thanks for your hard work, Master Liege. Our two brothers will hold the umbrella for you. You can just paint. If you need anything, just tell us brothers."

It took two and a half days for the Goose Feather Snow to cover the King City of Gele intermittently before it stopped.

In just two and a half days, both the inside and outside of Gele King City were covered with heavy snow, and the silver-clad clothes were exceptionally enchanting, giving people a feeling of being in a world of ice and snow.

The next day, Liu Chengfeng and the others all put on well-fitting formal clothes, because today is the day when the Little Empress of Tsarist Russia received the Dragon Mission in the Klimt Palace.

Seven people from Liu Chengfeng outside the Tsarist Russia State Guest House got into three luxury carriages with four wheels, and the carriages rolled over the snow and drove slowly towards the royal palace of Tsarist Russia.

Liu Chengfeng leaned forward and looked at the houses lined up on both sides of the street, and casually glanced around the street. The crowd gathered together and pointed at himself and others, and the whispering Tsarist people sat back and glanced at Song Positive.

"Brother Yang, the weather in Tsarist Russia is worse than that in Dalong's Xinfu and Beifu. According to the time, it is estimated that the snow has just started to fall in Beifu and Xinfu, but Tsarist Russia has already been covered by heavy snow. up.

And have you noticed that these Tsarist Russians seem to have a strong physique regardless of men, women, or children!
Some women look young, but their height is almost equal to that of us men.

Especially the men in Tsarist Russia, almost all of them are much taller and stronger than our Dalong Erlang. If they are fully armed, let alone their combat effectiveness, just in terms of morale, they will feel a lot of oppression. "

Song Yang glanced at Liu Chengfeng, who analyzed the situation of the Tsarist Russians, and rubbed his brows helplessly.

"General Soldier, what you should consider now is how to please the beautiful woman after meeting the Tsarist Russian Empress, instead of worrying about such things that should not be considered by us.

The significance of this trip to Tsarist Russia for diplomatic relations is extraordinary. It is not just that you can retire after successful diplomatic relations. There are also important events in your life!
It's about your happiness for the rest of your life, can you have some snacks? "

"I got it! I got it! No matter what, you have to wait until the chief soldier sees the person before talking about the rest of the matter, right?
In case this Elizabeth Serena looks crooked, with a sarcastic look, I can't agree to it, can I? "

(End of this chapter)

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