My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2478 The heart is higher than the sky

Chapter 2478 The heart is higher than the sky
On the barren ancient road leading from the Frankish Kingdom to the Roman Kingdom, an army of more than [-] soldiers is marching hard against the oncoming wind and snow.

This army of more than [-] men was exactly the acrylic army that made Zhang Kuang and his dragon generals gnash their teeth, wanting to eat their flesh and sleep their skins.

Yakeke, the great prince of the Roman kingdom and the generalissimo of the Roman army, is a well-known and powerful figure in the Roman kingdom.

The current prestige of Acrylic, the great prince of Rome, has even overshadowed his elderly father, King Akrond of Rome.

And it was he who single-handedly facilitated the alliance of the Great Dragon’s Western Expeditionary Army’s left-wing soldiers and horses into the Frankish Kingdom. It can be said that the reason why Rome was able to conquer the Frankish Kingdom together with the Great Dragon Cavalry, Acrylic is an indispensable key figure.

At first, Alec's original purpose was indeed to take advantage of the powerful dragon soldiers and horses to capture the Frankish country that his Roman country had always coveted.

However, when Yakeli led the soldiers and horses under his command to cooperate with Zhang Kuang and they attacked the city of the Frankish Kingdom, after witnessing the terrifying and earth-shattering power of the Dragon Cannon, Yakeli's mind gradually changed.

Compared with the fertile territory of the Frankish Kingdom, he became more envious of the powerful artillery in the hands of the dragon soldiers.

Before the coalition forces of the two countries captured Merovingen, the royal city of the Frankish Kingdom, Acrylic, who had seen the power of the dragon artillery, had already begun to fantasize about being an invincible hero who would be invincible on the battlefield after owning the artillery. attitude.

As long as he masters the artillery of these dragons, he can revive the glory of his ancestor Alexander the Great and have more vast territories.

It is even possible to have a vast and powerful empire than that of the ancestor Alexander the Great.

It can be said that since seeing Dalong's artillery, Acrylic is no longer satisfied with the small wish of being able to capture the Frankish Kingdom. He wants to have more Frankish Kingdoms.

And becoming his ancestor Alexander the Great is no longer his lifelong dream. He wants to become an emperor surpassing his ancestor Alexander the Great.

After witnessing the power of the big dragon's artillery, the original desire in Acrylic's heart was infinitely magnified.

He gave up all his previous plans and began to wholeheartedly cooperate with Dalong's troops to attack the Frankish Kingdom. His purpose of this move was to win the trust of Dalong's generals so as to lay the foundation for capturing Dalong's artillery.

After several months of hard work, Alec's willingness to bear the burden of hard work has gradually won the favor of the dragon general and his soldiers.

After the coalition forces of the two countries captured the Frankish Kingdom, the dragon soldiers and horses who began to enter the rest stage after the heavy snow fell in the sky finally gave Acrylic hope.

Under Yakeli's series of arrangements, Yakeli took advantage of the dead of night and led people to sneak attack on the rear camp of the Dalong soldiers and horses, and finally got the Dalong artillery that he had dreamed of.

Then, Yakeli, who had seen the powerful fighting power of the dragon soldiers and horses, knew the horror of the dragon soldiers and horses. After getting the artillery, he didn't dare to stay at all. Kui Ye took the soldiers and horses under his command and fled the Frankish country against the harsh and cold weather.

Today, it has been No. 15 days since the Acrylic Legion escaped from the Frankish King City.

These days, the scouts have never found the trace of the dragon chasing soldiers, so that Acrylic's tense mind finally relaxed a little, and he began to look forward to the dream of being invincible in the world after casting a large number of artillery.

It's a pity that Ya Keli didn't know that Zhang Kuang and the others had already made a bloody revenge plan against him. He who is still complacent will soon understand what it means to have a heart higher than the sky and a life thinner than paper.

The price of blood will let Acry know that not only will he have no chance to surpass his ancestor Alexander the Great, but he will also bring the Roman state he will inherit in the future into the abyss.

"Report! Report to His Royal Highness, the scouts report back, and there is still no trace of the dragon chasing soldiers behind."

"Order the scouts to continue the investigation. Regardless of whether Zhang Kuang will send the dragon's troops to pursue him, we must not relax our vigilance now."


After Acrylic's soldiers turned their horses and left, the lieutenant Haskell looked up at the snowflakes flying above his head, and looked at Acrylic beside him with worry.

"Your Highness, can our prophets and wise men really figure out how to forge a dragon cannon? If they can't do it, our country of Rome will face an unprecedented danger.

Those brave and powerful dragon soldiers and horses are not so easy to provoke. The soldiers and horses of the Frankish Kingdom have already proved this point for us with their young lives.

Once the weather in the Frankish country warms up, if we still can't cast these powerful artillery to deal with the soldiers and horses of the French dragon, then our Roman country will face a catastrophe. "

Feeling the worried eyes of the deputy commander, Yakeli waved his horsewhip confidently.

"Hasco, don't worry, this prince has been secretly observing the method and steps of the artillerymen of Dalong for the past few months when making shells.

Although the prince doesn't know the specific steps, the prince has memorized the general steps by heart.

At that time, as long as the prince writes down the steps and methods of making cannonballs silently, and hand them over to the prophets and wise men of Rome, I believe that they will perfectly copy the cannons of the dragon.

As long as we own a large number of powerful weapons such as artillery, we can secretly send people to contact the king of Egypt to form an alliance.

At the same time, we can also send spies to sneak into the Dashi Kingdom and Tianzhu Kingdom occupied by Dalong soldiers, approach and confuse the noble ministers of the two countries to cause chaos and troubles for Dalong's garrison.

Their country has been occupied by the dragon soldiers and horses for so long, and this prince does not believe that they have no complaints at all.

As long as these countries are united, we will no longer have to fear the large number of soldiers and horses of the big dragon. No matter how powerful their soldiers and horses are, they will not be able to deal with the coalition forces of our four powerful countries on their own. Bar?

As long as the soldiers and horses of the dragon are wiped out or driven back to their country, we, the only ones with artillery, can become the strongest of all the countries around us.

In time, we can send troops to capture them one by one and become the territory of our Roman state.

Not only the Frankish Kingdom that we dreamed of before, but also the Great Food Kingdom, Tianzhu Kingdom, and Egypt Kingdom, which were stronger than us in the past, will all submit to the iron cavalry of this prince.

Just wait and see, Harsco, the glory of my Romans will soon be carried forward in the hands of this prince.

As long as we cast a large number of cannons before the cold winter of the Frankish Kingdom passes, then you will follow this prince and witness for yourself that I have become a greater monarch than my ancestor Alexander the Great. "

After listening to Acrylic's uplifting words, Lieutenant Harsco's originally worried look became agitated. He watched Acrylic raised his fist and waved it a few times with excited eyes.

"Long live the future acrylic king."

"Hahahaha... Prince Ben likes to hear this story so much, you, Harsco, will soon become the lord of a country.

After this prince conquers the world, whichever territory you want, this prince will reward you as the noble lord of that territory. "

"Thank you, His Majesty the future emperor."

"Although the prince likes to hear this story, it's a bit too early to say it after all, let's hurry up now!
In ten more days, we will be able to get rid of this nasty snowstorm and return to the territory of our Roman country!
Only when we return to our country of Rome can we truly relax. It is better to be careful now, hurry up and march. "

"Under the order, the last general will immediately send orders to the soldiers to speed up the march."

(End of this chapter)

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