My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2484 Unbelievable

Chapter 2484 Unbelievable

Acrylic was tortured by the various evil deeds of the five thousand dragon soldiers and horses and almost collapsed. It can be said that he is always on guard against another conspiracy by the dragon soldiers and horses.

After the five thousand dragon cavalry made a behavior that puzzled him this time, Acrylic's first thought was that the dragon soldiers and horses wanted to play tricks again, instead of really planning to evacuate.

However, from the time when the sun rose to the sky until the golden black fell to the west, the dragon soldiers and horses did not take any action against their own side again for a whole afternoon, and even no one appeared in front of him.

This completely bewildering behavior made Acrylic completely confused.

Could it be that those despicable dragon soldiers suddenly changed their nature?

Impossible, impossible, definitely not what I thought, otherwise it would be too inconsistent with the character design of the dragon's enemy army.

When the last gleam of the setting sun disappeared, the Roman soldiers began to set up their camps. Acrylic, who was anxious, feared that there would be changes at night, and sent another [-] batches of patrol guards to patrol the surrounding environment to prevent another surprise attack by the dragoons.

The night passed peacefully. When the sun rose and the first ray of light appeared on the horizon, the acrylic with bloodshot eyes got out of the tent and looked around the peaceful and peaceful camp with a puzzled expression.

"Come on."

"His Royal Highness Prince?"

"My prince asks you, did nothing happen overnight? Didn't the Dalong enemy army come to steal the camp with rockets as they did a few days ago?"

"Back to His Royal Highness, nothing happened. Although the scouts reported that the dragon's cavalry had been wandering a few miles away, since the sun went down yesterday, they have never approached our camp within three miles from the beginning to the end."

Acrylic gasped a few times with a ferocious face: "Bastard, what are these dragon soldiers and horses trying to do? What kind of conspiracy are they planning?"

"Your Highness, since we can't guess the enemy's intentions, then let's not guess at all, and we will be able to cross the Saluogu border in half a day.

As long as we are on our territory, we don't have to worry about any plots and tricks these dragon enemy troops want to do.

The general suggested that we should ignore the bewildering behavior of the dragon's enemy army, and immediately break out of the camp after breakfast and continue to retreat until we rush back to our Roman country. "

Acrylic rubbed his brows and fell silent for a moment, then nodded helplessly: "It's the way it is now, Fias, you are right, as long as we return to our own territory, no matter what conspiracy these dragon enemies want to do You don’t have to worry about tricking this prince.”

"The orderly."


"Immediately go and urge the Huotou army to make food as soon as possible, and retreat after eating early."


Acrylic, who really didn't understand the intention of the dragon soldiers and horses, could only passively choose to ignore the behavior of the dragon soldiers and horses, and made withdrawing the troops back to his country as soon as possible the top priority.

After one's own soldiers had finished their breakfast, and when the camp was evacuated, the dragon soldiers and horses had no intention of attacking. Acrylic's tense mind relaxed a little, and he led the soldiers and horses to continue towards the Frankish Kingdom. The country's border Saluo ancient land marched away.

On a high slope three miles away from the Roman Legion, Ke Yan and other dragon generals calmly put down the binoculars in their hands.

"Command, release the golden eagle."


"The orderly."

"Here, the soldiers of the three armies are ordered not to approach the enemy under any circumstances as long as the gunfire from the warlord's side has not ended.

Ordinary artillery shells do not recognize people, and those infantry artillery shells do not recognize people.

If they disobeyed the order and acted without authorization and were accidentally injured, there would be no chance for them to collect the corpse.

Don't give away your own life just to get some minor military exploits. "

"With orders, I will retire at the end."

"Brothers, let's disperse and go back to our own places.

Don't forget what the warlord told you. Once the enemy approaches the border of Saluogu, we will launch a feint attack as quickly as possible. After forcing the enemy to shrink, we will immediately withdraw from the battlefield.

Later, you must restrain the brothers under your command, and tell them again and again that what they are launching is a feint attack, not a real attack, and they must not stray into the bombardment range commanded by Brother Jiang.

You have seen his cannon-firing ability before, but this time he used such a criminal infantry cannon!If this is accidentally injured by a shell, there is no place to regret it. "

"We understand, just be careful with each other."

A group of generals nodded to each other and galloped in all directions.

Around three poles into the sun, the observers of the Roman soldiers ran towards the acrylic again.

"Report, Your Royal Highness, our army is approaching the border of Salogu in the Frankish Kingdom soon, and there are still no traces of the dragon's enemy army around."

Acrylic frowned and looked around: "Fias, what did the scout report say?"

"Returning to His Royal Highness, the content of the scout's report is still the same as before. The enemy army is still wandering several miles away from us, and has no intention of attacking us at all.

There is a sense of turning a blind eye to us, and the general really doesn't understand what they want to do. "

Acrylic nodded thoughtfully, and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Continue to evacuate, no matter what, cross the border and return to our own territory first, let's talk about the rest."

"Yes, the humble job will pass on immediately..."

"It's the big dragon enemy army, the big dragon enemy army is coming again!"

"The dragon enemy army is coming again!"

Before the observer could finish speaking, the other observers suddenly pointed to the fields on the north and south sides and shouted loudly.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the Roman Legion became tense again, and they began to shrink their formation without hesitation and entered a defensive state.

However, something happened that the Roman soldiers didn't know why. The dragoons on both sides had already started to rush over with their bows and arrows. They were about a hundred steps away from the outermost soldiers and horses of their own side, and they randomly released a wave of arrows. Afterwards, it suddenly changed direction, and they all split into two and went back and forth to both sides.

Then the big dragon soldiers and horses on both sides hung far away for a mile and a half and wandered silently, as if launching a second wave of charge at any time.

Acrylic breathed out silently, and looked at the generals around him with complicated eyes.

"What do these big dragons want to do? Is it interesting? Fight and don't fight, attack and don't attack, who can tell this prince what these bastards want to do?"

Harsco and the generals could only look at each other in dismay. They also did not understand the intentions of these enemy troops.

Acrylic took off the kettle and took a swig, glanced at the five thousand enemy soldiers who were eager to try and ready to launch a second wave of rushing at any time, and sighed heavily.

"Don't worry about them, the trumpeter ordered the soldiers of the three armies to maintain a defensive formation and continue to retreat. There are still about three miles to go to the border. As long as we pass these three miles, we don't have to be so aggrieved anymore.

These bastards, after the prince has copied a large number of artillery, he must make these bastards look good.

Go and send the order. "


Amidst the rapid trombone sound, the soldiers and horses of the Roman Legion maintained a dense defensive formation, and slowly withdrew towards the border of Salogu.

And the five thousand dragon cavalry were still wandering around on both sides, showing no intention of leaving.

As the soldiers and horses of the two sides competed secretly, the Roman legion gradually approached the border of Salogu.


"His Royal Highness Prince?"

"Something's wrong? It's been a long time, the scouts ahead should have come back to report the situation?
Why hasn't the prince received any report so far?
Have they already reported it to you? "

"No, the general has been paying close attention to the movement of the enemy troops on both sides, and has not paid attention to the scouts. Didn't those scouts report to you, His Royal Highness?"

"The prince has not received any reports since the morning, and I have been thinking about the enemy forces on both sides just now. It was not until I arrived at the border of Saluogu that the prince suddenly remembered that the scouts who went to explore the road seemed to have been absent. back to..."




There was no warning in front of the dense rumbling sound of artillery, which was a dull roar that all Roman soldiers had never heard.

(End of this chapter)

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