Chapter 2483 Trauma
"I would like to report to all generals, I am here to summon the order of the Governor Yan."

All the generals looked at the first Dalong scout carrying the order flag, and nodded in unison: "Please speak."

"Returning to the generals, now the Huyan Warlord has commanded 130 elite soldiers, and has tied up pockets in a place called Saluogu about [-] miles away from here, waiting for the Romans to enter the encirclement.

The warlord has ordered that the generals command their troops and horses, and pay close attention to the enemy's movements. Once the enemy's evacuation route changes, they will send letters and report at any time. "

After the first scout finished speaking, he waved to the two brothers who were also scouts behind him, and the other two scouts immediately got off their horses, and handed four bamboo cages with golden carvings to Ke Yan and the others.

"Generals, these four golden eagles are already familiar with the environment of Saluogu, as long as you pass on the letter, they will deliver the letter to the Overseer as quickly as possible.

The military situation is urgent, and everything is subject to the golden eagle's biography. People with low ranks will not delay the generals, and will retire first. "

Jiang Lei and Xiong Kaishan got off their horses and took the bamboo cage handed over by the two scouts, nodding solemnly.

"The road ahead is bumpy, the three brothers take care, and we will meet again after joining forces."

"Thank you to the generals for your kind words, and I will resign from the humble position."

"Walk slowly without sending."

The three scouts galloped away, Xiong Kaishan, and Jiang Lei handed the bamboo cage containing the golden carvings to the soldiers beside them, and looked at each other excitedly.

"Finally waited for this day."

"Yeah, it's finally the day. The dream of acrylic is over, and the dream of the Roman Legion is also coming to an end."

"Next, let's discuss how to cooperate with the Huyan Warlord's plan to wipe out the Roman Legion in one fell swoop. We must wipe out [-] enemy troops at the lowest cost."

Xiong Kaishan took the map from his horse and spread it on the ground, and several people immediately surrounded him.

After about an incense stick of time, a group of people stood up with relaxed expressions, nodded at each other and walked towards their respective horses.

"The orderly."


"Order the soldiers of the three armies to stop shooting cold arrows at the Roman legion, and all soldiers and horses wander far away from the enemy five miles away to recharge their batteries, and do not launch another sneak attack on the enemy without an order.

Let the brothers eat and eat, and feed the war horses in batches. As long as the enemy troops do not leave our sight, they will turn a blind eye to them and listen to them. "


After the five thousand dragon cavalry received the order, although they were somewhat puzzled by the generals' intentions, they followed the order and rode their horses away from the exhausted Roman legion.

Five thousand dragon soldiers and horses were far away without a cup of tea, and the observers of the Roman Legion hurried towards the acrylic at the position of the central army.

"Report, His Royal Highness, the big dragon enemy army wandering on both sides of us suddenly went away without warning, and I don't know what conspiracy there is."

Acrylic nodded silently to the observer, frowning and looked towards the wilderness on both sides of his own soldiers and horses.

"The prince saw it, you go back first, and continue to observe the movement of the enemy."

"I have to order, I will resign from my humble position."

Yakeli looked at the big dragon cavalry that was fading away, and looked at his lieutenant general with doubts: "Hasco, what do you think is the reason for the enemy's behavior?
Why did they suddenly stop their sneak attacks on us?

Although it is indeed a good thing for our soldiers to stop their sneak attack, but when things go wrong, there must be monsters. Their abnormal behavior suddenly made me feel a little bit confused. I always feel that they are plotting again What bigger conspiracy. "

Harsco heard Acrylic's full of doubts, and shook his head at Acrylic in a daze.

"Your Highness, the last general will not be able to guess what kind of tricks these sinister and cunning dragon people are playing.

Obviously, as long as we don't have cavalry to assist us for a day, their sneak attacks can continue.

But we still have one day before crossing the Salogu border of the Frankish Kingdom, and it will take at least two days to rush to the city of Bulgaria in the Roman Kingdom to gather cavalry assistance.

They had no reason to suddenly evacuate and go away!
Hiss—could it be that these big dragon people also thought that once we returned to our country, we would definitely summon the cavalry to take bloody revenge on them, so they planned to flee back to the Frankish country now.

After all, the number of their troops has been exposed before our eyes. After returning to our country, it is definitely unwise for them to continue to entangle with us. "

Acrylic was silent for a while, then nodded hesitantly: "It's not impossible, but we still have to be careful.

After all, no one can guarantee that it is not impossible for the despicable Dalong people to arrange a bigger conspiracy against us.

The soldiers and horses of these big dragons are really too insidious. If they dared to confront us three days ago, this prince will definitely recover from them the humiliation he suffered a few days ago.

But they escaped without chivalry, and they didn't dare to fight our army soldiers head-on, hateful, extremely hateful. "

Recalling what happened three days ago, Yakeli trembled with anger, wishing to greet Jiang Lei and the eighteen generations of the great dragon generals' ancestors.

Three days ago, on December 21st of the fourth year of Dalong Taiping.

With the withdrawal of the Roman Legion, the closer to the border of the Frankish country, the snowstorm in the sky became smaller and smaller. On the fourth day, the hazy snowstorm in the wilderness suddenly stopped.

As soon as the wind and snow stopped, the real strength of the dragon cavalry was exposed to the eyes of the Roman legion.

Looking around at the dragon cavalry with no more than [-] troops on both sides, recalling that a few days ago, his side was chased by only [-] dragon soldiers and horses, exhausted like a bereaved dog. The dragon soldiers and horses have their hearts.

Thinking of the humiliation of the previous few days, Yakeli immediately ordered the soldiers of the three armies to prepare for the charge, ready to fight head-on against the five thousand dragon soldiers who had brought them humiliation.

However, when the Roman Legion's battle formation was ready and they were about to charge the enemy troops on both sides, as a few melodious horns echoed on Yuanyuan, the dragon soldiers who had been attacking and assassinating them on both sides The horse suddenly retreated.

In this way, without any warning, they evacuated towards the west on horseback.

How can two legs be an opponent with four legs? When the Roman soldiers chased them for a mile or so and ate a stomach full of smoke and dust, they could only watch helplessly as the figure of five thousand dragon cavalry gradually turned into a small black spot.

Aggrieved, Acrylic had no choice but to order the soldiers of the three armies to continue retreating in the direction of Rome, thinking that after he copied the cannon of the dragon, he would immediately unite with the soldiers and horses of several countries in Egypt. The humiliation suffered was retrieved from the body of Dalong Bingma.

Just as Alec was once again dreaming of the spring and autumn dream, about an hour or so, the five thousand dragon cavalry who had already evacuated and fled came back again from both sides.

The dragon soldiers and horses used bows and arrows, and the strong crossbow covered a wave of arrows on their own soldiers and horses, leaving hundreds of corpses behind, and then shouted again and rode away.

Alec's only thought at the time was to smash the dragon's enemy into thousands of pieces.

But there are only a thousand cavalry in one's own camp. If they are ordered to pursue the enemy, it is tantamount to sending them to die.

As a last resort, Acrylic suppressed his anger again, and after dispatching dozens of routes to investigate the enemy's situation, he ordered the soldiers of the three armies to carefully guard against the enemy's sneak attack again, and speed up their retreat.

God is merciful, and Acrylic's premonition is quite accurate. About an hour or so, five thousand dragon cavalry went back and forth, and they were caught off guard again. He rode his horse and galloped away.

With the strengthening of acrylic guards, the chances of Dalong soldiers and horses' sneak attacks getting smaller and smaller.

But it also left endless trauma to Acrylic's heart.

Recovering from the memory, Acrylic gritted his teeth and said in a gloomy tone as he watched the lieutenant general Hasko beside him.

"Send an order to send another [-] scouts to conduct an all-round investigation in the four directions of east, west, north, south, and if the enemy is found approaching, immediately warn the police."


(End of this chapter)

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