Chapter 2472
November 28, the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

Once again, the royal city of Gele in Russia was shrouded in snowflakes flying all over the sky. Spring is coming, and Liu Chengfeng is also working hard silently for his mating...making friends.

At the same time, at the other end thousands of miles away, the winter in the Frankish country has already arrived as scheduled.

The royal city of the Frankish Kingdom at this time is not the romantic capital of later generations, but the Merovingian royal city.

Winter is coming, and the sky of Merovingian King City is covered with crystal clear snowflakes. With the increase of snow, the cold winter gradually transforms Merovingian King City into a beautiful world of ice and snow.

The winter in Merovingian King City is beautiful, it seems even more beautiful than Dalong's capital.

However, this pleasing beauty of ice and snow, for Zhang Kuang, Yaluha and the others, the generals of the Great Dragon's Western Expedition, have no intention of watching it, and their minds have already been replaced by boundless anger.

In the palace of Farak Kingdom in Merovingian City, Zhang Kuang stood in the side hall of the palace, wearing a thick bearskin cloak, holding a bong in his hand, silently puffing, his gloomy gaze never leaving from the beginning to the end. 23 dead bodies on the ground.

Those are the corpses of 23 Longwuwei Erlang.

At this moment, the corpses of the 23 Longwuwei soldiers were already stiff and lifeless. The bloodless and pale faces of the 23 soldiers told Zhang Kuang silently that they had bid farewell to this prosperous world for many days.

Zhang Kuang held pots of dry tobacco one pot after another, until a faint layer of smoke lingered over the entire side hall, Zhang Kuang bent down without saying a word and knocked the tobacco stick in his hand against the soles of the golden boots with tiger heads.

Zhang Kuang gently rolled up the dry pipe and pinned it on the tiger-striped belt around his waist, and silently glanced at the big dragon general who also had gloomy eyes in the palace for a week.

"What I hate the most in my life is the kind of bastards who appear to be benevolent and righteous, but are actually sanctimonious and stabbing knives in secret.

For a person like this, even if his bones and ashes are smashed into pieces, the old man's hatred cannot be dispelled.

The 23 brothers of my Dalong Xizhengjiro did not die in battle, but died in the hands of despicable villains like Acrylic. What should you do? "

"Lead the troops back and wash the Roman country with blood."

"The final general seconded the proposal, led the troops to retreat, and bloodbathed the Roman country to avenge the 23 Longwuwei brothers, and smashed the dignified villains like Acrylic to pieces, so as to comfort the souls of my 23 Longwuwei brothers."

"That's right, since Rome is the first to be unjust, then don't blame me, the Great Dragon Army, for being unkind. Since Rome wants to seek death, I don't mind giving them a ride."

"Commander, the last general Xiong Kaishan is willing to be the vanguard general, leading [-] cavalry to flatten the Roman kingdom, bloodbath the Roman kingdom of Tandin, and avenge the brothers."

"The last general, Ke Yan, is also willing to go."

"The general Jiang Lei is also willing to go, and the general guarantees that the Roman country will be reduced to ruins under the artillery fire within [-] days."

Seeing a group of generals in the hall with excited expressions, Yaluha, the deputy commander of the left army, hurried to the middle and waved his hands a few times.

"Brothers, listen to me, don't make any noise first, let's listen to the commander-in-chief first.

Now is not the time to impulsively decide who will be the vanguard to attack the Roman acrylic dog thieves, but to formulate a detailed military plan first.

Temporary impulse will only make us lose our minds. What we need to preserve most now is rational thinking.

Impulsive impulse will not only fail to avenge the brothers who died tragically, but will make more brothers encounter accidents.It is certain to attack Rome to avenge the brothers, but how to fight must come up with a foolproof charter.

The old man hopes that you can be more rational now, calm down and let's have a good discussion about the use of troops. "

A group of generals looked at the Deputy Marshal Yeruha who was admonishing him and others earnestly, sighed heavily, and forcibly suppressed their irritability.

Zhang Kuang was silent for a long time with a heavy face, and looked at Yaluha silently: "Brother Yale, have you thought of a safer way?"

Yeruha shook his head regretfully: "Commander, the last general can't wait to lead his troops back to Rome immediately, and tear this bastard acrylic into pieces.

But the more irritable we are, the more we need to calm down and think about countermeasures.

Acrylic, the bastard, pinpointed this time because of the weather, our army could not retreat in time to chase the enemy, so we dared to send people to attack our artillery positions to plunder our artillery.

After the acrylic sneak attack on the artillery position, we must have rushed back to Rome for many days with the artillery. At this time, we have no possibility of catching up with the Roman army.

Since our conquest of the Frankish Kingdom, seven heavy snowfalls have occurred in the Frankish King's City. Now you don't need to think about it to know that the situation in the eastern part of the Frankish King's City is probably not optimistic. The roads have probably been covered. thick snow.

Since the road from the Merovingian city to the Roman country has been covered by heavy snow at this time, it will definitely be difficult to travel. If we forcefully send troops to enter the Roman country, the price we pay will be double or even triple the previous price so much.

It's okay for the soldiers to be a little bit harder, but what about the food and luggage?
You must know that acrylic has succeeded in a sneak attack with sixteen cannons and more than 200 shells. If the equipment used for the siege cannot keep up with the speed of the march, we will have to fill the city with the lives of the soldiers after we arrive in Rome. Woolen cloth!

If we take the lives of the soldiers to fill, then the battle to enter the Roman state will be the battle with the greatest loss of the enemy since my left army marched west.

The Romans saw the power of the artillery when they attacked the Frankish Kingdom, you know better, Commander.

If we were bombarded by the soldiers of the Roman Legion into the phalanx of the brothers, then the losses we will suffer will be unpredictable!
Therefore, the final general hopes that the commander-in-chief can carefully consider the matter of entering the Roman country for revenge, and don't be dazzled by anger.

hit!The final general has no objections, but now is definitely not the best time to retreat and march into Rome. "

Zhang Kuang furrowed his brows tightly, and looked at the dignified Eyeluha with complicated eyes: "Brother Yale, the commander you mentioned has already thought about it when he was smoking a cigarette.

The commander-in-chief also knew that if he forcibly marched into Rome under such bad weather, he would definitely pay a high price.


As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, we can't just sit and watch the corpses of my 23 big dragons die in peace, can we?
If they died on the battlefield, although I feel extremely guilty, I will finally be able to give their families an explanation in the future, telling their families that they are all heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country.

Your Majesty, the court, and the people will never forget their achievements!
But they died at the hands of the sneak attack and assassination by half of the friendly army in the past, the old man's heart... hey... the old man's heart is really aggrieved!
During this ten-thousand-mile expedition, the soldiers suffered a great loss because of the unacceptable water and soil.

Finally survived the unbearable hardships, but died in the hands of the villain, aggrieved, aggrieved! "

"Deputy Commander, I, Dalong Erlang, am not afraid of hardships and hardships. Although the road ahead to march into the Roman country to fight against the barbarians is extremely difficult, as long as we can avenge the death of the robes, we will never regret it."

"That's right, I've seen for a long time that these Romans are not a thing, but the last general never thought that they would be so bold as to dare to attack the soldiers of our Dragon Heaven Army.

It seems that such a barbarian who dares to disobey me as a great dragon king, what's the use of keeping him if he doesn't kill him early?

At the end of the day, I am willing to lead the brothers from the Changshan Battalion to directly capture the city of Rome, and capture the villain Acrylic to the tent of our Chinese army to wait for his release. "

"We respectfully ask the commander in chief to order the dispatch of troops."

"We respectfully ask the commander in chief to order the dispatch of troops."

"We respectfully ask the commander in chief to order the dispatch of troops."

Yeluha's face darkened, and his eyes calmly glanced at the generals kneeling on one knee in front of Zhang Kuang.

"Confused. You will die without regret, but don't forget that you are still the generals of the three armies, and you are responsible for the lives of the brothers under your command.

The lives of each of them are closely related to your words and deeds, how can you be so reckless! "

Zhang Kuang squinted his eyes in silence for a long time and let out a heavy breath: "Everyone get up, Yale deputy commander is right, we must not cause more brothers to spill blood on the battlefield just because of impulse.

Revenge must be reported, but it must come up with reasonable regulations.

Brother Yale, because of the bad weather, our vanguard army can't lead its troops back to march into the Roman country, can the reserve army stationed in Dashi country under the command of brother Huyan? "

Yaluha froze for a moment, then nodded excitedly.

"Of course, the infantry guns that we have been reluctant to use are all sealed up in Dashi Kingdom!
As long as the dozens of infantry cannons are pulled out, with the strength of the Roman state, even if they get a dozen cannons, they are still not the enemy of Hu Yan's brother. "

(End of this chapter)

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