Chapter 2467
Song Yang and the others looked at Ulining and the others' sincere gazes, looked at each other a few times, nodded hesitantly and walked towards the hall.

He Lin looked at Liu Chengfeng in the dark hall, and Serena's figure who was tightly stuck together raised her head to touch Song Yang's wrist.

"Vice Chief Soldier, these Tsarist Russians are playing a little too much, right? When our Dalong saw a man and a woman hugging each other alone, who didn't rush to retreat out of fear of avoiding it?
Especially young girls at the age of their first love, if the love gets deep and they can't help but have some ambiguous behaviors, how embarrassing it would be to see outsiders present!

When they switched to Tsarist Russia, it was the other way around. Not to mention leaving, it was fine, but one by one hurriedly rushed up.

Later, if the general soldier and the little empress get together and a lot of us get together, what is the difference between the two of them and those who are in the public? "

Song Yang lowered his eyes and glanced at He Lin's two thumbs together, and rubbed his nose resentfully.

"Don't talk nonsense, this may be a communication custom in Tsarist Russia that we don't understand, and the Tsarist Russian minister behind him asked us to come in, so let's come in.

As the saying goes, do as the Romans do when you go to the country, and when we are in other people's territory, we should respect their customs. "

"That's true, but the expression on your face, Deputy Chief Soldier, looks so dirty, it feels like you are looking forward to what will happen next."

Song Yangzheng's smiling face immediately became righteous and awe-inspiring: "I read it wrong! Don't talk nonsense! I didn't!"

He Lin and the others looked at Song Yang's dramatic face change, shook his head and chuckled with narrow eyes, secretly thinking in their hearts that the shameless character of this deputy chief soldier was inherited from his father Song Qing!

He Lin and the others, as the generals of the six guards of the new army, were old men under Young Master Liu's command back then, so they were naturally very familiar with Song Qing, and they were well versed in Song Qing's temperament.

Song Yang's current appearance is very similar to that of his father Song Qing back then, so that He Lin and the others faintly saw a trace of Song Qing's shadow from Song Yang.

For this junior who had just arrived and served as their deputy commander, the favor in his heart rose again.

In the future, when the son under my knees becomes an adult and enlists in the army, and makes friends with Song Yang, maybe they will be a group of life-and-death brothers who are worthy of their lives.

Regarding Song Yang's reaction, Liu Chengfeng and Serena naturally didn't know.

Serena is carefully teaching Liu Chengfeng the essentials of Tsarist Russian dance at this time: "Yes, that's it, then you just follow the footsteps of the emperor, and then put your left hand on the emperor's footsteps." above the lower back."

Seeing Yeves who kept translating Serena's words, Liu Chengfeng's face froze suddenly. He lowered his head and glanced at Serena, who was looking at him with the same delicate face, and his face flushed uncontrollably.

"Put... on your waist? Then I'll just hug... your waist?"

Serena listened to the words of the translator, looked at Liu Chengfeng's embarrassment flushed face, and chuckled lightly, her light blue beautiful eyes stared at Liu Chengfeng interestingly, Serena's eyes gradually became Some aggressive.

"National envoy, why are you so nervous? Are you afraid that the emperor will eat you?"

"I...not...I...just...under the circumstances that our Dalong always pays attention to whether a man and a woman are in love with each other, and there is no name of husband and wife, a man is not allowed to touch a woman's waist, which is a private part. of.

Except for the brothel and Goulanyuan, if this is the case for a woman in other places, once the woman sues the government, the man will face a lawsuit! "

"The brothel? Goulan courtyard? What kind of place is this?"

"Uh--a place where people can forget their troubles after going, and look at the purse after leaving and make people feel regretful and regretful."

After Serena listened to Yeves' translation, her jewel-like eyes stared at Yeves closely: "Where is that place?"

Yeves scratched his forehead and looked at Liu Chengfeng in a daze. He had been repairing the city wall when he was in Dalong, and he had no chance to touch places like brothels and Goulanyuan.

It is true that the names can be translated, but Yeves really doesn't know what these places are doing in Dalong.

"Liu Zongbing, His Majesty asked you what Dalong's brothel and Goulan courtyard are for?"

Liu Chengfeng looked at Yeves' curious eyes, and grunted a few times with a tangled expression: "Mmm~mm~mm~ It should be a place for men to practice marksmanship!"

Immediately in Yeves's mind came the glare of the halberd and spear phalanx in the former Turkic grassland battlefield a few years ago. Since it was a place for men to practice marksmanship, according to Dalong It should be the place to practice martial arts and strengthen your body.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the brothels and Goulan courtyards in Dalong Kingdom are places where men practice marksmanship and martial arts to strengthen their bodies."

Serena suddenly realized, and looked at Liu Chengfeng curiously: "So that's how it is. When you were in the main hall, the envoy of the country said that you practiced martial arts since childhood to strengthen your body, that is to say, you often go to brothels or Goulan courtyards?"


Liu Chengfeng couldn't help but flashed the scenes of himself, his second child, third child and third uncle going to Tianxiang Tower to have fun over the years, and then there was the scene of his father waving a training stick and swearing behind him after the incident. Scenes of the four of my uncle, nephew and brother.

In such days, my physical fitness and lightness skills have indeed been continuously refined a lot!

At the end of the scene, Liu Chengfeng sighed faintly.

The running under the setting sun is the past youth of this young master!

"It''s okay! Bangchen doesn't go too much, maybe two or three...four or five...eight or ninety times a month!"

"Oh! No wonder I felt the rough calluses on your hands when I was holding your hand. It seems that you have practiced a lot! Then you must have a high attainment in marksmanship, right?"

"Shouldn't it? My old man is very strict. I haven't had a chance to try a gun yet...Hmm... Your Majesty, let's digress. You should continue to teach Bundchen about your Tsarist Russian dance."

The little queen Serena also realized that the topic was off track, and nodded apologetically: "Yes, yes, the empress almost forgot about the business, now the envoy, put your left hand on the empress's waist first. "

"Really? You won't be angry, will you?"

Serena cast a coquettish glance at the hesitant Liu Chengfeng, and directly grabbed Liu Chengfeng's left hand and put it on her slender waist.

Liu Chengfeng's body was shocked by the soft and boneless smooth touch of the beauty's willow waist, and he swallowed a few times involuntarily.

Now my young master really wants to practice marksmanship and martial arts to strengthen his body.

Serena gently taught Liu Chengfeng to walk on the carpet, and after two cups of tea, Serena looked at Liu Chengfeng in amazement.

"Envoy, I really can't believe that you have never danced our Tsarist Russia's dance before. You must have learned it too quickly."

"Bangchen has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his hands and feet are fairly nimble. His poor dancing made Her Majesty laugh."

Seeing Liu Chengfeng's modest appearance, Serena smiled sweetly and turned to Yeves who was at the side.

"Yevs, since Zongbing Liu has already learned how to dance, you don't need to continue to translate. You can go to Mr. Ulinin and tell him that the banquet can begin, and let him order the orchestra to play music."

Hearing this, Yeves looked enviously at Liu Chengfeng, who was hugging Serena's willow waist, and saluted Serena respectfully.

"Yes, the minister will leave."

Not long after Yeves withdrew, melodious music echoed in the dim palace, and the atmosphere at the banquet instantly became ambiguous. Serena, who knew nothing about Dalonghan's language, took a step back and gave a woman's courtesy.


"Please understand this since Liu Chengfeng, this is one of the few Tsarist Russian dialects he has mastered."

Recalling the etiquette that Serena taught him just now, Liu Chengfeng saluted with one hand on his chest, and stuck it directly towards Serena.

Under Serena's guidance, Liu Chengfeng's dance steps became more and more proficient. Although the two did not understand the language, they seemed to have understood what the other wanted to express from each other's eyes.

In his spare time, Liu Chengfeng glanced around and saw Song Yang and the six of them danced lightly with a young woman from Tsarist Russia under the light, the awkward feeling in Liu Chengfeng's heart disappeared instantly. live.

(End of this chapter)

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