My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2474 Autumn Strategy

Chapter 2474
Zhang Kuang looked at Yeluha's figure walking towards the outside of the hall and hurriedly said, "Brother Yale, wait a minute."

Yeluha paused, turned around and looked at Zhang Kuang in surprise, and asked, "Commander, do you have any other orders?"

Zhang Kuang glanced cautiously around, stopped in front of Yeruha and lowered his voice: "Brother, it has been a while since we captured the Frankish Kingdom. Too much like some law-abiding generation.

It would be fine if he is still honest after knowing what happened between us and Rome, but the commander is still worried that he will do something behind the scenes.

We have just captured the Frankish country, and we are not familiar with this place, and we still need to rely on the help of the Franks in many places.

If they make some small moves against us, the situation will be very unfavorable to us.

So in the next few days, King Naroman of Frank will need you, brother Yale, to take the trouble to keep an eye on him.

As long as he doesn't cause trouble with us, he still thinks Roman is the king of their Frankish country, but if he dares to do anything wrong, he will definitely not be soft.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. We are all veterans who have experienced battles, so we can't let Jingzhou be careless about this matter!

Now our Great Dragon Army is invincible all the way on the battlefield of the Western Expedition, and it seems that we are about to enter the country where the sun never sets. If we fail in this small Frankish country, it would be ridiculous and generous. "

Seeing the arrogant and dignified expression, Yeruha nodded solemnly.

"The general understands. Please rest assured, the general. The general will definitely keep a close eye on Naroman and resolutely prevent him from causing trouble to our Western Expeditionary Army."

"Okay, with Brother Yale's words, I'm relieved. You can go to work first. Without further ado, I'm going to send a letter to brother Huyan immediately."

"Okay, I will retire at the end."

After Yeruha left, Zhang Kuang looked at the 23 corpses on the ground with guilty eyes, and waved his hands to the soldiers on both sides with a gloomy expression.

"Let's take the bodies of the brothers down first, and we must collect the ashes. When the Western Expedition ends, we will take them home with us!

Although people are buried in the loess everywhere, we have to do our best to let the brothers return to their roots.

No matter how nice the outside is, it is not home after all! "

"We take orders."

A group of personal soldiers lifted the corpses of 23 Paozhes and rushed towards the outside of the hall with gloomy expressions. Their figures gradually disappeared in the snowstorm outside the hall.

Zhang Kuang withdrew his gaze and walked straight towards the simple desk on one side. After studying the ink and moistening the pen, he took a stack of rice paper and began to write vigorously.

"Come on."


"Immediately pass these twenty letters to Governor Huyan in the form of elite scouts and golden eagles, but remember to tell the scout brothers that although this letter is urgent, you must also take care of it.

Now it's freezing outside, no matter what, save my life first, the contents of the ten letters are all the same, as long as one of them can hand over the letter to Governor Huyan, the task will be completed. "

"I have to order, I will resign from my humble position."

Zhang Kuang sighed silently, sat down on the stool quietly, took out a jade pendant from his bosom and looked at it quietly.

well!Jiang He, Jiang He, old uncle, I'm afraid I'm going to break my promise. After something like this happened, I probably won't be able to meet you again in time in the country where the sun never sets.

I hope you can lead all the officers and men of our Dragon Fleet to continue to cut through the wind and waves smoothly as before.

A seven-foot man can sacrifice himself and be a ghost for thousands of years without returning home.

Your Majesty, you have made such decisions for Dalong's country and society, and for my Dalong's country to last forever. Your painstaking veterans can understand.

But how do you let the old minister and Brother Nangong talk to the hundreds of thousands of sons under his command?

Although this territory is about to become my Great Dragon's Protectorate, for the hundreds of thousands of passionate sons and daughters of my Western Expedition, this is not the homeland after all.

Letting them leave their hometowns and flourish outside their homeland thousands of miles away, spreading the blood of my Han family is certainly a far-sighted move, especially for the descendants of my Dalong, it is a century-old plan.

But can sons and daughters understand your difficulties?Can you understand your difficulties?
Looking at the wind and snow flying all over the sky outside the palace, Zhang Kuang quietly fell into a daze.

The eighth day of December in the fourth year of Dalong Taiping, for Dalong, this time is already approaching the Spring Festival.

Hu Yanyu, who was stationed far away in the King City of Baghdad in the Great Food Kingdom, is leading the soldiers under his command to intensively mine the gold and silver mines that have been discovered, and the black water that Liu Mingzhi specially explained to them.

Although the big dragon soldiers stationed in Dashi Kingdom are not as crazy as the vanguard army led by Yaluha and the others are charging and galloping in foreign countries, but they are also very busy.

It may not be much easier than Paoze who opened up the territory for the imperial court.

As for the reason, it is the gold and silver ore mined by smelting day after day.

Beside the river on the outskirts of Baghdad King City in the Great Food Kingdom, a large-scale metallurgical workshop has been standing outside Baghdad King City for half a year. Every day, countless dragon soldiers come and go in and out of the workshop, tirelessly working hard with.

In the metallurgical workshop, Hu Yanyu shuttled by the hot stove from time to time, and whispered a few words to the soldiers guarding the stove from time to time.

It took nearly half an hour before Hu Yanyu came out of the metallurgical workshop.

Hu Yanyu wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, looked up at the warm sun in the sky, raised his wine bag and took a sip of fine wine, waved to the soldiers at the side, got on his horse and galloped towards Baghdad King City.

After about two sticks of incense time, Hu Yanyu returned to the place where she was staying in the palace, handed the reins to the soldiers on the side, and Hu Yanyu strode towards the palace.

"Zhahelu, are all the two thousand soldiers and horses that the king asked you to mobilize ready?

The fifty boxes of gold and silver newly smelted in the workshop have been sealed, and three hundred barrels of black water have been packed. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, they must be transported back as soon as possible... um..."

Hu Yanyu stared blankly and helplessly at the beautiful figure sitting on the chair in the hall, sighed silently, stepped into the hall with her fingers kowtowed, and looked at the pretty woman staring at her with a surprised face with a smile on her face.

"Queen Safisha, why is it you? Where is my lieutenant Zhahelu?"

"Brother Huyan, you're back. My younger sister didn't see your lieutenant general, and since my younger sister arrived, I haven't seen anyone in the palace."

Hu Yanyu took off the helmet and put it on the table, and poured two cups of tea from the pot and handed them to Queen Safisa.

"That's right, all the things outside the city are busy. Don't you have any government affairs today?"

"Little sister has already finished her busy work, she was bored in the dormitory, so she cooked a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed porridge and brought it to you.

Tremella, lotus seeds, these ingredients are what my younger sister begged for from the soldiers of your Huotou army, and my younger sister also learned the skills bit by bit from them.

It's made exactly the same as the white fungus and lotus seed soup in your Dalong Kingdom. Brother Huyan, you will not say that it doesn't suit your taste because of bad ingredients and poor craftsmanship this time, right?

If you say that again, you are deliberately rejecting the little sister's kindness. "

Hu Yanyu looked at Safisha who put down the teacup and handed the porridge bowl in front of her, blinked her eyes a few times and nodded with a wry smile.

"Okay, I'm not going to be polite to the Overseer, I'll let you worry about it."

"Don't worry, don't worry, this is all voluntary by my younger sister. As long as you are willing to drink, brother Huyan, my younger sister will not feel tired at all."

Feeling Safisha staring at her bold and straightforward eyes, Hu Yanyu lowered her head dodging her eyes, and sent the porridge water to her mouth with a spoon.

"My lord, the commander-in-chief has sent an urgent order."

(End of this chapter)

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