My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2469 Unruly Serena, 1 move away from chess Liu Chengfeng

Chapter 2469 Unruly Serena, Liu Chengfeng missed a move
On the shore of Lagar Lake in the southwest of Gele King City, Liu Chengfeng glanced at the beautiful figure of Serena squatting by the lake, and walked over like the wind.

This is already the 12th time that Serena No. has invited herself out to play. When the two people who have already known each other met and got along a few times later, they no longer had the restraint of the first few times they met.

Seeing Liu Chengfeng's figure approaching, the court lady Nina, who already knew Liu Chengfeng's character very well, took the initiative to greet him, and saluted in very awkward Chinese.

"Slave Nina sees the ambassador."

"Exemption and courtesy, it's not because of a business meeting, going out to play with friends in private does not require so many customary etiquette.

Even my Dalong Tianchao doesn't have so many red tapes on weekdays except for going to court and official business. Girl Nina, you've got a picture. "

Nina secretly figured out the meaning of Liu Chengfeng's whole sentence, and stepped aside with a smile.

Seeing Nina, a studious little girl, memorizing what she had said by rote, Liu Mingzhi shook his head helplessly and walked towards the little queen Serena who was squatting by the lake.

"Serena, what's new today?"

Serena turned around and looked at Liu Chengfeng smiling like a cute girl next door, completely not showing the majesty that a king of a country should have when he was in the Klimt Palace.

"Brother Chengfeng, you are here."

Liu Chengfeng nodded with a light smile, untied the Junzi sword from his waist and stabbed it forcefully into the snow, then squatted casually beside the little queen Serena.

"Serina, it seems that you have worked hard these few days! Your Chinese language today is very good, if it is not for the slight flaw in your accent, if you do not see your appearance but just listen The sound of your voice makes others think you are a big dragon girl with a little hidden articulation problem."

Serena felt the admiration in Liu Chengfeng's eyes, and proudly raised her head: "Of course, my little girl is not only the smartest person in my country, but also the most hardworking person in my country. , as long as it is something that my little sister is looking for, it must be successful before giving up.

Brother Chengfeng, you have memorized all the Chinese you taught my little sister, so have you memorized all the Tsarist Russian that my little sister taught you? "

The Chinese language of the two people is mixed with Tsarist Russian language, and you talk and laugh without much hindrance.

Liu Chengfeng tidied up his clothes with a smile, showing a look of regret.

"My brother is not as smart as you, Serena, you taught me the Tsarist Russian words, and I tried my best to memorize only a few of them.

Comparing my brother with you, Serena, it is really like the light of a firefly candle competing with the bright sun. Compared with you, a smart and hardworking Serena, I am ashamed of my brother, I am ashamed of myself ! "

"What does it mean that the light of a firefly candle and the bright sun compete for glory?"

"Have you met Firefly?"

"Is it the kind of flying insect that lights up at night?"

"Yes, it's that kind of little flying insect. I don't know what the name of this kind of insect is in your Tsarist Russia. This sentence means that my brother is the faint light of a firefly, and Serena, you are the light of the sun in the sky. .

In other words, my brother is far behind you. "

Serena nodded slightly and muttered silently for a while, and finally understood the meaning of Liu Chengfeng's words. Her beautiful eyes, as dazzling as sapphires, immediately bent into crescent shapes. She was obviously very happy, but she still showed a look of extreme happiness. Embarrassed ashamed look.

"No way, brother Chengfeng, you will say such words to make people happy!"

Liu Chengfeng understood the truth that enough is enough, and it would be a little too fake to continue to praise, so he inadvertently looked at the live fish that was still shaking next to Serena.

"Serena, what kind of fish is this?"

The little queen Serena followed Liu Chengfeng's eyes and looked at the fresh fish beside her legs: "Brother Chengfeng, this is the pollock fish from Russia. It tastes very good. It is one of all the fish in Russia. The favorite of the younger sister is this pollock.

You must have never eaten this kind of fish in Dalong, right? "

Liu Chengfeng nodded frankly, not to mention eating this kind of fish, this was the first time he even saw it.

"I don't know how many fishes there are in Dalong. I have eaten all kinds of fish in various lakes like three delicacies from the Yangtze River. Only this kind of pollock is the first time I have seen it. I just don't know how it tastes. .”

"Little sister thinks it's very delicious, but I don't know if Brother Chengfeng has the same taste as my younger sister, these fish are just salvaged by my younger sister!

But my little sister's culinary skills are really appalling, she can only eat but can't cook, why don't you cook these fresh fish for my little sister with your Dalong Kingdom's recipe, and it will also open my little sister's horizons. See what kind of recipes you have in Dalong Kingdom. "

"It's not a big problem, but in this environment, there is nothing to ask for, and the only thing I can eat is grilled fish."

"Then bake it and eat it. As long as it's made by brother Chengfeng, my little sister likes to eat it."

Liuliu Chengfeng smiled leisurely when he heard the words, his vanity was greatly satisfied, he stood up and flexed his fists, rolled up his clothes and walked towards the dying pollock.

"Then it's shameful for my brother, but the ugly word for my brother is the first thing to say. My Dalong has a saying that it is difficult to say, if you are not satisfied, just don't complain."

"No, no!"

"hope so!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Chengfeng pulled out an exquisite dagger from his waist, grabbed a fish and began to clean it up skillfully.

When it comes to making other dishes, Liu Chengfeng really dare not take it lightly, but when it comes to cooking fish!Liu Chengfeng is still full of confidence. His brothers and sisters have grown up with sister Yue'er catching fish and shrimps since they were young.

Every time as long as there is a good catch of fish, it is usually after my brothers and sisters have a full meal on the spot first, and then I rush home with the remaining fish and shrimp.

Over time, Liu Chengfeng has quite a lot of experience in the cooking skills of seafood and other foods.

Serena looked at Liu Chengfeng, who was concentrating on handling the fish scales, and suddenly said: "Brother Chengfeng, my little sister has already stamped the seal of my Russian Empire on your Dalong Kingdom's credentials. After returning to the city after cod, the little girl can return the credentials to you.

It's just... It's just that after you get the credentials, you won't immediately take the Dragon Mission back to the Dragon Kingdom, right? "

Liu Chengfeng paused for cleaning the fish scales, then looked back slightly at Serena, seeing the slightly nervous look in Serena's eyes, Liu Chengfeng pondered for a moment with a half-smile.

"Of course not, I just have a little doubt for my brother."

"Huh? What question?"

"Brother, after all, you are the commander-in-chief of our Great Dragon Mission, and one day you will leave your Tsarist Russian squadron to return to the court. It is not impossible to stay for a long time, but there must be a reason for it, right?
In other words, it's not impossible to stay longer as a brother, but there must be a reasonable reason to stay, right?

So what reason should Brother Wei stay?Serena, can you give me some advice? "

"Of course it's because I... I..."

Liu Chengfeng looked at Serena's tangled expression of hesitating to speak, smiled slightly, turned around and continued to clean up the pollock in his hand.

"Serena, you can't think of it, so forget it, just take a step and see."

Serena looked at Liu Chengfeng's back that was as steady as an old dog, her beautiful eyes were entangled with resentment for a long time, she wrinkled her nose and waved her pink fist at Liu Chengfeng's back.

"Idiot, are you really stupid or fake? After you leave, what should I do with you... someone to chat with to relieve boredom!"

"Then...then can't you find a suitable reason yourself?"

"Serina, didn't you just say that brother? Compared with you, brother's stupid brain is like the light of a firefly candle competing with the bright sun.

You are so smart that you can't even think of a suitable reason, how could this idiot like Brother Wei think of it?

Do you think this is the truth? "

Serena froze with an angry pretty face, staring blankly at Liu Chengfeng who turned around and looked at her with a faint smile, suddenly felt as if she had fallen into a trap woven by 'sweet words'.

Seeing Liu Chengfeng's teasing eyes staring at her, Serena bit her red lips and remained silent for a long time, then suddenly let out a coquettish snort, resting her chin on her legs and said in a muffled voice: "You can't think of it, my little sister wants to too." If you can't come up with a suitable reason, if this is the case, then if you really want to go back, go back.

Didn't you tell my little sister that your big dragon has a saying that a twisted melon is not sweet?Since you want to go back, it's not easy for the younger sister to force you to stay, so if you want to go back, go back!

"Hang Chi - Hang Chi -"

Liu Chengfeng almost didn't bring it up in one breath, and looked at Serena with a pretty face with embarrassment, and was speechless for a while.

Why are you not playing cards according to common sense than my father?

According to the situation, shouldn't you be strong enough to keep this young master, right?If you want to go back, go back, what the hell?

Why don't you follow the steps?Did this young master miss a good opportunity to make a marriage?

(End of this chapter)

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