My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2476 Prepare soldiers

Chapter 2476 Prepare soldiers
Hu Yanyu stared at the map in front of him for about two quarters of an hour, when suddenly there were chaotic and heavy footsteps outside the main hall behind him.

"The end will be sealed."

"The last general pulls sweat."

"The last general, Han Peng."

"The last general Tatamu."

"The end will be combined and recorded."

"The last general..."

"See Overseer."

"Mushan, Commander of the Three Armies of Dashi."

"Great General Amel of the Great Food City Defense Force."

"See the Great Dragon Commander."

"Little sister Safisha has met Brother Huyan."

Hu Yanyu withdrew her gaze from carefully observing the map, turned around and walked towards the main seat beside her.

"All free, take your seat."

"Thank you, Overseer."

"Thank you, Brother Huyan."

"Overlord, what happened, why did you suddenly gather the generals?"

"That's right, we didn't find any enemy situation outside the city of Baghdad at all, why did we have to beat drums and gather generals?"

Hu Yanyu raised his hand to signal: "Brothers, please be safe and don't be impatient."

"We are rude, please forgive me, the governor."

Hu Yanyu shook her head with a calm face, picked up the letter paper on the table and handed it to Feng Buer who was sitting next to her.

"Brother Bu Er, this is an urgent letter from the golden eagle not long ago from the commander in chief, please pass it on to each other."

Feng Buer nodded slightly, took the letter and carefully reviewed the contents on it. When he finished reading the contents on the letter paper, Feng Buer's face was so gloomy that he almost dripped water, which was not much better than that of Hu Yanyu before.

"Such an ambitious wolf who stabs a knife in the back should be punished."

Feng Buer said something coldly, and passed the letter down with a gloomy face.

In less than a stick of incense, the hall reverberated from time to time with the sound of slapping the table, and a group of dragon generals all exuded evil spirits as if they were about to choose someone to devour.

Mu Sihan, the commander of the three armies of the Great Food Kingdom, who has been anxious since hearing the sound of the war drums, finally fell down after listening to the translation of the content on the letter paper by the Queen of the Great Food, Safisha.

As long as the generals of the Great Dragon Kingdom are not gathering to attack the Great Food Kingdom this time, he can rest assured.

"Overseer, like the villain who stabbed a knife in the back like Rome, if he doesn't kill it, it will not be enough to comfort the souls of the 23 robes in my left army."

"That's right, my Dalong generals have never been afraid of any strong enemy, even though the enemy may have thousands of troops, my Dalong Erlang dares to go forward without hesitation.

If we die on the battlefield, our skills are not as good as others. Although we hate and have no complaints, but now the brothers actually died in the sneak attack and assassination of the villain, and they are extremely aggrieved.

Like this kind of villain, the only way to attack them is to start a crusade. "

"The final general seconded the proposal. Since the commander-in-chief has sent a letter ordering us to raise troops immediately to fight against the thieves, we will die."

"We ask the governor to order to mobilize troops and horses to attack the Roman enemies immediately."

"We ask the governor to order to mobilize troops and horses to attack the Roman enemies immediately."

"We ask the governor to order to mobilize troops and horses to attack the Roman enemies immediately."

Hu Yanyu looked at the angry General Dalong in the hall, nodded solemnly, got up and walked towards the map again.


A group of generals stared at each other, and they stood up and knelt down on one knee towards Hu Yanyu.

"I'm waiting."

"Before the brothers came, the warlord had carefully considered the plan to use troops against Rome, and with the help of the brothers sent by the commander, the commander planned to mobilize 8 elite soldiers this time.

Among them, I have a total of 5 elite dragon cavalry, and a total of 3 soldiers and horses selected from the city defense forces and city garrisons of the Dashi Kingdom.

Marshal Musihan, you should have no objections, right? "

Mu Sihan's face became tense, and he subconsciously looked at Queen Safisa at the side. Since King Muhammad Mead was escorted back to Dalongjing, most of the affairs of Dashi Kingdom are dominated by Queen Safisa. disposed of.

Although Safisha looked like a delicate and considerate weak woman in front of Hu Yanyu, she was a heroine in front of the nobles and ministers of Dashi Kingdom.

Relying on her outstanding political means, Leng managed a group of noble officials from the Great Food Kingdom as a woman.

This can be seen from the fact that Mu Sihan, the commander in chief of the three armies who holds the power of soldiers and horses, heard Hu Yanyu's words, and instinctively asked the queen next to him, Safisha, what she meant.

Feeling Mushan's eyes, Safisha nodded with a faint smile. Although she didn't say anything, she had already expressed her meaning.

Seeing this, Mu Sihan breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded to Hu Yanyu without hesitation.

"Call back to Governor Yan, Mu Sihan has no problem."

Hu Yanyu responded with a chuckle, and glanced at the dragon general in the palace.

"Han Peng, Bahanna, Tatamu...listen to the order."

"I will obey orders."

"Let's disperse immediately, and after discussing together, we will immediately mobilize [-] elite soldiers and horses under our command, and prepare to go out in the wilderness west of the city at noon tomorrow.

After the inspection by the warlord, three drums will fall at noon tomorrow, and the soldiers of the three armies will immediately march into the Roman country to fight against the acrylic army. "

"We take orders."

"Get ready to go!"

"I will take my leave first."

After a group of dragon generals got up and left, Hu Yanyu looked at Mu Sihan, the commander-in-chief of the Great Food Kingdom.

"Marshal Musihan, I will ask you to mobilize the [-] troops of the Great Food Kingdom. This warlord hopes that you can get everything ready before noon tomorrow."

"Mushan took the order, and Musihan will leave first."

"The rest of the brothers, except for General Bu Er, stay here, and you will immediately disperse to prepare food, grass, ordnance matters. At all costs, we must ensure that our bandit hunting army can go out on time at around noon tomorrow."

"Under orders, we will retire first."

Under Hu Yanyu's series of orders, there were only three or five people left in the hall in an instant, including King Dashi and Queen Safisa.

Hu Yanyu smiled apologetically at Safisha: "Queen Safisha, I'm really sorry, the warlord and General Feng still have some important military affairs to discuss, so I won't keep you.

If the ministers are rude, I hope the queen will not be blamed. "

Safisha glanced at Hu Yanyu who was apologetic, nodded reluctantly, got up and left the hall.

Feng Buer looked at Safisha's back gradually going away, and looked at Hu Yanyu with a helpless face with a half-smile: "Brother Huyan, my brother sees that Queen Safisha has a deep affection for you!
It is a matter of course for a man to have three wives and four concubines. She has a special status. Although you cannot marry her as a regular wife, you can always have a concubine!

Things have come to this stage, why don't you follow others!

You don't think that Queen Safisha is not perfect, do you?If that's the case, it's like my brother didn't say anything. "

Hu Yanyu sighed with a tangled face: "Brother, you should stop teasing my brother and me like the commander-in-chief. To put it bluntly, Queen Safisha is indeed a good woman. If it weren't for my brother, I would have already I have something in my heart... Hey... Now that the military aircraft is a major issue, these mundane things will not be mentioned."

While talking, Hu Yanyu took out half of the ring pendant from the wristband and handed it to Feng Buer.

"You have also seen the meaning of the commander in the letter. Time waits for no one. Let's adjust the infantry artillery!"

Feng Buer also put away his laughing appearance, and solemnly took out half of the ring pendant from his bosom and put it together against the half ring pendant in Hu Yanyu's hand.

When the two halves of the pendant were perfectly fused together, Huyan Yufeng and Buer looked at each other and nodded, and hurried towards the outside of the palace hand in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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