My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2473 Ning Tu 1 country, not 1 soldier

Chapter 2473 I would rather slaughter a country than die

Zhang Kuang clapped his hands heavily: "Since it's feasible, let's send the elite scout brothers and the golden eagle passers-by to pass the letters to Brother Huyan in two routes, and let him immediately mobilize troops and horses to start marching as soon as he receives the pass Roman affairs.

That's it, there's no delay, map. "


The soldiers on both sides immediately pulled out the bamboo tubes behind them, and spread out a huge map in front of Zhang Kuang and the generals on the spot.

Zhang Kuang and the others immediately squatted beside the map and silently examined the terrain on the map. After a while, Zhang Kuang tapped heavily on the map.

"Brothers, we have stayed in the Great Food Kingdom for about a year, and we have also experienced the winter of the Great Food Kingdom. Don't look at the heavy snow above the Merovingian King City in the Frankish Kingdom, but the Baghdad King City in the Great Food Kingdom is now as warm as Early spring weather.

At such a time, it is the best time for Governor Huyan to use his troops on a large scale.

In particular, the Kingdom of Rome and the Kingdom of Great Food are adjacent to each other, and it took only half a month at best for the Warlord Huyan to lead his troops from the city of Baghdad in the Kingdom of Food to the city of Tandin in the Kingdom of Rome.

It will take at least 25 days or even a month for Acrylic and his soldiers to withdraw from the Frankish Kingdom to the Roman Kingdom.

What the old man said is that the road is clear and suitable for marching. If the wind and snow are hindered, it is estimated that Acrylic and his [-] soldiers and horses want to return to Rome. It is estimated that it will take five to ten days longer.

In this way, as long as God blesses me, the Great Dragon Dynasty, and the Warlord Huyan can receive our golden eagle biography in time, then the Warlord Huyan can completely detour to the royal city of Rome, and lead the troops to ambush in the middle of the withdrawal of the Roman legion. The villain who hit acrylic was caught off guard.

You must know that the Roman legion under the command of Acrylic is mainly infantry, while the soldiers and horses under the command of the Governor of Huyan are mainly cavalry.

In this situation, if the acrylic army can be ambushed and caught off guard, the cavalry encircle and kill the unprepared infantry army is simply a unilateral massacre.

Coupled with the side support of the gunners with infantry artillery, taking down the Roman Legion will definitely minimize the loss of our soldiers for Brother Huyan.

But this is just the old man's guess about where to go. After all, the current weather has greatly affected the Golden Eagle's ability to distinguish directions. No one can guarantee whether the letter will reach the Warlord Huyan in time!
This is my idea, do you have any different suggestions? "

Yeruha pondered for a long time, then untied the dry tobacco bag at his waist, just like the madness just now, lit the tobacco leaves and smoked silently.

A pot of shredded tobacco was burnt out, and Yelu looked at Zhang Kuang with eyes full of light: "Marshal, you said it yourself, this is just our one-sided guess, whether the letter can be delivered to brother Huyan in time? An unknown!

If the biography cannot be delivered to Brother Huyan in time, and if you continue to use troops with this idea, it will not be Brother Huyan who led the troops to ambush and beat the Roman legion under Acrylic by surprise, but Brother Huyan and the troops he commanded. The soldiers and horses will be cut off by Acrylic who has fled back to Rome first.

If the back road is cut off, the supply of food and grass will inevitably be insufficient, and once the food and grass cannot be supplied in time, there will be big troubles!

At that time, Brother Huyan wants to break out of the encirclement, so he will have to confront the acrylic legion head-on. If the food and grass are insufficient, he will face-to-face confrontation with the Roman state, so the loss of our soldiers will be worse than when the acrylic legion returns to the Roman city. The attack is even worse.

After all, in the two situations of sufficient food and grass and shortage of food and grass, the military steps that the general must consider are often different.

I have to say that this is a pretty good plan, but there is also a lot of gambling involved. If the bet loses, the losses on Brother Huyan's side will most likely exceed our estimates.

The general feels that, under the premise that we have an absolute advantage, it is better not to take risks.

After all, even if we are attacking the city of Rome head-on, Brother Huyan still has [-] soldiers from the Great Food Kingdom as our soldiers' pawns, which can completely minimize the losses of our soldiers.

Why should we take the risk of pursuing a perfect plan when we have a sure-fire solution at our fingertips?

Therefore, the old man felt that it would be more appropriate for Brother Huyan to lead our army steadily and gradually conquer Rome.

Marshal, what do you guys think? "

A group of generals stopped staring at the route on the map and looked at each other, not knowing whose countermeasure to second was better.

What the commander-in-chief said made sense, and what the deputy commander said also made sense.

Both of them are thinking about their own interests, so it's hard to make a decision on which one has the better idea!
Zhang Kuang took out the pipe again and filled it with shredded tobacco and ignited Yaluha's pipe: "Brother Yale, your plan is indeed more secure than the old man's, but it also reminded the old man of a new way of thinking."

"Oh? The general would like to hear the details."

"Brother Yale, brother Yale, you have mentioned all the drawbacks in the plan that the old man just mentioned, and the old man does not deny that I have taken it for granted.

Since the drawback of this old man's plan is whether our transmission can be delivered to brother Huyan in time or not, then under the premise that none of us can guarantee it, we can completely settle for the second best in order to achieve a perfect result .

For example, delaying the speed with which the Acrylic Legion withdrew to Rome, bought powerful time for Brother Huyan's actions.

It has been a few days since the Acrylic Legion escaped from the Frankish Kingdom after a successful sneak attack, and our army is indeed unable to catch up with them with a large number of supplies.

But what if our army only pursues with cavalry brothers in light clothes?This should not be a difficult task for the experienced soldiers of our Western Expedition Army, right? "

"Hiss—the commander-in-chief means to attack but not to attack, just to delay their marching speed?"

"That's right, we only need to dispatch [-] elite cavalry, which is enough to hold back the retreat of the Acrylic Legion's [-] soldiers and horses.

At that time, not only can brother Huyan win the time to ambush the acrylic army halfway, but also can cooperate with brother Huyan to attack front and back.

Thousands of cavalry can engulf thousands of people.

Even if our army's [-] iron cavalry cannot break through the formation of [-] soldiers and horses of the acrylic army, it is not a big problem to wrap them in the battle formation.

As long as our [-] light cavalry can trap the soldiers and horses of the Acrylic Legion, then the heavy cavalry and artillery under Brother Huyan's command can gradually cover up and kill these barbarians as living targets.

If the shells of the infantry artillery fell into the densely formed infantry phalanx, the result would be needless to say.

It was a big piece with a bang.

Attacking infantry in the wild is much easier than attacking infantry defending a fortified city, right?

Didn't Acrylic get the timing right? At this time, I, Dalong Erlang, couldn't chase them immediately because of the weather?Then we just do the opposite and don't act according to common sense.

Dare to poke my big dragon in the back, the old man must let them know how many eyes Prince Ma has.

It is necessary to let these barbarians see what they thought was impossible, how I, Da Long Erlang, managed to overcome obstacles.

Only by being able to do what ordinary people can't, can we live up to my emperor's high hopes!

Three years, within three years, our Western Expeditionary Army must capture all the barbarians in the Western countries in one fell swoop.

If these barbarians can obey Wang Hua like the Dashi Kingdom, and obey my Dalong's orders, that's all.

If one dares to obey the law and violate the law, and act like a treacherous, backstabbing villain like Rome, then it is not a big deal if one or two small foreign countries are missing from the map of all nations in the Great Dragon Dynasty.

To borrow the words of our junior, Jiang He's nephew, those who disobey my great dragon, Tianwei, will be slaughtered as soon as they are slaughtered, what a big deal. "

Zhang Kuang put away his pipe, and glanced calmly at the generals in the palace: "What's the matter, are you gangsters still afraid that your battle robes will be stained with the enemy's blood?"

The generals were taken aback for a moment, then grinned, and a fierce and bloody aura radiated from the inside out.

"We are willing to expand the territory for the great dragon, and fight in all directions. We are willing to lay down the ground for His Majesty the emperor, and we will not hesitate to die.

People are buried in loess all over the world, so why return corpses shrouded in horse leather.Long live the dragon, long live the emperor. "

"We are willing to expand the territory for the great dragon, and fight in all directions. We are willing to lay down the ground for His Majesty the emperor, and we will not hesitate to die.

People are buried in loess all over the world, so why return corpses shrouded in horse leather.Long live the dragon, long live the emperor. "

"We are willing to expand the territory for the great dragon, and fight in all directions. We are willing to lay down the ground for His Majesty the emperor, and we will not hesitate to die.

People are buried in loess all over the world, so why return corpses shrouded in horse leather.Long live the dragon, long live the emperor. "

Zhang Kuang stood up with a solemn expression, took out the Tiger Talisman from the wristband and held it in his hand.

"Ke Yan, Xiong Kaishan, Ning Chao, Jiang Lei listen to the order."

"The end is here."

"I ordered you to immediately dispatch five thousand elite iron cavalry from each of the battalions under your command, bring enough food, grass and things to keep out the cold, and go forward in light clothes to chase down the acrylic army."

"We take orders!"

"The rest of the people, except Deputy Commander Yaluha, immediately went to the battalions to mobilize excellent military equipment, food and supplies, and fully assist the four of Ke Yan in chasing down the bandits."

"We take orders."

"Do it now."

"We retire."

After the generals left, Yeluha looked at Zhang Kuang with a complicated expression: "Brother Zhang, the murderous spirit has become much more serious recently!"

Zhang Kuang sneered twice, took off the bearskin cloak behind him and covered the corpses of the three Longwuwei soldiers on the ground, and stroked the eyes of the 23 corpses one by one, Zhang Kuang's voice was slightly hoarse.

"If these barbarians are not completely feared and subdued, today there will be 23 brothers, tomorrow there may be 230 brothers, and in the future there may be 300, 3000, and even more Brotherhood of Life and Death Bad news.

Most of the brothers are still young lads!They are in their prime, and there are still great years waiting for them in the future!I don't want to see this kind of thing happen again.

What happened this time can be regarded as a wake-up call for us. From now on, the old man would rather slaughter the enemy's country than kill us. "

Yeruha silently looked at Zhang Kuang's resolute expression, sighed and nodded, patted Zhang Kuang's shoulder lightly and walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Count me as an old man."

(End of this chapter)

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