My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 2485 Happy Adult Beauty

Chapter 2485 Happy Adult Beauty
Acrylic and the tens of thousands of Roman soldiers under his command were instinctively attracted by the rumbling gunfire, and stared blankly at the border area of ​​Salogu, not knowing what happened.

When the eyes of the Roman soldiers could vaguely see some small black spots flying towards their side in the sky, the [-] dragoons on both sides who had been eyeing the Roman legion suddenly howled and galloped towards the distance. and go.

"Brothers, run as far as you can. The artillery position is too far away from us. General Jiang doesn't recognize anyone when he fires artillery at this time!"

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly, if you are accidentally injured, you will have no chance to redress your grievances!"

The five thousand dragon soldiers on both sides of the Roman legion were different from the Roman soldiers. They had seen with their own eyes how powerful those infantry cannons were.

When that guy went down with a cannonball, if unfortunately he was bombarded by the shell, and he could leave a whole body, it would be due to his good deeds and the blessings of his ancestors.

Fearing that they would be accidentally injured by the gunner's robe, the five thousand dragon soldiers did not need to be urged by the flag bearer, so they rode desperately and galloped.

The moment the five thousand dragon soldiers and horses galloped away, there was a sudden explosion like a thunderbolt from the blue sky in the phalanx of the Roman legion, one wave after another dense and endless.

The yellow sand was tumbling, the gravel was flying, and more than 20 infantry phalanxes of the Roman Legion were shrouded in smoke and dust in the blink of an eye. The naked eye could hardly tell what was going on inside the smoke and dust.

Acrylic stared at the scene like a sandstorm in front of him with buzzing ears, unable to recover for a long time.

Acrylic only reacted when there were screams from all directions, covered his ears and looked around in horror, but only things within a few steps could barely be seen, except for smoke and dust. .

"Hasco? Huck? Fias? Where are you? Can anyone tell me what happened to this prince?"

After Acrylic's words were asked, no one answered at all, and the surrounding area was filled with uninterrupted explosions and screams.

A few miles away from the smoke and dust, on the ancient border of Saluo, Jiang Lei stopped on the watchtower that had already been built, looking at the sky filled with smoke and dust two miles away, and the command flag in his hand waved several times.

"After the enemy reacts, they will definitely run around.

The order was issued, and after three rapid shots, all the gun barrels were raised by three fingers, and the distance was opened by three steps, and they fired at places where the enemy's personnel were densely populated. "


"General Jiang ordered that after three rapid fires, all gun barrels..."

After receiving Jiang Lei's order, hundreds of gunners under the watchtower continued to operate the artillery beside them in an orderly manner, reloading, firing, and adjusting the cannon body in one go.

On several observation towers in the distance, generals Hu Yanyu and Feng Buer held up binoculars and silently scanned the situation in the smoke and dust. Looking at the smoke and dust in the mirror tube that seemed to cover the sky, the generals silently put down He lifted the binoculars in his hand and sighed.

"My brother, apart from siege, this should be the first time we have used infantry artillery to bombard the enemy's infantry phalanx?"

Feng Buer took a sip of wine from his waist bag, and smiled apologetically at Hu Yanyu who was staring at him with a strange expression: "Grand Governor, the situation is special, let me drink a sip of wine to calm down the shock!

This is indeed the first time we have used infantry artillery against the enemy's dense infantry phalanx. We originally thought that God has good virtues. In addition to attacking and defending solid walls, the original old-fashioned artillery is enough for ordinary two-army battles up.

After all, it can reduce a little killing, and those of us with blood on our hands can also reduce our crimes a little, right?

But these Romans stabbed their knives in the back. It is really not worthy of pity. Using infantry artillery to kill them quickly can make them die more happily, which can be regarded as our good deeds. "

Hu Yanyu nodded with a wry smile: "Although these Roman enemies are not worthy of pity, but looking at the scene in the distance, it is inevitable that I still have some feelings.

With such a dense formation, Brother Jiang went down with three rounds of artillery, and he didn't know how many enemies could survive. "

Feng Buer shrugged casually: "Who knows! The enemy is not a fool, after they react, they will definitely run around.

Once they start to scatter in all directions, it's time for us to work. "

As soon as Feng Buer's words fell, dense figures appeared around the smoke and dust in the distance, running towards all directions.

Hu Yanyu and the others looked at each other, put away the binoculars and walked towards the observation deck silently.

Hu Yanyu took the order flag from the soldiers and waved it heavily at the many generals in front of him: "All generals obey the order."

"I will obey orders."

"After the artillery stopped, you immediately led the soldiers and horses under your command to quickly surround the fleeing enemy army, and no one escaped."

"We take orders."

"Leave immediately and prepare to charge."

"We retire."

A group of generals rushed towards the front of the formation of their respective soldiers and horses. They rode on the horses and kept watching the artillery positions commanded by Jiang Lei, waiting for the sound of the artillery to subside.

The sound of the cannons lasted for about one and a half incense sticks. Jiang Lei looked at the Roman soldiers who were getting more and more scattered in the wilderness in the distance. He knew that it would be a waste of expensive shells to continue firing, so he waved the command flag in his hand. .

"Send the order to stop firing. Blow the horn to signal the rest of Paoze to charge."

"The general has an order to stop firing. Blow the horn to signal the rest of Paoze to charge."

After a while, the roar of all the artillery stopped, and the melodious and heavy sound of the horn suddenly echoed on the yellow sand field.

The generals who had already sharpened their swords and waited for a long time immediately waved the command flags in their hands, and commanded the soldiers and horses under their command to rush forward.

The [-] elite soldiers and horsemen were divided into four groups, showing a tendency to encircle, and wrapped up the Roman soldiers without leaving the slightest retreat.

Seeing this, the [-] dragon cavalry who were wandering a few miles away also rushed over with their swords on their horses, and came to join the Paozhes.

Hu Yanyu glanced at the dozens of tied up Roman soldiers under the stage, raised his arms and yelled.

"Beat the drums to cheer."

"The warlord has an order, beat the drums to cheer."

Dozens of war drums immediately sounded thick and passionate notes, gathering the morale of the dragon soldiers who charged ahead.

The [-] elite soldiers didn't know whether the morale of the Roman soldiers had been hit by the artillery fire. Under the guidance of the flag bearer, they rushed towards the scattered Roman enemy army without hesitation, and swung their weapons directly at the enemy. The Achilles heel of those disgraced enemies.

When the blade of the first vanguard saw blood, a bloody battle kicked off.

When the sun slanted westward, the sound of fighting in the wilderness gradually subsided.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Saluogu border at this time is a purgatory on earth.

Dead bodies and bloodstains have become the only theme on the yellow sand.

"Report, inform the governor that the battle is over, and the remaining enemy troops have all put down their weapons and surrendered."

Hu Yanyu untied the pipe from his waist and handed it to the soldiers. After a while, Hu Yanyu walked forward slowly, puffing out the clouds.

"How many enemy soldiers surrendered?"

"Reporting to the Overseer, there is about 1 people before it can be settled, and the rest of the enemy troops are either seriously injured or killed in battle."

"Well! Go and see!"

"Yes, Overseer please."

"We see the Overseer."

"All free."

"Thank you, Overseer."

Hu Yanyu directly skipped over the densely packed corpses on the ground, and focused on the Roman captives gathered not far away.

"Where is Acrylic, the enemy commander? Is he still alive?"

"Reporting to the Warlord, Acrylic was directly shocked to death by the artillery, but his lieutenant, Harsco, was a little bit desperate, except that his ears were temporarily hard to hear, he was still alive and well!
It's just that there seems to be some... hey... the warlord, you will know it when you see it. "

Hu Yanyu frowned slightly and nodded: "Bring it up."


During the cup of tea, a group of soldiers dragged the ragged and disheveled Hasko to Hu Yanyu and the others.

Harsco stared blankly at the many dragon generals in front of him. When his eyes fell on Jiang Lei, Harsco's eyes suddenly became clear, and he pointed at Jiang Lei with trembling arms and howled loudly. shouted.

"Devils, you are all devils, Allah will punish you, Allah will punish you devils."

Everyone looked at each other with strange expressions, seeing Harsco's crazy appearance and didn't know what to say.

They have seen this kind of situation a lot, and they don't need to think about it to know that the tragic scene after Harsco was bombed by artillery was stimulated.

"Overseer, what should we do with these captives? Should General Ke and General Xiong escort them back to the commander-in-chief to deal with, or should we escort them back to Baghdad King City first?"

Hu Yanyu frowned, looked around at the surrounding generals, stared at the slightly west-sloping sun in their surprised eyes, and fell silent.

The generals looked at Hu Yanyu in confusion, and looked at each other, not knowing what happened to Hu Yanyu.

After about a stick of incense, Hu Yanyu blinked a few times with a complex expression, and squatted silently in front of Hasko.

"Soldiers should be proud to die on the battlefield and return the body shrouded in horse leather. It is a great righteousness to die for the country!

This warlord is the kindest person, and he is more willing to look at the beauty of adults. For the sake of fellow soldiers, I will let you all be loyal to the country and shroud in horse leather. "

Not sure if Harsco could understand what he said, Hu Yanyu got up and stared at the scenery in the sky for a while.

Hu Yanyu looked back at the cannons in the distance and sighed: "These Romans touched things they shouldn't touch. In order to ensure that the secrets of these things will not be spread, these Roman prisoners—the warlord I don't know."

"Lonely smoke in the desert, sunset over the long river. Being buried here is also a great thing in the world!"

"Oh, let's dig a hole!"

(End of this chapter)

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