My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2465 Open Your Eyes and Talk About Blindness

Chapter 2465

Song Yang stared narrowly at the nervous expression on Liu Chengfeng's face that had never been shown in front of himself and others, and walked slowly to Liu Chengfeng's side, stopped and said softly.

"Chief soldier, don't be in a daze for now, presents, it's time to present our presents to Her Majesty the Empress.

After talking about the gift, it was logical to propose the credential. "

Liu Chengfeng turned his head to look at Song Yang, and nodded blankly: "Ah? Oh! Yes, yes, it's time to give a gift."

Exhaling lightly, Liu Chengfeng turned around and looked at Yang Huaiqing and the others standing behind him: "Brother Yang, hurry up and bring in the gift from the Dragon Heavenly Dynasty to Her Majesty Queen Serena."

"We take orders."

Serena and the princes and ministers of Tsarist Russia were wondering why Yang Huaiqing and the other great dragon generals suddenly turned around and walked towards the outside of the palace. The timely translation of Yeves made them suddenly realize.

The Tsarist Russian officials around looked at the standing in the middle of the palace, although it could not be called Yushu Linfeng, but it was full of vigor and majesty, and the eyes could not help but feel a little strange.

Gift!Another gift without warning!
Although the custom and culture of giving gifts without saying a word in Dalong Kingdom makes people feel strange, it is hard to make people feel disgusted!
We also really want this kind of inhumanity, and send a lot of rare treasures to friends if we disagree!

Seeing Liu Chengfeng whose face gradually returned to normal, Serena took a few breaths to calm down her disturbed heart.

Although she had already known from Mr. Ulinin that the eldest son of the Great Dragon King would give her several large boxes of precious gifts from the Great Dragon Kingdom, Serena was still a little excited!

This good-looking little brother also knows how to hurt people.

I just don't know what kind of gifts he gave himself this time.

Liu Chengfeng felt that the little queen Serena was staring at him, clenched her hands a few times, and bowed with fists.

"Your Majesty, the minister Liu Chengfeng came to your country this time to follow His Majesty's order to establish friendship with your country, to communicate with each other, and the friendship will last forever.

It has been three days since my Dalong Kingdom Letter was handed in to His Majesty.

I wonder if Her Majesty the Queen has stamped the seal of your country?If Your Majesty has already affixed the seal of your country, please Your Majesty to return the letter of credence to the ministers for inspection.

May the friendship between our Great Dragon Dynasty and Tsarist Russia last forever, just like the sun and the moon. "

Serena listened to Yeves' translation, turned her eyes to a group of officials who started to whisper, nodded slightly, and looked at the Dalong Credentials on the table.

Looking at the Dalong Guoshu that she had stamped two days ago, Serena's gaze wandered for a moment, and she looked at Liu Chengfeng with a faint smile.

"Emissary Dalong, regarding the matter of the mutual relations between our two countries, I still need to think carefully about it. After all, the relationship between the two countries is no small matter, and there are many things that I have to carefully consider.

But please rest assured Dalong, the emperor will give you an answer as soon as possible.

The mountains and rivers of Russia may not be as good as those of your country, but it is also unique.

If the envoy of the Dragon Kingdom feels bored while waiting for the emperor to affix the seal and return the letter of credence, the emperor suggests that you and the noble envoys go around and enjoy the infinite scenery of our Tsarist Russia. "

Ulinin was stunned for a moment, and looked in surprise at the little Queen Serena who was sitting on the throne with her eyes open and talking nonsense.

No, no!Your Majesty, didn't we discuss this before?

The seal on the Dalong Guoshu was stamped by the veteran who watched you with his own eyes. Why do you have to think carefully about it now?

Could it be that there was some unforeseen change in it?

After staring at Serena's calm face for a few moments, Ulinin nodded with a sense of understanding.

I understand, I understand, His Majesty is deliberately looking for an excuse to let the envoys of the Great Dragon Kingdom stay in our Tsarist Russia for a longer period of time!

The longer they stay, the more opportunities we have for clichés.In this way, it is not afraid that there will be no chance to set up those dragon crafts that are far superior to our Tsarist Russia.

My Majesty is really amazing!
Ulinin looked at Serena's plain face and gently stroking her beard, and the doubts in his heart were instantly cleared, as if he had already understood the deep meaning of Her Majesty's actions.

Ulining secretly rejoiced, and Liu Chengfeng also finished listening to Yeves' translation.

Liu Chengfeng looked up at Serena's solemn attitude, hesitating secretly for a moment and looked at Song Yang who was aside.

Feeling Liu Chengfeng's dark eyes, Song Yang rubbed his fingers thoughtfully. After a while, Song Yang silently nodded to Liu Chengfeng.

Liu Chengfeng breathed out calmly: "Since Her Majesty the Empress has not yet considered it, I should not rush too much, but I hope that Her Majesty the Empress will reply to the matters in the credential as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, the envoy of Dalong, the emperor will give the envoy an answer within the shortest possible time."

As soon as Serena's voice fell, He Lin, Yang Huaiqing and a group of Tsarist Russian court guards carried ten large boxes into the palace.

Seeing this, Serena's beautiful light blue eyes suddenly lit up, and her jewel-like eyes stared intently at the ten large boxes placed under the high platform, unwilling to move away.

A group of Tsarist Russian officials also looked at the ten big boxes in front of them in amazement. They had witnessed the gifts brought back by the Slavic Duke and the others from the Dalong Kingdom last time. Those exquisite and luxurious Dalong specialties were not only for Serena The empress couldn't put it down, and even the princes and ministers of them were also envious.

However, the empress was delighted to see Liexin, and she had no intention of sharing those rare treasures of the Great Dragon Kingdom, and this matter made a group of Tsarist Russian nobles regret it for a long time.

Now that they saw ten boxes of Dalong country specialties again, they couldn't allow them to be curious about what was inside.

Song Yang didn't know what Serena, the little queen, and all the officials of Tsarist Russia were thinking, so he took out a book from his cuff with a solemn expression and opened it quietly.

"His Majesty the Empress, this time, our Dalong Dynasty traveled thousands of miles to Tsarist Russia to conduct friendship and diplomatic relations, in order to show the sincerity of our Dalong Emperor.

This time, the list of gifts from our Dragon Mission to Her Majesty the Queen is as follows.

A box of official kiln fine porcelain, including five sets of cloud pattern tableware, colored glaze tea set, and main hall decoration porcelain.

A box of gold, silver and jade wares, including [-] kinds of jewelry and [-] kinds of clothing and accessories.

Two boxes of various famous and precious teas, including scented tea, green tea, black tea, and tribute tea, five catties each, and ten sets of royal tea sets.

A box of the four treasures of the study, including a number of brushes, ink, paper and inkstones.

Three boxes of silk, Yun brocade, Shu brocade... ten pieces each.

Two boxes of ready-made clothes, ten pieces of phoenix coronets, ten woven cloud and smoke dresses, ten pieces of green luan and green clouds, and ten pairs of auspicious cloud walking shoes.

A small gift is not a respect, please accept it with a smile from Her Majesty the Empress.

In addition, our Dalong Mission also brought a total of 22 kinds of Dalong's various vintage wines, totaling 220 altars, which will be handed over to Her Majesty the Queen by the officials of your country's State Guesthouse afterwards.

All the brethren listen to the order and open the box. "

He Lin and the others directly opened the big boxes around them one by one, and all kinds of special products of Dalong appeared in the eyes of the little queen Serena and a kind of official in an instant.

Looking at the ten boxes of gorgeous and dazzling gifts under the light of the hall, the eyes of everyone in Tsarist Russia straightened up.

Among these ten boxes of gifts, apart from gold, silver, jade, and silk cloth, they are worth a little money to the Dalong court. Although the other items are somewhat valuable, they are nothing.

However, some items that are nothing to Dalong are all extremely valuable and rare items in the eyes of the Tsarist Russians.

As the saying goes, Taoist people are cheap when they are away from home, and things are expensive when they are away from home.

The truth that rare things are expensive is the same all over the world.

The real value of something does not lie in its own value, but in its uniqueness in a place.

Serena's beautiful eyes stared blankly at the ten boxes containing various Dalong specialties under the high platform, and she couldn't help getting up and walking towards the ten boxes under the high platform.

Serena's reaction like this is not something to be ashamed of.

Even if Young Master Liu had seen a large number of rare treasures beyond his knowledge, he would still have the same demeanor.

Song Yang silently looked at Serena who was staring at the box in front of him curiously, glanced at Liu Chengfeng who was secretly peeking at Serena, raised his arm and slightly pushed towards Liu Chengfeng.

"Your Majesty, let Liu Chengfeng, the commander-in-chief of the Great Dragon Kingdom, introduce you to the items in the box."

(End of this chapter)

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