My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2479 Spring and Autumn Dreams Without Traces

Chapter 2479 Spring and Autumn Dreams Without Traces

Yakeli is still dreaming of his spring and autumn dream of being king and hegemony, and he doesn't know that the disaster of killing himself is coming.

Another seven days passed in a hurry, and the further eastward the soldiers and horses led by Yakeli marched, the more they eased the bad weather they faced.

When they were about to approach the border of the Frankish Kingdom, the light snow on the ground had almost no effect on their march.

Seeing that there were still a few days before returning to his own country, Acrylic and all the soldiers and horses under his command showed smiling faces.

When the Acrylic Legion was full of joy, a warning trombone suddenly sounded from behind.

The moment the trombone sounded, Acrylic and all the soldiers and horses under his command tensed up, and instinctively turned their heads to look back.

More than [-] people tacitly had the same thought in their hearts, could it be Dalong's soldiers and horses chasing him?

Acrylic's heart was beating non-stop, and he felt that his dream for many days was about to be shattered.

While Yakeli was in a trance, a Roman scout rushed over anxiously, reined in the horse tightly and stopped beside Yakeli.

"Report, His Royal Highness, about five miles away from the rear of our army, we found traces of the dragon soldiers and horses."

Yakeli came back to his senses, there was a hint of uneasiness between his brows, pretending to be calm and looking at the scout Yakeli who looked terrified and asked: "How many troops can you observe the chasing dragon soldiers and horses?"

"Reporting to His Royal Highness, because Xue Mu obstructed our vision, we can't see how many soldiers the dragon has for the time being, but we can be sure from the banners of their vanguard scouts that they are undoubtedly the soldiers of the dragon.

However, from the vibrating ground that is getting clearer and clearer, I can feel that the dragon soldiers and horses are mainly cavalry, and they are approaching our army with all their strength. With the speed of the cavalry, they may catch up with us in a bowl of hot water. of the army.

Your Highness, what should we do now? "

Acrylic sucked in the cold air and thought for a moment, holding up his whip and shouting to the soldiers around him: "Quickly, order the soldiers and horse generals of all parties to stop advancing immediately, and the rear army will become the front army, and set up defenses on the spot The formation is waiting for the approach of the dragon soldiers and horses.

As long as they are within the range of the archers, they don't need to obey the prince's order, and shoot the dragon's soldiers and horses by themselves.

Tell the soldiers of the legion that the dragon soldiers and horses are no longer our allies, but our enemies, and they must not be merciless. "


Dozens of Roman soldiers galloped towards the army phalanx behind them, shouting the orders that had just been passed down by acrylic.

When the generals of the Roman Legion heard the shouts of the acrylic soldiers, they immediately commanded the soldiers and horses under their command to arrange a defensive formation.

After receiving the orders from their respective generals, although the Roman soldiers were flustered, they still started to arrange a defensive formation in an orderly manner. The shield soldiers held up their heavy shields and stood in the first position, serving as archers and spearmen behind them. Strive for a strong time to set up the battle formation.

Just a few breaths after the Roman soldiers set up their defensive formation, they felt the strong vibration of the ground.

Those who had experienced the battlefield immediately understood that this was the shock caused by a large number of cavalry galloping and attacking.

Suddenly, [-] Roman soldiers stared closely at Xue Mu in the west and began to stand in line, waiting for the enemy to enter the attack range of their own battle formation.

However, the tense Roman soldiers were doomed to be disappointed. Among them, they could vaguely see figures in awe, dozens of well-armored dragon scouts on horseback, with serious expressions, put down the binoculars in their hands, and took Go take the bullhorn in the bag and send it to your mouth.

On the beautiful snowy field, there was a sudden and dull sound of horns, which made the Roman soldiers startled, and hurriedly stared at the source of the sound.

However, Chongchong Xuemu could only let them see the shadowy figure, but they didn't know what happened there, why the horn sounded suddenly.

The Roman soldiers were unknown, so Acrylic, who had seen the dragon general use the binoculars with his own eyes, was stunned, and a bad premonition faintly rose.

Men's premonitions are often very accurate. When the rapid sound of the horn gradually subsided, the [-] Roman soldiers suddenly felt that the trembling of the ground eased.

"Phew. Brothers, the scouts have issued a horn call, and the enemy has already set up a defensive battle formation."

"The orderly."


"Immediately order all the soldiers and horses to circle around the two sides in a formation of hundreds of people. Before knowing the enemy's situation, remember not to rush blindly."


After the messengers left, Ke Yan, Xiong Kaishan, Jiang Lei and the others took out the binoculars from the harness on their horses and looked forward.

However, even with the binoculars in hand, Ke Yan and the other generals still couldn't see the enemy's situation in front of Xuemu.

"Damn it, it's not in vain that we chased them day and night for more than ten days, and finally caught their tails."

"Brothers, what should we do now? The snow is still a bit heavy, and we can't see the enemy's situation clearly. If we charge rashly, the soldiers will suffer a lot!"

"General Xiong, don't be impatient, now we just need to catch up with them.

After all, our task is only to delay their marching speed, not to confront them head-on.

We just need to lock their whereabouts firmly, use bows and arrows from time to time, and crossbows to cover up and kill their peripheral soldiers from time to time, and to hinder their marching process is to complete the task. "

"Brother Ke Yan is right. Although we are not afraid to fight the enemy army head-on, the number of the enemy army is [-] after all, while our army's strength is only [-]. Compared with the enemy army, the difference is too big. .

Although the kite-flying tactics can make them exhausted, the price we have to pay is probably beyond our expectations.

The commander's order is for us to contain their itinerary, and then cooperate with the main force of the Huyan warlord, Pao Ze, to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop, and minimize the loss of my dragon cavalry.

If we disobeyed the military order and rushed to kill the enemy, even if the results were good afterwards, we would still be punished by the military law. After all, we disobeyed orders.

Right now, the commander-in-chief is trying his best to reduce the number of people lost to me, Nishi Zhengjiro, so it's better for us to follow orders and don't make arbitrary decisions! "

"It makes sense, it's better to obey orders honestly, we can't afford the consequences of disobeying military orders!"

"I second the proposal, then wait for the scout brother to report the enemy's situation..."

"Report, I would like to report to all generals that the enemy's main force of more than [-] people has already set up a defensive formation on the snow field two miles in front of our army, waiting for our army to take the initiative to attack.

The enemy's 25 soldiers and horses have 2000 square formations, each with [-] troops and a distance of [-] to [-] steps. The formation is both offensive and defensive. "

After listening to the scout's report, Jiang Lei and the others looked at each other happily.

"Brothers, although this Xuemu has brought us great inconvenience, it has also provided us with opportunities!
Acrylic knows that our dragon soldiers and horses have artillery weapons in their hands, but they dare to set up a battle formation to defend. Most likely, it is because they don't know how many soldiers and horses we have come at a time. "

"Indeed, because of Xuemu blocking the view, there is a great possibility that Acrylic can't figure out the strength of our troops. Although he has no choice but to passively set up a dense battle formation to defend.

Perhaps it was the shock caused by the galloping horses, which gave Alec a wrong perception, making him mistakenly think that we only have cavalry.

Next, let's watch your performance, Brother Jiang Lei. Under such a dense battle formation, if our twenty light tiger squat cannons are used to their full potential, they will receive unexpected results! "

"Damn it, I just don't know how to shoot cannons, otherwise, how could it be the turn of you, brother Jiang, to have the same military exploits as Bai Jian."

Jiang Lei grinned, put away the binoculars, pulled the reins and rushed towards the snow curtain ahead.

"Several old brothers let people unload the artillery first, and my brother first goes to observe the layout of the enemy's battle formation."

(End of this chapter)

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