My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2470 Molesting, melancholy

Chapter 2470 Molesting, melancholy

Serena's unreasonable rebellion made the atmosphere of the scene a bit delicate.

Feeling Serena's teasing eyes, Liu Chengfeng shook his head with a wry smile, turned around and silently cleaned the fresh fish in his hand.

"If that's the case, it's not good for Brother Wei to be cheeky enough to stay. After Serena, you return your certificate of credentials, Brother Wei will discuss with the brothers about saying goodbye to you."

Serena stood up suddenly when she heard the words, and stopped beside Liu Chengfeng in three steps at a time. She pinched Xiaoman's waist with both hands and stared at Liu Chengfeng with gritted teeth.

"Are you really going if you are told to go? Will you die obediently if the Emperor tells you to die?"

The corner of Liu Chengfeng's mouth with his head down raised a fox-like smile, he inserted the dagger into the belly of the fish and replied in a deep voice: "This is different."

"What's the difference? It's all about making you obedient. What's the difference? Ah? What's the difference? Tell me? What's the difference?"

"Serina, I'm not going to talk about these farewell topics for the time being, the national book is a business, and it would be a bit disappointing for us to go out to enjoy the scenery and talk about the business.

Let's eat fish first. Isn't this pollock your favorite?Later, I will have a good taste of my brother's craft. "

Serena gritted her silver teeth and squatted aside sullenly.

"Okay, eat the fish first, but Liu Chengfeng, don't say that the emperor didn't warn you, and don't regret it if you leave after you get the letter of credence."

"This is what I said. Since ancient times, life has been mostly about getting together and parting. Today's parting is also for a better reunion in the future! Since there is still a reunion day, what is there to regret?"

"You—are you trying to piss me off?"

Liu Chengfeng glanced at Serena's pretty face with shame and anger, held back a smile and didn't speak, and walked solemnly towards the lake where the ice hole was dug out.

Sister Rou from Fanghua Pavilion is right, this woman can't be used to it all the time, she has to relax and show her some color!

As long as it is a woman, no matter soft or hard, it will always eat the same!

Sure enough, Liu Chengfeng's silence made Serena even more depressed, and she was holding back her stomach and waiting to vent her anger!But this big idiot didn't say anything, and he couldn't even find an excuse to get angry.

This idiot is obviously older than himself by a few months, how could he have so many goofs?
Mr. Ulinin was right. Regardless of his young age, this guy was even more cunning than a fox. He was really disgusting.

If this emperor is pushed into a hurry, Liu Chengfeng, believe it or not, this girl will burn all your credentials with a torch, making it impossible for you to complete the task for the rest of your life.

Liu Chengfeng cleaned a few pollocks in the cold lake water, raised his eyes and glanced at Serena who was staring at him with resentment, smiled secretly and went to the dry place that Serena had prepared earlier. He sat down by the woodpile.

Picking up the prepared clean wooden sticks and skewering fresh fish one by one, Liu Chengfeng leisurely took out the torch and lit the hay, and within a cup of tea, he raised the fire and started grilling the fish.

"Don't you want to help? You don't know how to sprinkle spices on grilled fish, do you?"

"No, the Emperor will eat it!"

Liu Chengfeng clicked his tongue twice, looking at the arrogant Serena, she no longer insisted, and roasted the fresh fish in her hand alone.

The fire was burning vigorously, and amidst the crackling of firewood, a mouth-watering rich aroma gradually filled the air.

Serena sniffed the tip of her nose twice suddenly, glanced at the grilled fish that was gradually turning golden brown on the wooden stick in Liu Chengfeng's hand, rubbed her belly and hesitated, and came up to it with a face of reluctance.

Serena stared intently at the fragrant grilled fish in Liu Chengfeng's hand and slid her throat twice, and said with mixed feelings.

"That's it? It doesn't look very good! It looks like who can't bake."

Liu Chengfeng took a playful glance at Serena's insincere words, held up the grilled fish, turned it in front of her, and quickly put it back.

After blowing on the golden-yellow grilled fish, Liu Chengfeng tore off a piece of fish and tasted it in his mouth, his eyes brightened.The color and fragrance are complete, and my master's craftsmanship is getting better and better.

Swallowing the delicious fish with his lips, Liu Chengfeng tentatively handed the grilled fish to Serena, and then took it back.

"Brother Wei originally wanted you, Serena, to taste the taste first, so as to give Brother Wei some advice, and if there are deficiencies, you can improve it.

But since you look down on Miss Serena, forget it, Brother Wei has no choice but to eliminate it by himself. "

Serena stared resentfully at Liu Chengfeng, who was deliberately teasing her with the grilled fish, rubbing her silver teeth non-stop, and swallowed Liu Chengfeng alive.

Bastard, can't you say something nice?
This girl is the Empress of Tsarist Russia, if you dare to treat me like this, you have committed a capital crime, do you know that?

Liu Chengfeng has been observing Serena's reaction, and seeing her gritted teeth, he understands that the girl's resentment for her incomprehensible style has probably reached a critical point, and if she continues to tease her, it may be self-defeating.

Liu Chengfeng immediately put away his laughing posture, grabbed Serena's white and soft jade hand and stuffed the stick with grilled fish into Serena's palm, looking at Serena softly.

"Silly girl, I'm teasing you for my brother! Try it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Serena was startled, looked down at the golden-yellow grilled fish in her hand, and let out a subtle snort.

Even if you are a big idiot with a bit of conscience, my lord will forgive your rude behavior of not being a gentleman before if you have a lot.

"This is what you asked me to taste for you, not what I want to eat. I am helping others, not greedy for delicious food."

"Yes, yes, thank you, Serena, for your help."

"It's almost the same, so I'll try it as hard as I can."

Serena held the grilled fish under the tip of her nose and took a deep breath, then tore the delicious fish meat on the rock beside Liu Chengfeng and sent it to Cherry's mouth.

Liu Chengfeng picked up another fish rack and placed it on the fire, turning it silently, picking up some spices and sprinkling some on it from time to time.

Glancing at Serena Liu Chengfeng, who was chewing slowly while holding the grilled fish, and occasionally savoring the taste of the grilled fish with a contented face, Selina Liu Chengfeng sighed inwardly with complicated eyes.

Asking himself, he really fell in love with the default woman that his father had chosen for him.

Although her identity is a barbarian girl, and her appearance is quite different from Dalong's girl, since I met her for the first time, I have never felt disgusted with her.

Especially after living in harmony these days, her impression in my mind has become more and more profound, and it has become more and more unforgettable.

If she is willing to marry him as his wife, he will agree to her without hesitation and become a legitimate couple with her.


She is the eldest son of the Great Dragon Emperor, and she is Her Majesty the Empress of Tsarist Russia.

It is true that the identities of the two of us are well matched, and it is true that they are similar in age, but when it comes to the standpoint between countries, can the two of us really achieve a positive result?

After all, his father was an ambitious emperor, and he had already served at the border before he led the mission to Tsarist Russia.

If the two countries come to a confrontational position in the future, what should I and Serena do?
Do you want to be like Laodie, Wanyan, and Yunyao's two aunts?

Obviously I finally met the woman I like, why can't I feel happy at all?

(End of this chapter)

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