My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2468 It's Not Too Cold This Winter

Chapter 2468 It's Not Too Cold This Winter

Serena's elaborately prepared banquet has been going on for a long time, but apart from Liu Chengfeng who is still dancing with Serena, Song Yang and the others have already sat down on the bench similar to the sofa of later generations, bored.

Song Yang sent away a noble official who came to offer a toast to him with a slight smile. Watching the noble official from Tsarist Russia melt into the ambiguous candlelight again, Song Yang put down his wine glass and sat down on a chair with a helpless expression.

"What's the matter with these Tsarist Russians? You can toast as long as you want to toast, and you can raise your glass from a distance to signal if you don't mind. Why do you have to run up to them? Will it taste better?"

He Lin swallowed the steak in his mouth, put down the knife and fork that he was not used to, and exhaled, and cast a playful glance at Song Yang.

"How normal! This is the custom of Tsarist Russia. We have to do as the Romans do. We have to respect other people's customs and get used to it slowly."

Yang Huaiqing looked at Song Yang's slumped face, and turned the wine glass with a sullen smile.

"Old He, you are enough, the deputy chief soldier doesn't want to lose face?

Deputy Chief Soldier, we've had our fill, why don't we go dance with those Tsarist Russian girls for a while? "

Song Yang sneered angrily: "What's there to dance about? Twisting around for a long time, except walking around with her arms around the waist of the Tsarist Russian girl, rubbing your heart full of anger but you can't do anything.

It's better to go to the brothel to feel at ease!At least I can get through...cough know! "

"Hahaha! Your Majesty often says that these people of other races are foreigners. Hearing the words of the deputy chief soldier, I'm afraid it doesn't mean that he wants to make money!"

"It's reasonable to say that you are a big boss, deputy chief soldier, so you haven't really touched a girl until now, have you?"

"This statement is wrong, this statement is wrong, what is the identity of our deputy commander, that is Song Mensao... the son of Wuyi King Song Qing, he grew up among women, what kind of girl has never seen ?

The girls you get in touch with every day don't have a heavy style. How can you big bosses who have been in the army all the year round be able to understand that kind of treatment. "

"Bah! Fuck you, you're not a big boss."

"Hahaha—drink, drink."

Song Yang listened to He Lin and his elders who could call him brothers and sisters to tease, picked up his wine glass and moved over with a depressed expression.

"Uncles, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, and stop teasing my nephew. The task His Majesty entrusted to us is to facilitate Liu Zongbing and the little empress of Tsarist Russia to form a good relationship between Qin and Jin. In the current situation, do you think How sure are you of this matter?"

Several people drank their drinks and looked at Liu Chengfeng and Serena who were still dancing in the middle of the hall with great affection.

"It seems that the situation of getting along is good, but we don't understand the words of Tsarist Russia, so it's hard to say!"

"Although we don't know the exact situation yet, when we were in the front hall just now, the little empress of Tsarist Russia looked at our Zongbing Liu very strangely!

I think this good thing has a good chance of success. As for whether it can be sure that Qin and Jin can form a good relationship, it depends on the charm of our Liu Zongbing. "

"I think so. Let's try our best to help. As for the result, it depends on the ability of our commander-in-chief."

"You said we go back to the front, is it possible for the chief soldier to hold his son to see our majesty?"

"You really dare to think, besides the matter of the general soldier, have you noticed that these officials of Tsarist Russia are always asking us about my Dalong's situation intentionally or unintentionally?"

"You guys noticed it too? I thought it was my illusion!"

Song Yang watched He Lin and the others change from laughing to serious, put down the wine glass in his hand and moved closer to He Lin and the others.

"Uncles, these Tsarist Russians are definitely not as honest and honest as they appear on the surface. The Gogolov who welcomed us into the city has been testing my nephew's tone, asking about our soldiers and horses and the situation of our court.

Fortunately, my nephew was alert, so he found a random topic to cover up.

No matter what their purpose is, we must be careful when dealing with topics related to state affairs.

The marriage of the general soldier is the marriage of the general soldier, and the state affairs between my Dalong and Tsarist Russia are state affairs, so don't confuse them! "

"Don't worry, Deputy Chief Soldier, we won't make mistakes in such important matters without your explanation."

"That's right, General Zhou has already told us carefully in the letter His Majesty sent to General Zhou Baoyu, and we all know these things in our hearts."

"Since this is the case, my nephew can rest assured, after returning..."

"Brother Yang, Brother He, Brother Yang... What are you talking about?"

Song Yang and the others looked at Liu Chengfeng, Serena, and Yeves who were walking towards them with a faint smile. They hurriedly stopped talking and got up and bowed their heads: "We have seen the chief soldier, and we have seen Her Majesty the Queen." .”

"Okay, okay, there's no need to be so polite between us."

"Your envoys are exempt from courtesy."

"Thank you General Bing, thank you Your Majesty the Empress."

"Everyone, Her Majesty said that the banquet is coming to an end soon. If we have nothing special to do, it will be over in about a quarter of an hour."

Song Yang and the others glanced at Serena and nodded without hesitation.

"We have nothing special to do, and all matters are in accordance with the arrangements of Her Majesty the Empress."

"Since that's the case, the emperor can rest assured. All distinguished envoys, please take a seat. Someone will notify you when the banquet is over."

"Thank you Your Majesty the Queen."

"Your Majesty, the banquet is coming to an end, and Bangchen said in a disappointment that I hope Her Majesty the Queen will give Bangchen an answer as soon as possible regarding the letter of credence."

Serena's smiling face was stunned, her beautiful eyes looked at Liu Chengfeng who was clasping her fists and saluting with complicated eyes, and said quietly: "Emissary, are you so eager to get the letter of credence and rush back to the Dragon Kingdom?"

"His Majesty has misunderstood. The Secretary of State, Bangchen, can send someone to send the dragon back to His Majesty the Emperor. It doesn't necessarily mean that Bangchen must return to the court in person."

Serena suddenly turned her head to look at Yeves: "Is that so?"

"Reporting to His Majesty, it is indeed so."

There was a smile on Serena's delicate face again, but she still didn't agree directly: "In this case, the ambassador can rest assured, the emperor will give the ambassador an answer as soon as possible."

"The minister will thank Her Majesty the Queen."

The banquet really only lasted about a quarter of an hour, and the music in the hall stopped, and a group of people greeted each other and dispersed one after another.

However, after Liu Chengfeng and the others left the Klimt Palace, more and more Tsarist Russian officials surrounded them to make friends. It wasn't until they returned to the State Guest House that a group of Tsarist Russian princes and ministers left one after another.

"General Soldier, all these Tsarist Russian officials have come to ask us if we still have those gifts for the Tsarist Russian Empress. If there are any extras, they are willing to spend a lot of money to buy some.

Look at those things left in our car? "

"You can do as you see, but you must leave enough emergency needs no matter what. After all, we are in other people's territory, and sometimes it is necessary to reserve some backup!"

"I understand, please rest assured, Chief Soldier."

"Okay, it's getting late, let's all go back and rest!"

The next day it was bright, and Liu Chengfeng and others who had nothing to do after waking up were playing mahjong together. The former imperial minister of Tsarist Russia, Ulinin, accompanied by Yeves, walked into Liu Chengfeng's room.

"My lord ambassador, now that the snow has stopped, my Majesty invites you to go hunting outside my royal city. I wonder if it is convenient for me now?"

The joy in Liu Chengfeng's eyes flashed away, and he looked at Song Yang and the others in embarrassment.

"Ah! Then what, there is still soup in the pot! The general has no time to play mahjong, and the general will leave first."

"Oh! The last general's clothes haven't been washed yet! Then let's continue the fight another day, so I'll take my leave first."

"Vice Chief Soldier, wait a minute, the last general hasn't had soup for a long time, let's go together!"

"It's broken, it's broken, I seem to have forgotten to feed my war horse. If the horse is hungry in this winter, the general will be very distressed. Let me put it this way first, the general will stay behind, and the general will take the first step."


A group of people each found an excuse, picked up their cloaks, put them on their bodies, and left Liu Chengfeng's room. In the blink of an eye, only Liu Chengfeng, Ulinin, and Yeves were left in the room.

Liu Chengfeng frowned with a sneer: "Then there are people now, and I'm bored to be alone, so let's take a trip. I also want to see the beasts of Tsarist Russia and my big dragon." What difference does the beast have."

"Excellent, envoy please."

The sun and the moon rotate, and yin and yang alternate.

In the days when the credentials were not returned to Liu Chengfeng, officials from Tsarist Russia always came to the state guesthouse every now and then, and invited Liu Chengfeng to the palace to meet Serena with various reasons. .

"Master Ambassador, His Majesty received a treasure from a neighbor yesterday. If you are not busy, His Majesty would like to invite the Ambassador to appreciate it."

"My lord ambassador, my Majesty would like to invite my lord ambassador to have a look at the scenery outside the city of the Russian king today. Is it convenient for me?"

"Master Ambassador..."

"Convenient and convenient, lead the way ahead."

In such a spring-like day, the snow-covered winter in the Russian King City seems not to be so cold.

(End of this chapter)

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