Chapter 2481
Acrylic and the more than [-] Roman soldiers under his command trembled violently when they heard the movement of the artillery firing in the snowstorm.

What they had been worrying about still happened. The Dalong enemy army was not only chasing after cavalry, they also carried the powerful Dalong artillery.

Not only Acrylic had seen the power of the artillery, but the soldiers of the Roman state had also witnessed it with their own eyes. The scene where half of the city wall would collapse under a round of artillery was still fresh in their memory.

In the battle of the Allied Forces of the two countries in the Frankish Kingdom, it can be said that the earth-shattering power of the Dragon Cannon left a deep and indelible memory for the Roman soldiers.

When cleaning the battlefield after the war, when the Roman soldiers saw that the corpses of the Frankish soldiers were either fragmented or bleeding from the seven orifices, they were severely stimulated.

They also once secretly prayed that they would never be bombarded by the big dragon artillery in the future!
However, things went against their wishes, their prayers seemed to be of no use, and now they themselves were already facing the bombardment of the dragon's artillery.

At the moment when the familiar sound of rumbling cannons sounded, tens of thousands of Roman soldiers seemed to be sternly squeezed in their hearts, and they instinctively raised their heads to look at the sky covered with crystal snowflakes.

The speed of the shells did not give the Roman soldiers time to think again, and there were already deafening rumbling explosions in the phalanx in front of the Roman Legion.

Gunpowder smoke rolled and air waves surged, and the snowflakes flying in the surrounding air were blown out by the air waves of the shells.

The screams of the Roman soldiers in the first phalanx rose and fell one after another amidst the explosion of the shells, which made the scalps of those Roman soldiers who survived the bombardment feel numb, and they couldn't help but feel horrified.

With the continuous roar of artillery in the wind and snow, the Roman Legion's offensive and defensive battle formations faintly loosened.

In the position of the Chinese army, the lieutenant-general of the three armies, Hasko, looked at Acrylic who was also anxious beside him in panic: "Your Highness, the dragon chasing soldiers have artillery, and there are a lot of artillery.

Let's set up those cannons that were snatched from the dragon's enemy army!If they don't fight back against the enemy, the soldiers in the front position will probably collapse immediately! "

"My prince wants to use those cannons to fight back against the dragon's enemy more than anyone else, but who in our army can use those cannons?
After those cannons fell into our hands, we started to retreat with them before we had time to familiarize ourselves with them. Now that the cannons are unloaded and placed in front of us, who can use them? "

"What...then what should we do? We can't just sit still and wait for the enemy to keep bombarding us, can we?

Your Highness, listen to the screams of the soldiers in front of the army. If we let the Dalong enemy continue to fire, we will lose thousands of soldiers and horses without even knowing the enemy's position.

There will even be more casualties. You have witnessed the power of the Dragon Cannon. You must not wait like this any longer! "

Acrylic looked at Hasko with a distressed expression, "I know this prince can't go on like this, but what do you want this prince to do now?
There is a lot of wind and snow ahead, we don't know the number of the enemy's troops at all, we can't just line up blindly and rush over like this?
If we rush forward blindly, if there are a large number of enemy troops who have already set up traps waiting for us to drill in, it will not only be as simple as damaging some soldiers and horses of the former army, but may destroy the entire army. overwhelmed.

Let the trombone blow the trumpet to announce the order, and all the soldiers of the phalanx maintain their formation and retreat backwards. Let the soldiers of the front army withdraw from the bombardment range of the dragon artillery first.

Then as long as Dalong's artillery can't bombard our soldiers and horses again, we will immediately speed up our evacuation. If this continues, we will be too passive.

No matter how many dragon cavalry there are in the east, we must rush out of this windy and snowy area in one go.

Quick, just send the order like this, don't continue to entangle with Dalong's enemy army.

The terrain here is too unfavorable for us. "


On the side of the Dalong artillery position, the gunners looked at the red and hot cannon body, and hurriedly looked at Jiang Lei who was looking ahead with a binoculars.

"General, you can't continue to fire. If you fire any more, the barrel should explode."

Jiang Lei turned his head to look at the red cannon barrel, and put down the binoculars in his hand with regret.

"Then stop firing for the time being, and let those barbarians take a breather before talking, you guys are lucky this time, and you have earned so many battle exploits so easily.

After joining forces with Warlord Huyan to end the battle, this general estimates that you should all be able to wear wolf howling chain mail by virtue of your merits. "

"General, are you kidding me? Are we really going to be able to wear wolf howl chain mail?"

"Lao Qi is right, we still don't know the number of casualties of the enemy army in front! After putting on the wolf howling chain mail, you can be knighted if you go one step further. General, don't provoke the lowly rank!
Is what you said true? "

Jiang Lei glanced at the excited and unbelievably tense faces of a group of gunners, smiled and shook his head: "Look at your bears, it shouldn't be a big problem to wear chain mail.

Listening carefully to the screams of the enemy troops in front, the number of injured people should be around 300, and only a few more.

Even if there are only 300 heads of the enemy army, there will be about ten heads of credit after each of you is assigned to it!After joining forces with the Overseer, a little contribution by one person will be enough for you to put on the wolf howling chain mail.

Brothers, work harder, you will be crowned a noble and worship general, and Guangzong Yaozu is just around the corner for you. "

A group of gunners looked at the solemn Jiang Lei, and just about to cheer excitedly, they heard the unique sound of the trombone in the Roman Legion.

Jiang Lei's eyes were fixed, and he looked towards the front where no trace of the enemy army could be seen, talking to himself.

"Huh? What happened? What do these trumpets of the Roman soldiers mean?"

"Who knows! We can only wait for Brother Scout to summon us!"

About the time of a cup of tea, a scout with a command flag on his back stopped in front of the artillery position.

"General Jiang, after the first wave of shelling, the enemy retreated in an orderly manner amidst the sound of trumpets."

"Why don't General Ke and the others harass and obstruct them?"

"Reporting to the general, although the enemy army retreated, they retreated backwards. The formation was not too chaotic. There were still shield hands firmly guarding the battle formation, and the brothers couldn't charge up at all.

Now the brothers are harassing in roundabouts on both sides, using bows and arrows to attack the space left by them, and have already held back the enemy's retreat.

General Ke and the others said that in order to reduce damage, this is already the most effective way to harass the enemy.

As long as we continue to harass with small groups of troops, we can completely restrain the enemy army and wait for the Huyan warlord to come to encircle the enemy army.

This has achieved our goal of containing the enemy army, there is no need to stalk them, so as not to force the enemy army to jump over the wall in a hurry.

General Ke and the others asked the humble staff to notify your department, and immediately retracted the artillery to keep up with their speed. "

Jiang Lei nodded knowingly: "Understood, you should go back and report back first!"

"I have to order, the humble official will retire first."

"General, these bastards are running too fast, right?"

Jiang Lei exhaled helplessly into his hands: "This acrylic prince is a guy who knows how to maximize his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, knowing that this kind of weather is too unfavorable for them, he tried every means to evacuate to a place where there is no wind and snow.

Send the order down, gather the artillery! "


"The orderly."


"Leave the order to leave 200 people to clean up the battlefield ahead, and the rest of the troops will set off immediately to join the brothers."


"Xie Xiaohu, you continue to gather the artillery, General Ben is going to join General Ke and the others first."

"We take orders, the general walks slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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