Chapter 2477 A soldier
After Hu Yanyu's order was issued, the turmoil of people inside and outside the royal city of Baghdad, the kingdom of food, never subsided all night.

It wasn't until the next day that the noisy movement that made the people of the Dashi Kingdom and the caravans of various countries flustered slowly subsided.

One night passed without any fighting in the city, and some bold people had quietly left their homes and went to the streets to inquire about the situation.

When it was learned that the reason why the dragon general Hu Yanyu was beating the drums to gather the generals was to crusade against the neighboring Roman state, the fearful people in the city were finally relieved.

The reason why the people of Dashi in the city believed these news so much was because they heard the news from the girls of Dashi Kingdom who had married young Dalong soldiers.

These Dashi women who have become the families of the soldiers of the Great Dragon naturally do not suspect that their men will deceive them.

After all, after these girls marry Dalong's husband, they will be favored several times more than the girls who marry him from the Dashi Kingdom.

When you go to the street to buy the things you need at home, you don't have to wear a thick veil to go out as before no matter how hot the weather is, and you don't have to be a cow to support your own man and family.

Especially when others know that she has become the wife of a dragon soldier, the man who used to abuse and humiliate women at will on the street, and the man who flirted with him would respectfully hide aside after seeing him, for fear of offending him. The girl from Dashi Kingdom was overjoyed.

To be able to receive such caring love from her husband after marriage is something that the women of the Dashi Kingdom could not have dreamed of before.

When hearing about the happy life of the women in the neighbors, relatives and friends' homes after marrying the soldiers of the Great Dragon, more and more young and beautiful girls from the Great Food Kingdom began to look for their rightful husband among the soldiers of the Great Dragon. up.

This matter spread from the mouth of the girl who had become the family member of the dragon soldier one after another, and the tense atmosphere in Baghdad gradually subsided.

Outside the palace gate of the Baghdad palace, Queen Safisha stared at Huyanyu who was already fully armored and had a horizontal knife on her waist.

"Brother Huyan, there are many brave generals under your command who are good at fighting. Why do you have to lead the army yourself?"

Hu Yanyu patted the horizontal knife on his waist, took the whip from the soldiers and let out a sigh of relief.

"Queen Safisha, you don't understand the bond of life and death between our great dragon soldiers...

Only with the heart of the general and the life of the soldier can he be invincible. A general who is greedy for life and afraid of death and dare not go into battle to kill the enemy in person will not win the respect and love of the soldiers under his command.

Those of us who joined the army have already put life and death aside. Even if we die on the battlefield, it is destiny, and there is nothing to be sad about. "

Safisha looked at Hu Yanyu's calm expression, and her bright eyes showed a heartbeat and worried emotion. She was becoming more and more fascinated by the man from the eastern country in front of her.

"Take care... Take care. In the words of your big dragon, you must win and triumph. My little sister is waiting for the results of your victory in the Baghdad palace."

Hu Yanyu couldn't bear Safisha's increasingly confused and admiring eyes, so she coughed and got on her horse and galloped towards the west of the city.

"After the Warlord's expedition, Queen Lausafisa and my deputy Zha Helu will assist each other in all matters in the city, take care!"

Safisha listened to Hu Yanyu's words, as if she was watching her husband go to war, she tiptoed to the backs of Hu Yanyu and the others and waved gently: "Hey! My little sister understands."

"Queen, it's time for us to go back. Prince Dalu has been waiting for you in the palace for a long time."

Safisha turned a deaf ear to the words of the maid beside her, and waved her white palms until Huyanyu and the others disappeared from sight before she retracted her gaze and glanced slightly in the direction of the palace. Direction away.

Compared with the delicate and intellectual appearance in front of Hu Yanyu, Safisha's current demeanor is so cold that there is a feeling that no stranger will be exhausted.

"Mia, you can go and tell Dalu directly that he is still young and not suitable to inherit the throne, and there is nothing to discuss about this matter.

If he still continues to mess around, you can tell him that although the king is being escorted to the Dragon Kingdom by the soldiers and horses of the Dragon, it doesn't mean he won't be able to come back.

If he inherits the throne now, what will happen when the king returns?
By the way, let me tell those noble ministers who want to support Da Lu to inherit the throne, let's see what they say! "

"Yes, the servant knows."

Hu Yanyu naturally didn't know what happened after he left. At this time, he had led [-] soldiers under his command to the wilderness west of Baghdad where the flags were ringing.

"Shut up!"

"We see the Overseer."

"All brothers are free."

"Thank you, Overseer."

Hu Yanyu took a look at the [-] elite soldiers who had already lined up and were ready to go, and walked straight towards Dianjiangtai holding the horizontal knife at his waist.

Standing on the Dianjiang platform, Hu Yanyu took the command flag from Feng Buer and waved it heavily a few times.

"We see the warlord, the dragon is mighty."

"We see the warlord, the dragon is mighty."

"We see the warlord, the dragon is mighty."

The thundering shouts of the [-] Dalong soldiers and horses boosted the morale of the [-] Dashi Kingdom soldiers and horses on the left, and they also shouted the unfluent words of the Dalong soldiers.

"See the Great Dragon Warlord, the mighty dragon."

"See the Great Dragon Warlord, the mighty dragon."

"See the Great Dragon Warlord, the mighty dragon."

Hu Yanyu looked at the [-] elite soldiers in dozens of phalanxes in front of him, and suddenly waved down the command flag in his hand. The loud shouts in the wilderness gradually disappeared, and only the biting banner and the sneezing of the horses remained. Interactive.

Hu Yanyu glanced at the many generals waiting beside him, jumped off the platform and turned on the horses that had been prepared, waved the command flag and galloped towards the army phalanx.

"Brothers, the reason why the warlord gathered troops this time, I think the generals who came to you have already told everyone yesterday.

The barbarians of the Roman state refused to accept the king's transformation, and even carried out a sneak attack. They stained the blood of our dragon soldiers with their weapons, and killed my dragon's robe. This bloody hatred, brothers, what do you think should be done? "

"Fight against the barbarians, punish the heavens."

"Fight against the barbarians, punish the heavens."

"Fight against the barbarians, punish the heavens."

"Brothers are right, when dealing with such treacherous villains, we should use the weapons in our hands to tell them what it means to be a great dragon, Tianwei, and what is called a great dragon, whoever offends me will be punished no matter how far away.

Now the commander-in-chief's biography has arrived in the hands of the warlord. According to the commander-in-chief's order, we will immediately enter the Roman country. We must kill the enemy and avenge our 23 robes, so as to comfort their spirits in heaven.

The warlord will not say more nonsense, the drum is an order, and the trumpet is sounded to go out. "

"The dragon is mighty."

"The dragon is mighty."

"The dragon is mighty."

Hu Yanyu tightened the reins and stopped in front of the platform, and waved heavily with his single arm holding the command flag.

"Beat the drum and sound the horn."

"The warlord has an order, beat the drum and sound the horn."

The rumbling and melodious sound of war drums instantly echoed over the boundless yellow sand field.

When the three drums fell, the melodious sound of horns echoed with the heavy sound of war drums pierced the sky, and the command flag in Hu Yanyu's hand suddenly waved in the direction of the Western Roman State.

"Send an order to go out to fight against the thieves."

(End of this chapter)

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