Chapter 2475

Hu Yanyu couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the familiar voice outside the hall. The spoon that had just been brought to his mouth was put back into the porridge bowl again, and he pretended to be careless and greeted the panting general outside the hall.

Compared to Hu Yanyu's overjoyed look, the resentment on Queen Safisha's face was not to mention how obvious. She looked at the oncoming generals outside the palace with her delicate eyes, and secretly rolled her eyes a few times.

Holding the porridge bowl in his hand, he muttered softly: "If you don't come back early, if you don't come back late, why come back at this time, can't you walk slower?"

As a martial arts practitioner, Hu Yanyu already had sharp eyes and ears, so Safisha's muttering naturally did not escape Hu Yanyu's hearing.

However, Hu Yanyu had no choice but to pretend that he didn't hear anything, and looked at Zahelu with gratified eyes.

"Zhahelu, where did you go just now? Why don't you stay in the palace and prepare for what the king will tell you?"

"Huh...huh...the lord forgive me, the last general just received the notification from the lord's personal soldiers, two quarters of an hour ago the golden carving hand suddenly received the urgent letter from the commander.

The last general didn't know when the lord would return, so he went to the Weiying to fetch the letter from the commander, and asked the lord to have a look. "

Hu Yanyu originally thought that Zhahelu said these words from a distance to save himself, but when he saw the letter Zhahelu took out from his wristband, his expression froze immediately, and he hurriedly took the letter in Zhahelu's hand for inspection. A touch of wax on top.

Looking at the crazy signature and seal on the envelope, Hu Yanyu handed the letter to Zhahelu.

"Take it apart."


Zha Helu opened the envelope without hesitation, took out the letter paper, opened it, and handed it directly to Hu Yanyu: "My lord, please have a look."

Hu Yanyu glanced at Queen Safisha who was looking tender and resentful behind her, and slightly staggered her body and lowered her head to review the contents of the letter paper.

In a short while, Hu Yanyu's elegant and bold temperament suddenly changed, standing there like a blood-stained spear, exuding a terrifying and domineering aura.

After reading the last word on the letter paper, Hu Yanyu slowly lowered the single arm holding the letter paper.

Zahelu stared blankly at Huyanyu who was full of terrifying evil spirit, and couldn't help swallowing a few times: "Wang... my lord, is there something happened to the commander in chief?"

Hu Yanyu nodded slightly, staring quietly at the warm sun outside the hall with tiger eyes and said in a deep voice: "Command, beat the drums and gather the generals."

Zahelu's body tensed suddenly: "If you have to order, I will retire."

Zha Helu held on to the horizontal knife at his waist and rushed towards the outside of the hall impatiently, Hu Yanyu let out a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at Queen Safisha peacefully.

"Queen Safisha, please inform the generals of the city defense army of your Great Food Kingdom and Marshal Mushan, the commander of the three armies, to come to the hall immediately to meet the warlord."

Although Hu Yanyu's expression was peaceful, Safisha still sensed something was wrong from Hu Yanyu's sharp eyes.

Safisha hastily put down the porridge bowl in her hand, and looked at Hu Yanyu with worry in her eyes: "Brother Huyan, what happened?
Did Lord Mushan accidentally offend you or your dragon generals?
If that's the case, don't get angry, the younger sister will immediately send an order for Mr. Mu Sihan to come and apologize to you.

Since the end of the last war, the city of Baghdad has finally stabilized, and the people have finally recovered from the pain caused by the war.

There can no longer be wars in the city, and the people can no longer suffer from wars.

Brother Huyan, I beg you, please, don’t let the Great Food Kingdom fight again. "

Hu Yanyu stared in astonishment at Safisha, who looked anxious, and said a lot of pleading words, with a wry smile and shook her head.

"Queen Safisha, you have misunderstood. Things are not what you think. This warlord's beating and drum gathering has nothing to do with your Great Food Kingdom, nor does it have anything to do with Marshal Mushan.

Don't worry, as long as the Dashi Kingdom and my Dalong can still maintain the current state, this warlord guarantees that the Dashi Kingdom will not restart the war. "

Although she had heard Hu Yanyu's assurance, Safisha, who was still in shock, still asked back in disbelief: "Really?"

Looking at Safisha who still had a nervous look on her delicate face, Hu Yanyu couldn't help but laugh.

"Hehe, don't worry, we've known each other for so long, and we can be regarded as good friends. You should know the character of this warlord.

To put it bluntly, if I, Dalong, really want to use troops against your Great Food Nation again, this warlord has nothing to hide.

Even if you are prepared after I tell you, the result will not change much. "

Safisha felt the strong self-confidence emanating from Hu Yanyu's body from the inside out, and couldn't help but think of the brave and powerful fighting power of the dragon cavalry when the dragon cavalry approached the city a year ago, and her cherry lips He couldn't help but let out a sour smile.

"That's right! Brother Huyan, you are right. You just said clearly that you will attack our Great Food Nation again. Even if our Great Food Nation is prepared, it will not be able to withstand the attack of your big dragon soldiers."

"It's good to understand, so you can rest assured that the use of troops this time really has nothing to do with your Great Food Kingdom. It should not be too late. Please go and inform Marshal Mu Sihan to come to meet."

"Okay, the little girl will take her leave first, and see you later."

"Okay, don't send it."

"By the way, brother Huyan, don't forget to drink the lotus seed soup while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold. My little sister is leaving first."

After hearing Safisha's instructions, Hu Yanyu watched Safisha's back disappear into the corridor, walked to the table with lotus seed porridge with a complicated expression and sat down.

Picking up the porridge bowl with one arm and sending it to his mouth, he wiped out the lotus seed porridge three times and five times, Hu Yanyu sighed silently: "The most difficult thing is to accept the beauty's kindness, what virtue can Hu Yanyu do!"

Hu Yanyu talked to himself, put down the porridge bowl, got up and walked towards the map hanging on the wooden shelf, his eyes fell directly on the part of the Dashi Kingdom leading to the Roman Kingdom and examined it.

After an incense stick of time passed, the booming war drums suddenly sounded in the increasingly prosperous city of Baghdad.

For a moment, all the dragon generals inside and outside the city who were busy with their official duties hurriedly put down the things in their hands, and rushed towards Huyanyu's residence in armor and soldiers.

Although the sound of the drums was thick and melodious, the atmosphere in the Baghdad King City instantly became tense.

The people of Dashi Kingdom in the city began to stay behind closed doors. Businessmen from all over the world rushed to pack up their stalls looking for a place to hide. The city defense forces of Dashi Kingdom gathered together subconsciously, discussing the reason for the sound of war drums in panic.

After Queen Safisa returned to her palace, before she had time to send someone to invite Mu Sihan, the commander of the three armies of the Great Food Kingdom, Mu Sihan, who heard the sound of the drums, had already rushed towards the palace on horseback.

This unexpected sound of war drums can be said to directly break the long-standing tranquility of the Baghdad royal city.

(End of this chapter)

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