My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2482 Hunting Operation

Chapter 2482 Hunting Operation
The [-] dragon cavalry led by Ke Yan, Jiang Lei and the others were not afraid to fight head-on with the acrylic army with only a few cavalry.

As long as Jiang Lei and the others command properly and use the kite-flying tactics to the extreme, it is not impossible for the five thousand dragon cavalry to nibble away the [-]-strong enemy army bit by bit.

However, before the expedition, the commander-in-chief Zhang Kuang said that after chasing the enemy, he must try his best to save the lives of his own soldiers and minimize the loss.

Ke Yan and the others could only watch helplessly as the acrylic army huddled together, gradually retreating under the cover of the shield soldiers, and wandered on both sides of the enemy's battle formation on horseback, looking for opportunities to sneak attack and shoot cold arrows.

Although the tactics of the acrylic legion have gradually achieved some results, the screams of Roman soldiers who were hit by arrows still echoed in the wind and snow from time to time. Little commotion.

The big dragon archers wandering on both sides of the Roman battle formation in teams of ten watched their arrows hit the enemy, a sneer sneered at the corner of their mouths, they quickly pulled up their rhubarb bows and galloped away, away from the enemy archers. within range.

When the enemy's mind was once again focused on retreating, Dalong's archers approached quickly on horseback again, and retreated immediately after shooting a wave of cold arrows, without any intention of fighting.

Often after they galloped out of the range of the archers, the rain of arrows fired back by the Roman soldiers covered them one after another where they placed the sneak attack.

For these enemies who are like living targets, the dragon cavalry is like a cat playing with a mouse, playing with them in the palm of their hands tirelessly along the way.

"Report! Your Royal Highness, the big dragon enemies wandering on both sides of us are too despicable. They rely on the speed of their horses to attack. The soldiers and horses approaching our two wings fired a wave of cold arrows and then quickly retreated, waiting for our archers to fight back. At that time, they had already rode their horses and disappeared into Xuemu.

Every sneak attack by the enemy can take the lives of at least three of our soldiers. In just one hour, we have lost more than 400 brothers under the cold arrows of the enemy archers.

It won't work in the long run, it's too passive for us. "

Alec looked around at the low morale of his own soldiers around him, and waved his horsewhip fiercely.

"Bastard, these great dragonmen have no chivalry at all, and when they reach a region with a wide view, this prince must make them pay with their blood.

Huck, you go and order the generals of the various ministries, so that they must not be blinded by anger, and take the initiative to chase down the despicable dragon enemy.

The enemy wants us to disperse and chase them now!As long as we pursue them impulsively, we will definitely fall into their tricks.

The enemy has been sneaking around and shooting cold arrows, which just shows that their strength is not as good as ours, otherwise they would have surrounded us in one fell swoop and taken the initiative to attack.

What they did was deliberately challenge us, irritate us, and want to spread our formation so that they could attack one by one.

There are mostly infantry on our side. Once dispersed, they will be surrounded by the enemy's cavalry and gradually devoured.

They are cavalry, and their speed is too fast. Our two legs can't catch up with the four legs of the horse. It is the most beneficial way for us to get together and maintain an offensive and defensive battle formation at all times.

Tell the soldiers that as long as they stick to their formation, the Dalong enemy army whose strength is not as good as ours will only dare to sneak attack and dare not take the initiative to attack.

When we arrived in the territory of our country of Rome, the prince immediately mobilized the cavalry from the city of Bulgaria to join us. At that time, it was time for the dragon's enemies to pay their debts in blood.

The small gains and losses in front of you are nothing, you must have a big picture. "

"I got the order, and the general will send the order immediately."

After Huck rode his horse away for a while, a few shrill screams from the battle formation on the south side of the Roman Legion came to Acrylic's ears.

Acrylic glanced towards the south, gritted his teeth and took a few deep breaths of air-conditioning, forcibly suppressing the anger and the faint uneasiness in his heart.

"The messenger, let the trombonist blow the trumpet to order the soldiers of the three armies to maintain the formation and speed up the evacuation."


The trumpets in the Roman legion sounded again after a few cups of tea, and the retreat speed of the Roman soldiers accelerated a lot.

In the snowstorm on the north side of the Roman Legion, Jiang Lei and Ke Yan put down the binoculars with complicated expressions, and looked at each other with frowning eyes.

"Brother Ke, this acrylic is really a character, it seems that it is not as easy to deal with as we imagined!

Under our teasing, he didn't even have the slightest intention to fight back, but accelerated his retreat. "

"Yeah! It's really not simple, but it's reasonable to think about it. He is both a prince and a commander-in-chief of the three armies. There are a few of such high-ranking and powerful figures who are simple.

Now he must be very clear in his heart that in this situation where Xuemu blocked his sight, if he continued to entangle with us, it would be very detrimental to them.

After all, we can rely on the strength of our war horses to retreat with one blow, and their infantry can't catch up with their two legs.

Guess for my brother, this guy must have been planning to wait until the area where there is no wind and snow to obstruct his vision, and settle it with us! "

Jiang Lei sneered twice: "Hmph... the idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

If the bastard, Acrylic, knew that there were tens of thousands of dragons in front of me, he would have tied up his pockets and waited for him to get in!I will definitely stop retreating and have a good fight with us, and then escape to the Roman city from other places.

What a pity!It's not as good as people's calculations, and he is doomed to die.

Because of his impulsive actions, the Roman Kingdom is about to fall into the abyss.

But that's good too, they came to the door by themselves, saving us from racking our brains to find excuses to crusade against the Roman Kingdom in the future.

This battle of acrylic can be regarded as a crooked attack, and it gave us a legitimate reason to be famous in vain.

It's really heaven's evil that can't be tempted, but self-inflicted evil can't live! "

Hearing Jiang Lei's exclamation, Ke Yan showed an auntie smile, pulled the rein of the horse and galloped away.

"The enemy's withdrawal speed has been accelerated, and more flaws will be exposed. Brother Jiang, let the brothers move, and let's see which of our brothers under our command is better in this battle."

"No problem, those who lose, please drink."


Acrylic, who was exhausted, naturally didn't know that before they knew it, their soldiers and horses had become gambling money on the wine table of a group of dragon generals.

As Ke Yan expected, while the soldiers of the Roman Legion accelerated their retreat, more gaps and flaws were exposed.

Under the orders of Ke Yan, Xiong Kaishan, Jiang Lei...their generals, the big dragon archers who had already sharpened their knives rushed again and started hunting the enemy in the snow.

The flickering phoenix feather arrows or wooden feather arrows left the string and shot towards the dense formation of Roman soldiers.

Even with the shield guards protecting the outside, each wave of cold arrows from the dragon soldiers can always take away three or five unlucky Roman soldiers.

Hearing the screams of the soldiers on the left and right, although Yakeli wanted to bite his teeth and swallow it, he still forcibly maintained his calmness as a commander.

He knew very well in his heart that the only way to protect his soldiers was to quickly evacuate from this wind and snow world.

The journey from the border of the Roman Kingdom would have been enough, but the Roman Legion was harassed by [-] dragon cavalry, and it took seven days before they arrived at the border of the Frankish Kingdom.

And the tormenting days of the dragon iron cavalry firing cold arrows for sneak attacks continued for seven days.

During these seven days, the dragon cavalry continued to use the tried-and-tested kite-flying tactic, which caused the morale of tens of thousands of people in the Roman Legion to continue to drop.

It wasn't until around noon on the seventh day that the scouts of the three dragon cavalry rushed to the front of the generals like Keyan, and the destruction of the Roman soldiers by the dragon cavalry stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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