My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2464 The little queen met Liu Dalang for the first time

Chapter 2464 The little queen met Liu Dalang for the first time
Song Yang was stunned, and sighed helplessly: "Soldier! When the last general entered the palace to meet the little queen of Tsarist Russia three days ago, he had already seen her appearance with his own eyes.

Didn't the last general tell you that although this woman's appearance is completely different from that of my Dalong woman, she can definitely be called a stunning beauty full of exotic customs.

Although it looks a little different from our Dalong girls, but it has nothing to do with being ugly.

What's the matter, we have been friends for so many years, can't you even trust the last general? "

"Hey~ Don't say it, the world is full of wonders, and there are some things that I haven't seen with my own eyes. Who can guarantee that this little queen will be a stunning beauty that can make the chief soldier fall in love at first sight?

What people like is different. If you, General Song, can see a woman, you will feel sleepy if you don't.

Although appearance is not the most important thing in marrying a wife and a virtuous man, but I can't be so indifferent that all ghosts and snakes marry at home, right?
If he really looks fierce and evil, I might as well spend my whole life bare as a soldier!

No matter how bad it is, at least she has to be the kind of girl who looks pleasing to the eye when sleeping with her arms around her, and doesn't cause nightmares, right?

As a man, you can always understand this general soldier, right? "

"Um—that's true."

"Brother Yang, in fact, I don't have high requirements for the general soldier. As long as he is virtuous and virtuous, kind-hearted, and has seventy percent of the appearance of my mother and your aunt, the general soldier will not say anything. My request is not too much, right?"

"Not too much, not at all, after all, your identity is there!
Not to mention the reason for you alone, but to say that the face of my Dalong court is there, and I can't let you marry a dominatrix back home. "

"Shut up!"

The three carriages slowly stopped outside the majestic palace, Yeves and others jumped off the carriage in front and trotted to Liu Chengfeng and his carriage to stop and salute.

"President Liu, Vice President Song, we have arrived at the palace. His Majesty the Emperor and all the princes and ministers are waiting for you to come here. Please."

Liu Chengfeng took a deep breath, nodded with a calm expression, supported the carriage and jumped out of the carriage, raised his eyes and glanced at the majestic Klimt Palace in front of him, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Like Song Yang who saw the Klimt Palace for the first time three days ago, Liu Chengfeng was attracted by the tall and tall pillars in front of him.

"Liu Zongbing, all honored envoys, please, let me guide you."

Liu Chengfeng came back to his senses and turned his head to glance at the six people behind him. Seeing the same curious expressions on their faces, he coughed twice, leaning on the Junzi sword at his waist with one hand, and directly skipped Yeves a few times. The man walked towards the palace gate with high strides.

Such a posture is quite anti-customer-oriented.

Song Yang waved his hand lightly, and the group immediately followed Liu Chengfeng.

Yeves and the others froze for a moment, looked at each other with embarrassing faces, and chased after Liu Chengfeng and the others with a smile.

The court guards outside the palace looked curiously at Liu Chengfeng and his party who were dressed in distinctive clothes, then turned around and shouted loudly in the direction of the palace.

"Report to His Majesty, the Dalong Kingdom's mission has arrived."

"Report to His Majesty, the Dalong Kingdom's mission has arrived."

"Report to His Majesty, the Dalong Kingdom's mission has arrived."

The yelling of the palace guards spread from the palace gate to the palace. The main hall of the palace, which was full of discussions, fell silent instantly. Dozens of Tsarist Russian noble ministers in gorgeous robes subconsciously looked outside the palace. , with curiosity in their eyes.

The curiosity of a group of ministers flashed away in the light blue eyes of the little empress Serena of Tsarist Russia, like a group of ministers. She immediately took back her movement of getting up and looking out of the palace, and sat on the throne unsmilingly. There was a dignified and elegant demeanor on the table, quietly staring at Liu Chengfeng and his party who were gradually coming towards the palace outside the palace.

"Report, I would like to inform my emperor that Liu Chengfeng, the commander-in-chief of the Great Dragon Mission, and a group of Dalong noble ambassadors under his command are waiting outside the hall."

Serene first glanced at the palace guard who was sending the message, and then her eyes turned and fell directly on the one standing outside the palace, who was wearing a black dragon robe and a hard hat. Although she couldn't see the real appearance, she was in full bloom and stately. On the boy's body, the curiosity in the jewel-like light blue eyes is self-evident.

"please come in."


"Her Majesty has an order to invite all the noble envoys of the Great Dragon Kingdom Mission to enter the hall for a meeting."

Liu Chengfeng and the others listened to Yeves' translation, and walked straight towards the palace according to the arranged positions. After the seven of them stepped into the palace, they glanced at the Tsarist Russian officials in the palace indifferently, and then directly turned to Duan Serena, who was sitting on the throne, bowed and saluted.

Liu Chengfeng and the others didn't pay the respects by staring at the empress Serena first, but followed the rules of the dragon to greet the queen first, and then the queen.

"Bang Chen Da Long is sending Chief Military Officer Liu Chengfeng to see Her Majesty the Empress."

"Song Yang, Deputy Commander of the Great Dragon Mission of the State Councilor, is presenting to Her Majesty the Empress."

"He Lin, General He Lin of the Great Dragon Mission of the State Minister..."

"Yang Huaiqing, the general of the Langchen Dalong Mission..."

"Bangchen Dalong Mission Battalion Counselor Zhong Mo..."


Serena had seen Song Yang's dragon etiquette three days ago, and she was not unfamiliar with Liu Chengfeng's etiquette, which was very different from Tsarist Russia's. She stared curiously at Liu Chengfeng, who was in the first place, and raised her hand.

"All noble envoys of the Great Dragon Kingdom are exempt from courtesy."

"The Queen thanks Your Majesty."

After thanking them, they straightened up and looked up at Serena on the throne in front of them. Except for Song Yang, who had already met Elizabeth Serena, all of them were curious to see what kind of person this Tsarist Russian empress was.

Liu Chengfeng's gaze fell on the glamorous Serena, who had Daimei Chunshan and Qiushui Jiantong, and a feeling of amazement reverberated in his heart instantly, and his heart beat twice involuntarily.

"Good... What a stunning woman with an exotic style."

While Liu Chengfeng was looking at Serena, the stunning lady whom his father had chosen for him, Serena was curiously examining Liu Chengfeng, a young talent who had given him many precious gifts before meeting him.

Serena stared blankly at Liu Chengfeng, a handsome young man dressed in a dragon robe and a hard hat with phoenix wings. Although his appearance was completely different from that of Tsarist Russian men, he had a different temperament. swipe a few times.

"Good... good... how should I describe it? What a good-looking little brother!"

The gazes of the boy and the girl gradually met, and both of them were stunned, with indescribable appreciation in each other's eyes.

The two seemed to regard everyone around them as a background board, and just stared at each other silently.

As if no matter how you look at it, you can't get enough of it.

As time passed, Liu Chengfeng felt a little bit at a loss as a man when he felt Serena's bold and burning eyes when she stared at him. Some aggressive rippling eyes.

The posture of the two of them is like when the king of the Daughter Kingdom met Tang Sanzang for the first time. One was secretly delighted and his eyes could no longer contain anything else, while the other was amazed and at the same time a little inexplicably embarrassed.

The atmosphere in the palace instantly became a little weird under the two people's gazes, and the silence was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Song Yang's eyes lingered on Liu Chengfeng and Serena a few times playfully, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

It seems that what the third uncle explained is almost done.

The eyes of Ulinin, the former imperial minister of Tsarist Russia, were not the same as those of Song Yang. He looked at his little queen who was staring at Liu Chengfeng intently, and then at Liu Chengfeng, who was erratic about his little queen, and felt relieved. tone.

His Majesty really understood what the old minister meant, and nine out of ten out of ten the beauties were successful.

Song Yang and Ulining's burden fell down at the same time, and they coughed at the same time.

"Cough cough!"


The pitch of the voice is completely different, but expresses the same meaning.

The coughing sound of the two echoing in the hall made Liu Chengfeng and Selina, a boy and girl who were attracted to each other, immediately reacted, and their eyes that met each other hurriedly looked away.

There is quite a meaning of trying to cover up.

(End of this chapter)

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