My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2480 Offense and Defense

Chapter 2480 Offense and Defense

Jiang Lei gradually stationed his horse in the wind and snow, using Xue Mu to cover his figure, and began to observe the situation of the Roman soldiers with binoculars.

"General Jiang, how is it? Can the range of the tiger squat artillery shells effectively bombard the enemy's phalanx?"

Hearing the curious inquiries from the scouts beside him, Jiang Lei gently put down the binoculars and nodded with a faint smile to the scouts beside him.

"Although the problem is not big, it's just that it can only bombard the enemy troops in the outer phalanx, and the enemy phalanx on the next level is beyond the range of the shells.

Brothers, please keep a close eye on the movement of the enemy. The general will go back to set up the artillery positions. Once the enemy's phalanx changes, please notify the general in time. The general can change the direction of the guns according to the position of the enemy. . "

"We take orders. Please rest assured, General Jiang. Once the enemy's formation changes, the junior staff and others must promptly notify the general to change formation."

"It's work."

"Don't dare, General, please go back."

Jiang Lei raised his binoculars and glanced at the position of the enemy's phalanx, nodded to the dozens of scouts on the side, turned his horse's head and rushed towards the rear.

"Brother Ke, Brother Xiong... Brothers, I have just carefully observed the position of the enemy's phalanx, and I already have a general idea in my heart about how to arrange the artillery positions.

However, if there is no movement on our side for a long time, the enemy army will definitely notice that something is wrong, so it is up to you brothers to lead the brothers under your command to create some pressure on the acrylic army.

Once the artillery position is set up here, the younger brother will immediately send his own soldiers to notify the brothers to evacuate from the range of the artillery shells. "

Ke Yan and the others looked at each other, nodded solemnly.

"Brother Jiang, don't worry, the matter of harassing the enemy will be left to our elder brothers. Although Xuemu is blocking it, you still have to be careful, and don't let the enemy kill a wave."

"Brothers, don't worry, my younger brother will mobilize [-] elite soldiers to defend on both sides of the artillery position, and will definitely not let the enemy in Rome take advantage of it."

"Then we can rest assured, see you later."

"Brother Jiang, bombard the bastard enemies of the Acrylic Legion well, and avenge the robes of Longwuwei. After this battle is over, brother, I will treat you to a drink."

"Be careful. Once you encounter an enemy situation, you should immediately withdraw from the battlefield. Don't go head-to-head with the enemy. It will increase our losses for nothing."

"Brother understands, I'm sorry, the older brothers will take the lead."

"No problem, let's run around the enemy's phalanx to cover up and kill a wave, create some pressure on them, and go one step ahead."

Because of the urgency of the battle, Ke Yan, Jiang Lei and others explained to each other, and immediately rushed towards the formation of soldiers and horses under their respective command.

On the snow field that had been quiet for less than a stick of incense, the sound of horseshoes that made the hearts of the Roman Legion throbbed again.

"Your Highness, the dragon's enemy army has moved again. Unfortunately, the snow and snow formed by the wind and snow blocked our vision by [-]%. We don't even know how many troops the enemy army has come."

"Quickly lie down on the ground and listen. When the Frankish kingdom of Merovingian was attacking, the prince saw the scouts of the big dragons. He could guess the number of the enemy's army almost exactly by listening to it on the ground.

We can also try to see if we can analyze something. "

"Your Highness, I have seen the situation you mentioned before, and I asked the scouts of the big dragon curiously to see how they guessed the number of enemy troops based on the sound of footsteps or horseshoes. of.

It's a pity that those big dragon scouts are very shrewd, and they didn't reveal a word to the general.

Dalong's scouts can do these eye-opening things, but it doesn't mean that our scouts can also do this kind of thing.

The general suggested that we should honestly use the method we are most familiar with to determine the number of enemy troops.

So as not to be self-defeating. "

During the conversation between Acrylic and Haskell, there were sounds of galloping horses in all directions around the Roman Legion, giving people the illusion that all the surrounding positions were full of enemy troops.

"His Royal Highness, it seems that there are enemy cavalry in all four directions, east, west, north, south, should we immediately send an order to shrink the formation?"

Acrylic helped his helmet with a gloomy expression, frowned and pondered for a moment, then shook his head solemnly.

"You must not do this. The enemy cavalry has been rounding and attacking the periphery of our army's battle formation, but they have never launched an attack on our outer phalanx, which shows that their strength may be far less than we guessed.

The prince speculates that they deliberately created a big momentum around the periphery, just to mislead us, and want us to shrink the lineup and take the opportunity to achieve their goals.

Don't forget that Dalong's soldiers and horses have artillery weapons in their hands. If our soldiers' formation is too dense, it will just take advantage of their wishes.

No matter how many soldiers and horses they come, we can't change the formation casually, let the dragon's enemy army take the opportunity to find the slightest opportunity to take advantage of.

Immediately ask the messengers to send a message to the generals of each formation, and let them lead the soldiers and horses under their command to stick to the formation and not move rashly.If we move here, we will really fall into the enemy's tricks.

Tell them that as long as the enemy does not take the initiative to attack, they must stand firm in place, and even if Xuemu blocks the enemy, they dare not attack our phalanx at will.

No matter how powerful their cavalry is, the horses will eventually get tired from running.

As soon as their horses are tired, we will immediately cover each other and retreat eastward, withdrawing to the territory of our Roman country as quickly as possible.

As long as we evacuate to an area without heavy wind and snow, our army can observe the specific number of enemy troops, and we don't have to defend so passively anymore.

Tell my brothers, don't panic, the more panic you have, the more proud the enemy will be.

In such an environment with unclear vision, we can't take the initiative to defend, and they dare not take the initiative to attack.

go quickly!Just pass on the original words of this prince to the generals of the various ministries. "

"The general understands, please be careful, Your Highness."

Just as Alec speculated, no matter how the big dragon created a tense momentum, the enemy's behavior of still shrinking behind the shield like a turtle made Ke Yan, Xiong Kaishan and the other big dragon generals feel helpless.

"General Ke, these stupid Romans are too calm! We are almost within the range of their archers, and they are holding back their arrows.

It seems that they want to play a trick for us that the enemy can't move and I can't move!
What should we do next, shall we continue to attack?Once the enemy army is still hiding behind the shield like a tortoise, it will be too much for our horses to continue to attack. "

"Since they are not moving, let's try to attack first, and order the strong archers of each department to release arrows as soon as they approach the enemy's battle formation.

Let's see how the effect is. If the effect is good, continue to shoot arrows. If not, wait for the artillery bombardment from General Jiang.

You will also inform General Xiong and the others later, and ask them to act accordingly. "


It took about a cup of tea to pass Ke Yan's order, and the sound of arrows piercing the air suddenly sounded amidst the rustling wind and snow.

Dense rain of arrows shot from all directions toward the center of the phalanx of Roman soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, screams came from the phalanx of Roman soldiers, but such screams were so rare that they were almost covered by the clanging sound of arrows hitting the shield.

"Pass down the order to stop shooting arrows, wasting a lot of arrows with little effect, I can't do this anymore.

To break the tortoise shells of these Romans, it seems that the artillery in Jiang Lei's hand must be used. "


"Come here, send someone to ask General Jiang immediately, and ask him if the artillery positions have been set up..."

"Report, General Ke, I have been ordered to inform all generals that the artillery position has been set up. General Jiang asked all generals to take their soldiers away from the Roman battle line immediately, so as not to be accidentally injured by stray bullets later."

"Great, Jiang Lei's artillery is really timely! This general knows about it, you should go and inform General Xiong and the others right away."

"I have to order, I will resign from my humble position."

After an incense stick of time, the dragon cavalry who had been wandering around the periphery of the Roman phalanx gradually moved away from the Roman battle formation.

Just as the Romans were still wondering why the earthquake felt on the ground had eased again, the sound of the rumbling artillery hit their hearts hard.

In the snow, Jiang Lei waved the command flag in his hand frequently, shouting loudly at the gunners on both sides.

"No need to test fire, no need to calibrate the muzzle, just shoot ten rounds straight ahead, and blast them sons of a bitch."

(End of this chapter)

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